所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2007-06-14 09:57

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可能很多人要失望了:Voluntary Conditional Cash Offer for Sembawang Kimtrans forpc   (274 bytes , 1578reads )
请问是什么意思:是否只在0.7收购?谢谢~ SpaceSurfer   (0 bytes , 304reads )
如果在规定日期前收购少过90%,就是0.7;达到或者超过90%,就是0.8。 xiaohu   (168 bytes , 375reads )
这次算是失败。 speculatist   (818 bytes , 396reads )
这算不算是有人在操纵股市? SSteven   (39 bytes , 382reads )
不算 speculatist   (0 bytes , 212reads )
Tan Chin Hock, Tan Choon Hock是两个人。 xiaohu   (464 bytes , 738reads )
感谢纠正。 speculatist   (0 bytes , 200reads )
从这几个帖子,也是学到很多. 树冷   (93 bytes , 367reads )
以前ACCS出事的那个老板好像也叫神马Victor Tan。 牛魔王   (0 bytes , 295reads )
对啊。简直是shit. speculatist   (0 bytes , 247reads )
昨天打完球回家,看见这文件没吐血。。。 xiaohu   (163 bytes , 336reads )
什么意思? 我是新手, 看不懂, 谁能帮助解释一下 花豹   (70 bytes , 348reads )
the Offeror in fact at the time of annoucement, already have speculatist   (511 bytes , 370reads )
SGX rule requires at lease 20% are held in open market 新股新人   (17 bytes , 261reads )
sorry, should be 10% 新股新人   (887 bytes , 223reads )
thanks for correction speculatist   (0 bytes , 249reads )
CAO 才 14%在open market 吧。 花心大哥   (0 bytes , 259reads )
Thanks for reply. Then I shall sell out imediately. But why people are bid 花豹   (67 bytes , 321reads )
why they are buying there? speculatist   (292 bytes , 267reads )
what about institutions? they cannot sell at once, the price will drop sharply. 新股新人   (0 bytes , 197reads )
你想看看这个公司吗。 micropp   (60 bytes , 296reads )
现股价已是0.76,只开出0.7/0.8(90%)的offer,太..... forpc   (0 bytes , 263reads )
0.7和0.8是啥意思? 不能比我买的低啊! forumstart   (0 bytes , 218reads )
同问,没大看明白是什么意思 superqq   (20 bytes , 244reads )
what a joke. 牛魔王   (131 bytes , 351reads )
别担心,这种事情不是由我们决定的,事实既已如此,还是让我们把目光投入到别的地方吧 halley   (0 bytes , 281reads )