所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2007-03-30 10:43

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自己对自己的资本负责! speculatist.blogspot.com
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Today is a sunny day! The globle market is pretty good last night. All up~~~~~~~ liupeng   (17 bytes , 1085reads )
ChinaAoil is down to 1.52 just now. ai~~~~ liupeng   (0 bytes , 298reads )
you buy? ghorse   (0 bytes , 241reads )
I q at 1.51 liupeng   (0 bytes , 253reads )
小弟准备趁高出货。安度周末:) 树冷   (0 bytes , 212reads )
投机兄,不出货没钱买啊:( 树冷   (42 bytes , 280reads )
投资也好,投机也好,需要耐心。 speculatist   (960 bytes , 531reads )
支持一下。做任何事情,最后都归结到人性! tangba   (14 bytes , 281reads )
耐心和心态 orez   (268 bytes , 292reads )
顶! noviceme   (0 bytes , 184reads )
受用了,多谢投机兄:) hanami   (0 bytes , 252reads )
hanami是神马意思呢?跟harami差不多? 牛魔王   (0 bytes , 323reads )
who is harami? another guy hanami   (22 bytes , 351reads )
华新的界面我5年都没适应 hanami   (121 bytes , 305reads )
嗯,是啊,nlone的版面比较好的。正宗的BBS版面。 树冷   (29 bytes , 424reads )
我见识短,我觉得只有华新的界面是最舒服的。 Economist   (224 bytes , 277reads )
当初确实不习惯,可是后来想学知识嘛,逼急了啥都行了 noviceme   (0 bytes , 232reads )
原来已经在此潜水五年?不仅佩服你的耐心和水下功力! speculatist   (0 bytes , 240reads )
呵呵, 我以前不是在此版潜水的 hanami   (138 bytes , 303reads )
harami是蜡烛图中一种形状名字,前一杆包含后一杆,像孕妇状。因此此型叫作大肚婆。 牛魔王   (0 bytes , 456reads )
被包含型(或称孕育型harami) 欢乐股市   (163 bytes , 307reads )
厉害啊,佩服啊! 蜡烛图是日本人发明的,难怪有这样的名字. hanami   (20 bytes , 337reads )
牛兄博学多才,果然名不虚传! speculatist   (0 bytes , 242reads )
谢谢了。你说的很对。 树冷   (0 bytes , 265reads )
为什么要走?根据这几天的走法,站稳3200,STI要创新高! speculatist   (0 bytes , 284reads )
Do not worry, after profit taken, will up again! do not forget buy at low price! liupeng   (0 bytes , 272reads )
Up up up~~~~~~~~~~~ liupeng   (18 bytes , 255reads )
今天大家都忙着出货?怎么指数像要跌啊 ghorse   (0 bytes , 219reads )
Down already! liupeng   (0 bytes , 260reads )
me too. Now Q at 1.6 for ChinaAoil. liupeng   (0 bytes , 218reads )
how many lots of this counter you have? 蓝蚂蚁   (0 bytes , 210reads )
Still have 5 more lots that bought at 1.51 liupeng   (52 bytes , 299reads )