if the reality is same as this article, then fed may have to do even further
所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2007-10-25 10:24

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
action in saving the US credit market. bankcrupt is the NO 1 killer of credit market, without which the banks have no where to go. then overall economy goes nowhere too.

but who spoilt the market? i think is the property developer plus the banks helping to provide easy loan. under this extreme greed, market demands have been pushed to its extreme level, and till it is burst. now, ppl seeing the side effect. at this point in time, who is suffering? surely the buyers, who is the market demand, which is the key of economy. secondly, who is burnt most? the banks definitely, but it is not suffering, as i think, at most, they are simply losing back what they earnt before. lastly, who is happy? property developer. most of them earn the bulk of gold and leave the matter to banks. but this is only the temperory pleasure, as the market demand is gone. so what do they do next? go to hell bah, at least for years to come.

ok, back to fed, or even the govenment, what did they do while the price was hiking? why don't set a price ceiling? just coz economist say price ceiling create inefficience in ecnomony?, surely this is unlikely the reality. thus, the answer is only to accompany the capitalism to exploit the buyers more. haha more they earn, more tax...happy....

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