Credit Suisse 行品很差
所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2008-05-05 11:17

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
Property companies may fall after Credit Suisse Group downgraded
the sector in a report today, citing falling home prices. City
Developments Ltd. (CIT SP), the second-largest developer, had its rating
cut to ``underperform.'' Keppel Land Ltd., the third-largest, was
reduced to ``neutral.''

Credit Suisse advised investors to switch from property stocks to
real estate investment trusts such as CapitaMall Trust (CT SP), Frasers
Centrepoint Trust (FCT SP) and CapitaCommercial Trust (CCT SP).

City Developments rose 40 cents, or 3.3 percent, to S$12.50.
Keppel Land fell 6 cents, or 1 percent, to $6.

CapitaMall Trust added 14 cents, or 4 percent, to S$3.62, Frasers
Centrepoint Trust advanced one cent, or 0.8 percent, to S$1.24, and
CapitaCommercial Trust climbed 12 cents, or 5.4 percent, to S$2.36.


爸爸说:"出来混,迟早是要还的。" 我说:"过了明天就没事了。” 妈妈说:"过了三点,就都知道了。" 我又说:"老妈,我都说过好几次了,新加坡是五点收盘。" 妈妈反驳道:"我说的是炒汇,眼光放远点。" 我:"哦......"
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Credit Suisse 行品很差 嘉兽   (902 bytes , 1220reads )
让我们来看看庄家的恶行(典型篇) 嘉兽   (5245 bytes , 653reads )
有个问题啊兽兄 codeplay   (93 bytes , 286reads )
多谢嘉兽兄不吝赐教 冷xin越   (0 bytes , 219reads )
Two thumbs Up !! Tinghaii   (72 bytes , 225reads )
小散开个CFD也成不了大户啊?而且CFD的交易也不会直接影响OBV吧? xiaoniu   (0 bytes , 217reads )
嘉兽对ChinaHongX走势甚是了解 aspernet   (291 bytes , 355reads )
这一说又要不准了 嘉兽   (1486 bytes , 423reads )
好文章,学到不少东西 coolsnake   (49 bytes , 226reads )
这个股票每天用对倒,来降低自己的建仓成本? 不理解! xiaoqiuqiu   (398 bytes , 463reads )
假如你是庄稼 嘉兽   (1004 bytes , 379reads )
人家也是好心三 小土   (26 bytes , 392reads )
投行中我只觉得瑞行的行品比较好一点 aspernet   (12 bytes , 338reads )
特别是在X年X月X日,A某在卷菜兄的鼓励下向Credit Suisse投出简历 aspernet   (54 bytes , 414reads )
同感。 小土   (20 bytes , 279reads )
瑞瑞90%是阿三,不去挺好嘛。 卷心菜   (131 bytes , 351reads )
不过CS的薪水比其他的高许多。 小土   (0 bytes , 277reads )
那看跟谁比了 Merl   (74 bytes , 219reads )
是不是他不看你以前的薪水的? aspernet   (32 bytes , 289reads )
有人介绍你会比较好一点。 嘉兽   (155 bytes , 350reads )
你还在读什么,还没毕业? aspernet   (0 bytes , 221reads )
我的意思是等我master毕业了 嘉兽   (15 bytes , 342reads )
我下个礼拜master读完了 aspernet   (27 bytes , 301reads )