所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2007-09-26 17:17

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1. both are in the booming industry, but the share prices have been fried up too much. currently their PER are both at 20-30x, but still better than their singapore counter parties, i.g. the lady billionaire to be...

2. their business are very sustainable; as you can observe, their orders are consistant and well spread over different regions in china.

3. from their business nature, sino env major in dust, whereas epure is more on wasted water. i personally favor on the wasted water treatment business in terms of market demand nowaday.

4. in the business capability and expansion, epure has beening very actively seeks for M & A opportunities. some MOUs are on the table now. and it started more subsidiaries to ambetiously support a all in one intergration work for this industry. as you can see, they do all the way from treatment to related equipments. thus, i believe this is gonna be a hard-core firm in this industry for years.

5. however, blank sides are still here; epure share has some liquidity problem, you can refer to chart to find out more. but its total common shares are roughly 450mil only after last year's share re-list. but anyway, sino env also no much better: almost all shares are in its CEO hand already.

不过,我多没买. 我不敢拿太多龙筹,所以, 我只拿了一个Midas. if anyone interested in this, we can discuss together.

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