所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2007-08-09 16:06

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AMSTERDAM (Thomson Financial) - NIBC Bank, a Dutch unlisted merchant bank currently planning an IPO, said that recent turmoil in US sub-prime credit markets has led to a one-off loss of 137 mln eur on its US ABS Investment book in the first half of the year.

The bank said it expects further losses on its ABS Investment book.

NIBC Bank this morning released unscheduled preliminary first-half results.

Net profit attributable to parent shareholders dropped to 3 mln eur, from 190 mln eur in the same period last year. NIBC noted that last year's first-half earnings were notably higher due to the sale of the Harcourt unit.

Profit after tax from continuing operations in the first half was 141 mln eur, from 150 mln eur a year back.

NIBC reiterated that it intends to take 'next steps toward the preparation of its IPO in September'.


Disclaimer: My posts are solely for discussion purposes and it is not trade recommendation.
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