所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2007-05-22 20:04

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大家觉得citibank得home saver loan贷款配套怎么样啊 dudupig   (229 bytes , 1424reads )
可是新加坡人跟我讲那个peg to CPF得也不保险,而且利率太高了, dudupig   (442 bytes , 395reads )
对新加坡人来讲,银行的利率都太高了.HDB的home loan当然是最好的. hanami   (34 bytes , 378reads )
Moral of the story. do not have this kind of loan, speculatist   (46 bytes , 413reads )
能不能具体讲一下不要哪种贷款,我有点confuse呢 dudupig   (73 bytes , 262reads )
POSB那个link to cpf利率的home loan plan..90% of my friends use it. hanami   (51 bytes , 450reads )
我认识的最近买房的也都是拿peg to cpf得,不过 dudupig   (218 bytes , 311reads )
我同事用的是这个,刚开始利率低,很吸引人.. ssc   (229 bytes , 414reads )
便宜莫贪。 xiaohu   (20 bytes , 340reads )
那截至目前是POSB最好吗? forumstart   (0 bytes , 394reads )
POSB总是比较晚加息的. ssc   (0 bytes , 252reads )
在这或者别的坛子里检索一下不就行了? bigmac   (40 bytes , 332reads )
why? any sad story? liupeng   (0 bytes , 245reads )
这个银行成为当今全球第一大行,绝不是靠保守稳健的传统银行作风。 bigmac   (168 bytes , 386reads )