所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2008-02-26 18:30

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新加坡1月份CPI年增6.6%,創到25年新高 yuyun   (547 bytes , 849reads )
finance minister has been claiming to appreciate S$ to curb inflation, banban   (795 bytes , 304reads )
新加坡更多用汇率对付CPI,很少调利息。现在的问题是,要对付CPI就要 xiaohu   (114 bytes , 419reads )
利息是由市场决定的,目前持续走低,表明游资泛滥。游资涌入房地产, Izumi   (161 bytes , 426reads )
CPI不包括房价和租金吧 丑角   (0 bytes , 248reads )
this method measures the shelter cost in term of expected rental Izumi   (203 bytes , 450reads )
......食品價格+5.8%,住房成本在1月份較去年同期增長11.1%, Izumi   (37 bytes , 301reads )
In line with the international practise, the Singapore CPI does not 丑角   (230 bytes , 316reads )