所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2009-09-09 23:34

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cash flow statement shows interest expense of 1.218m per quarter (or 5m per annual) versus S$19m (US$13m) 7% convertible bonds as reported in balance sheet. There is no other significant interest-bearing loan. Why is the interest expense so high (at yearly basis, about 25% of CB or 13% of its total liability of 36m )? I must have missed something or there is something wrong with its financial report.

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sky petrol 价值分析 花豹   (417 bytes , 1085reads )
请教豹哥 changel   (438 bytes , 426reads )
中报第十一页提到CB 衍生的利息, 半年约0.46M, 并不算高. 花豹   (854 bytes , 349reads )
谢谢豹哥 changel   (378 bytes , 305reads )
完全同意,已于昨日0.21买入 conjurer   (30 bytes , 302reads )
既然豹兄点拨,那俺也进场支持支持 福福   (0 bytes , 225reads )
多谢豹兄分享!小弟茅塞顿开呀!在大家都想着跟风赚快钱的时候, 新生   (40 bytes , 331reads )
豹哥认为0.20-0.21是理想价位吗?那不是要等调整期间。感觉今天0.225是有点高了。。 bbsg2005   (0 bytes , 230reads )
吾靠,被豹兄这么一点拨,不涨也难啊。。。 aspernet   (0 bytes , 266reads )