CosmoSteel holding IPO-26cts at 6x it PE Ratio.-- Close day 20 Jun.
所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2007-06-10 00:53  评分:

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It IPO offer of 45 million shares at 26cts is at 6x it's historical price to it earning ratio, represent about 25.5% of CocmaSteel's enlarged share, capital of 176.2 million shares.

IPO will open next Monday, close at noon on 20 June (Wed) and shares are expected to start trading on the mainboard on June 22, 2007 (Fri).
Date Document Type Document(Click to view/download) Document
08/06/2007 Prospectus Cosmosteel Final Prospectus (clean).pdf

1 million shares is offer to public, 44 millions shares is placemennt out.

Underwriter: Westcomb Securities Pte Ltd
Issue Manager: Westcomb Capital Pte Ltd

This offer from Cosmosteel Holdings is launched immediately just after SinGheeHuat ipo offer at 33 cts been very successfully IPO and traded on it 1st trading day.

Now closed at $0.585 cents (a premium of $0.255 cents or a 77% in real premium profit)

Cosmo will also be another SinGheeHuat as non other ipo is on offer..

这个公司主要做offshore and marine 的管道业务的. 只有1M public offer, 可能比 SinGheeHuat 还要热!!!

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CosmoSteel holding IPO-26cts at 6x it PE Ratio.-- Close day 20 Jun. flydell   (1030 bytes , 2161reads )
请问flydell怎样申请IPO,我用的是POEMS, 非常感谢 YoYoMa   (0 bytes , 261reads )
谢谢两位的帮助 YoYoMa   (0 bytes , 215reads )
ipo不是通过broker申请的。 flydell   (91 bytes , 268reads )
在ATM 上申请,你卡里必须有那么多钱,当时就扣的 asdf   (0 bytes , 218reads )