所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2007-05-03 20:19

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The Company was established on 12 March 1981 for an unlimited duration. PT Berlian Laju Tanker Tbk ("BLT") is an international liquid cargo shipping company, with a flexible and diversified servicing the chemical, oil and gas sectors, primarily in Asia, the Middle East and Europe. BLT is the largest provider of seaborne transportation of liquid cargoes in Indonesia and one of the largest in the intra-Asian chemical tanker segment, both by tonnage and by number of ships.

As of October 2006, the Company's fleet comprised 58 vessels, carrying organic and inorganic liquid chemicals, edible or vegetable oils (primarily palm oil), crude oil and refined petroleum products, and liquefied gases (liquid petroleum gas and other petrochemical gases) and propylene, ethylene, propane and other petrochemical gases.

The Company has a marketing presence in Bangkok, Beijing, Dubai, Glasgow, Hong Kong, Jakarta, Shanghai, Singapore and Taiwan

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准备买入BerlianLaju 花豹   (856 bytes , 2164reads )
顶上来看看   (33 bytes , 265reads )
此股为标准笨庄,主力被套自救型! 司马长风   (309 bytes , 310reads )
你这个说法不对,此股以后还有暴涨。。。 Novice   (9 bytes , 225reads )
如果主力愿意推到更高才出货套利,也是有可能的阿。 司马长风   (66 bytes , 237reads )
BLT船行12亿元收购 不锈钢化学品液货船行 国产零零漆   (940 bytes , 374reads )
这么精辟的分析,要求给个黑桃啊 司马长风   (0 bytes , 152reads )
豹哥不做anchor了,哪位来? 国产零零漆   (0 bytes , 169reads )
抱歉, 这支股我已经退出了, 原因并不是它不好, 而是因为 花豹   (173 bytes , 504reads )
用Stock Alert,自动邮件或者短信提示。 tangba   (0 bytes , 212reads )
此股今天停牌??? coolsnake   (0 bytes , 184reads )
没有啊? 国产零零漆   (0 bytes , 178reads )
以本人的经验来看,印尼的股票除非是资源股,其他可不必太在意! 昌昊   (6 bytes , 314reads )
豹兄是否肯分析一下半月后这只股的趋势? Milky他爹   (37 bytes , 238reads )
BLT计划耗资5亿美元增添20艘油槽船 奔向小康   (102 bytes , 292reads )
请谨慎   (159 bytes , 445reads )
这个我来解释一下 邓可   (406 bytes , 422reads )
请问如何institutional arbitrage metal   (153 bytes , 459reads )
不同意 xiaohu   (90 bytes , 407reads )
这家公司是不是和STX PO 类似? 奔向小康   (0 bytes , 205reads )
不太建议近期买入,原因如下,如有不对,请高手斧正! invest_sg   (135 bytes , 501reads )
欢迎探讨, 请看我的解释 花豹   (46 bytes , 513reads )
ding banban   (0 bytes , 226reads )
heh,和豹兄讨教一下 invest_sg   (152 bytes , 502reads )
探讨一下。。。 bizlogic   (369 bytes , 316reads )
顶顶。。。长线牛股。周4似有大量,周五却玩萎缩,看来这个庄很有耐性 欢乐股市   (0 bytes , 249reads )
庄当然有耐心了, 四亿的大盘股, 吸货吸了半年, 一旦开涨 花豹   (96 bytes , 429reads )
我也来凑个人气 bizlogic   (150 bytes , 321reads )
DAILY SHARE BUY-BACK NOTICE是什么? forumstart   (51 bytes , 497reads )
不用管什么意思,多数情况为利好 tangba   (8 bytes , 303reads )
请问豹兄,哪里查到他的PER才6.6? 国大   (37 bytes , 315reads )
calculate speculatist   (0 bytes , 196reads )
<<股市资讯>>, 双周刊, 6 S$ 一本, 大的杂志摊点有售, 它采用的数据比较新, 花豹   (120 bytes , 429reads )
The Business Times 上也有p/e吧 adries   (44 bytes , 323reads )
poems每个月寄一本给我. ssc   (41 bytes , 370reads )
我也有,poems每个月只发行一本且是双号的,单号要自买 打天下   (0 bytes , 250reads )
你的这本杂志可以跟POEMS订购吗? 蓝蚂蚁   (0 bytes , 225reads )
Popular, 7/11都有 forumstart   (33 bytes , 256reads )
MRT的报摊都有卖. ssc   (38 bytes , 274reads )
报摊上买的。不必要每期都买,每个reporting season后买次。 牛魔王   (40 bytes , 317reads )
魔王,可以再说详细点吗? coolsnake   (156 bytes , 240reads )
吾觉得3, 6, 9, 12上半个月买比较好。 牛魔王   (0 bytes , 193reads )
很有可能. ssc   (0 bytes , 219reads )
我没有订.是送的. ssc   (0 bytes , 194reads )
想必SSC兄一定是大客户吧!羡慕哦! 蓝蚂蚁   (0 bytes , 193reads )
嘿嘿.. 见笑了.我那点小仓位,都不好意思提了. ssc   (73 bytes , 282reads )
Buy call for Indonesia BerlianJaju. TP: $0.40 ssc   (120 bytes , 387reads )
豹兄人才难得,而且走的是王道,佩服佩服。 xiaohu   (942 bytes , 505reads )
王道也好, 霸道也好, 关键是每个人都要找到最适合自己的赢利模式, 并坚持不渝 花豹   (58 bytes , 374reads )
庄家出手了 ssc   (0 bytes , 227reads )
可以考虑, orez   (32 bytes , 309reads )
吾记得此股股息很好。但他是dual listing,这边价钱是跟着印尼那边的走, 牛魔王   (150 bytes , 427reads )
此一时也, 彼一时, 以前中国的股跟香港的, 现在不是反过来了么 花豹   (145 bytes , 359reads )
准备多少钱入场? coolsnake   (0 bytes , 230reads )
对于好股来说, 不必介意省那点入场费, 现在的价格就很好 花豹   (164 bytes , 481reads )
你对牛王的形容, 我喜欢 banban   (0 bytes , 294reads )
重点关注这只股 coolsnake   (0 bytes , 236reads )