MAS reassures AIA's policyholders
所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2008-09-16 18:24

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The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) on Tuesday stepped in to reassure AIA's policyholders that the insurer has 'sufficient assets in its insurance funds to meet its liabilities to policyholders'.

The assurance came in response to queries from the public on the regulatory requirements which insurance companies have to meet, in particular, AIA Singapore.

The MAS said that as with all insurance companies in Singapore, AIA is required under the Insurance Act to maintain statutory insurance funds, including an investment-linked fund.

These funds are segregated from its head office and other shareholders' funds.

Within these insurance funds, AIA must maintain sufficient assets to meet all its liabilities to policyholders, which include participating policies and investment-linked policies.

The value of these assets is not linked to AIA's or American International Group's financial condition, but like all investments, their value may be affected by general market conditions.

MAS requires all insurance companies in Singapore to manage their investment risks carefully and we are monitoring the situation closely.

The MAS also said it received queries on whether the financial condition of AIG would have an impact on AIA.

The MAS said AIA currently has sufficient assets in its insurance funds to meet its liabilities to policyholders.

'Policyholders should, therefore, not act hastily to terminate their insurance policies with AIA as they may suffer losses from the premature termination and lose the insurance protection they may need. '

Early this week, unconfirmed reports say AIG is scrambling to raise some US$40 billion in additional capital to stave off a downgrade to its financial strength ratings that could, in turn, lead to greater downturn in AIG's fortunes, prompting the concerns in Singapore.

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