On track for supernormal growth -1
所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2007-06-18 16:12

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Advance SCT
On track for supernormal growth

Our latest visit to Advance SCT (ASCT) indicates that its transformation into an
integrated copper supply chain manager is well on track:

Copper smelter up and running. 80%-owned TTM Industries operate a copper
smelter with production capacity of 60,000MT/year in Port Klang, Malaysia. The
first furnace commenced production of 3mm and 8mm copper coil in Mar 07 and
capacity utilisation hit 80% in Jun 07. The second furnace will ramp up
production in Aug 07 and capacity utilisation is expected to reach 80% in Sep 07
due to experience gained from the first furnace.

Progress at the copper smelting plant was better than anticipated. Advance SCT
is already shipping copper coils to large multinational customers such as Mitsui,
Nanya and Chang Chun, who are major suppliers for copper foil used by the
PCB industry. The company has also secured Tai Sin Electric Cable as a new
customer. Management is confident that TTM Industries will be able to achieve
guaranteed net profit of S$8m for the 12-month period ending Mar 08.


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Advance SCT 涨挺板   (58 bytes , 1033reads )
真是难为情 涨挺板   (41 bytes , 332reads )
涨挺板兄表泄气,这种事情大家都经历过滴 过儿   (0 bytes , 153reads )
不知道牛王还有没有啊,118了。是我做到现在最开心的一支股票啊 过儿   (0 bytes , 176reads )
祝贺你,赚到钱 halley   (0 bytes , 208reads )
这厮冲的这么快,原以为会在105附近折腾一阵. forpc   (0 bytes , 174reads )
顶你 Novice   (18 bytes , 189reads )
哈哈,我顶你才对 过儿   (24 bytes , 175reads )
小弟不敢当阿! Novice   (24 bytes , 170reads )
配股 涨挺板   (150 bytes , 253reads )
是配0.08的Warrant(exercise price0.87)与0.95的placement差别很大的 forpc   (0 bytes , 213reads )
今天跌了035,庄家在洗盘还是出货??? 迷路小书童   (0 bytes , 208reads )
吾今天又加仓了。。 Novice   (22 bytes , 183reads )
应该是洗盘,涨得多,洗得也很,不过0。95左右支撑住了 halley   (0 bytes , 184reads )
请问Halley, 这个洗盘大概会持续多久,会马上回弹吗,谢谢 YoYoMa   (0 bytes , 200reads )
1快左右是其阻力区, halley   (105 bytes , 212reads )
再次多谢 YoYoMa   (0 bytes , 183reads )
我也觉得是洗盘,不过0.95还是被洗出去了,呵呵 山水   (64 bytes , 215reads )
0.95=0.87(exercise price)+0.08(Warrant),力挺 forpc   (0 bytes , 220reads )
forec兄有没有看到何时除权? 山水   (0 bytes , 186reads )
刚Approval,还要等一阵 forpc   (0 bytes , 156reads )
funny 涨挺板   (455 bytes , 279reads )
news 涨挺板   (574 bytes , 271reads )
不知牛兄想不想等到拿WARRANTS? forpc   (0 bytes , 171reads )
Receipt of Approval-in-principle from SGX for rights issue of warrants forpc   (1400 bytes , 391reads )
COPPER AT 5-WEEK HIGH on supply forpc   (4368 bytes , 314reads )
AdvSct明天还会涨吗?是一开盘就杀进去? YoYoMa   (0 bytes , 182reads )
股价距离底部大于15%或更大,你的买入风险相应增加 halley   (0 bytes , 185reads )
多谢提点 YoYoMa   (0 bytes , 197reads )
收在了0.995也算完美 forroom   (0 bytes , 264reads )
DMP & PARTNERS 涨挺板   (136 bytes , 231reads )
uob今天吹捧adv sct,tp $1.5。 牛魔王   (0 bytes , 241reads )
On track for supernormal growth -1 牛魔王   (1071 bytes , 266reads )
牛王,你认为这个目标价格是多少了? 多谢。惭愧,还是不会算这个。 迷路小书童   (0 bytes , 195reads )
我也不知道。本来我早早排在$1卖的,现在撤掉看看。不过$1.5好像也太高了。 牛魔王   (0 bytes , 218reads )
On track for supernormal growth -2 牛魔王   (637 bytes , 252reads )
On track for supernormal growth -3 牛魔王   (918 bytes , 312reads )
报告班长,原文中有欧元的符号,如果带上那个符号,就贴不上来。 牛魔王   (0 bytes , 247reads )
嗯,你看得不错,我是上周五进的,持有把 halley   (0 bytes , 194reads )
AdvSct 涨挺板   (77 bytes , 230reads )
由涨挺板来anchor,此股想不冲也不行了。 牛魔王   (0 bytes , 252reads )
由牛哥anchor, 吾等放心。 Novice   (2 bytes , 161reads )