My computer now does not have chinese input. but
所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2008-04-09 22:21  评分:

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
so sorry to hear that.


As I said before, do not claim you have capture the bottom of a bear market. Trend is very strong. Do not fight with the trend.

Actually Now, I find that Shang Hai A is NOT A POLICY OR NEWS MARKET, as many people believed to.

IT IS NOW VERY STRICTLY FOLLOWING TECHNICAL Camp. many technical analysis work super well in this market...

Remember the 4776 I mentioned when I urged everyone to get out of Shang hai A? It was purely a conclusion from some technical analysis (surely with some inflation concerns)


Enough marketing on my own view now, people pls don't hate me on this. Let's see some solutions if you are trapped.

1. China market is still a developing market, it has huge potential in the long term. (Big hope!)So long term investors, why bother to watch the market everyday? But I never say Book Loss is not a real loss. (You have to write-down if you need liquidity or need to report to any of your investors)

2. Even falling like no tomorrow, it is still a kind of accumulation now. (Note: Now is NOT a new low, so chances are it is still in accumulation!)

3. Bottoming process is a long process, it needs your patience and courage(sometimes). DO NOT WORRY ABOUT THE DAILY UP AND DOWN so much, from the chart, it is doing the necessary work to walk a line to form the bottom.

BOTTOM for a bigger bull market , IS NOT one point, but a long series of up and down, but in a LINE form.

4. What should we do if it makes new low? first, NEVER average down your holding. second, do not watch the market everyday (for long term investors). For short term players, that is the price you have to pay, you choose to play the risky game.

5. If it stays at previous low area for a few days without breakdown?
You can try to accumulate quite some holdings around there, but DO KEEP IN MIND, once new low is there, cut whatever you have build for that play (not entire holdings, but only those positions you build around that level) . If you do not wanna play , just watch. Watch does not cost you any money.

Long craps, but all my suggestions. If your mom does not feel good in trapped positions, you can suggest her sell some whenever there is a rally.(only a portion ho, not entire).

Good luck buddy!

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有点相似。。 watercooler   (443 bytes , 319reads )
分析的很好! flyhighman   (0 bytes , 203reads )
谢谢gooogle的分析 丑角   (0 bytes , 224reads )
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^^,谢谢,昨天电话回去,老妈情绪还行。 丑角   (0 bytes , 243reads )
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