文章。Institutional Trading Benchmark
所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2009-09-10 10:59

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
Institutional Trading Benchmark Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP) People often wonder why the trading volume slows so dramatically during the middle of each trading day. The most common explanation for the midday inactivity is that it is lunch time and while it is certainly part of the reason, it is not as though the specialists and market makers all head out to a liquid lunch and forget about their business for the day. Most serious traders I know eat their lunch at their desk so they don’t miss an opportunity and to maintain a better feel for how their positions are trading. Consider a market maker with a day order to buy 1 million shares of a stock for an institutional customer. The market maker cannot just go in and buy the full position in the first two hours of the day and then leave his desk to go play golf. Market makers are evaluated by their customers for the quality of trade execution; did they get a fair price for the customer? The most common method of used to analyze the quality of a trade execution is to compare the price the order was filled to the Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP). The VWAP is calculated by dividing the dollar volume of a stock by the share volume over a given period of time. Simply put, the VWAP is the average price that each share was executed over the period of time being studied. There are several ways to calculate the VWAP in RealTick, the analysis and trading software I use. I prefer VWAP analysis with a moving average, in particular for shorter term day trades on a one day chart of the equity I am trading. The VWAP is considered to be a fair benchmark for comparison of the institutional trade desks ability to execute trades on behalf of the customer. If the brokerage purchases were made at a price less than VWAP then they did a good job for the customer. If the price paid was greater than the VWAP they may lose that customer for future transactional business. The daily VWAP is a number which changes as orders are transacted at varying prices throughout the day. Here is a simple example of how an institutional trader might manually execute an order for the purchase of 1 million shares. Let’s say the stock closed the previous day at $40/share. The morning the broker receives the buy order he may offer 5 or 10,000 shares at 39.90 or lower while simultaneously bidding for shares at a lower price. The first trick this broker may use is to show the full size of the offer while only showing 100 shares bid with a larger number of shares “in reserve” meaning that he may be really bidding for 5000 (or any other number they choose) shares. By showing a larger number of shares for sale and a small amount of demand in the pre-market, the broker may induce weaker holders to sell their shares in fear that there could be a real seller looking to get a head start on their selling that day. This type of activity is pure manipulation and it happens all the time! The one-minute chart of Google Inc (GOOG) shows a declining VWAP for most of this day, showing the sellers dominance. If the buying broker can create a mini panic on the open, it is possible that he may be able to scoop up several hundred thousand shares at a very favorable price early on in the day. The risk, of course, is that another buyer calls his bluff and buys the 10,000 shares that he was showing the market on the offer, which would put the market maker short 10,000 shares of a stock he has to buy 1 million shares of that day. Either one of these scenarios is possible. It is part of the market markers attempt to find, and even motivate by creating fear and triggering stop loss orders, a source of supply so he can begin to fill his purchase order. If the market maker is able to secure liquidity for 600,000 shares of the order before noon then he knows his job of filling the balance of the order in the afternoon will be easier, particularly if his 600,000 was executed at a favorable price relative to the VWAP at that point of the day.


 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
我为什么选择去做经纪人,而不自己做交易。 cpst5000   (1486 bytes , 2712reads )
唉, 沉了吧, 不要再顶上来了。。。 aspernet   (22 bytes , 270reads )
我也看得目瞪口呆。至于说预测,他07、08年看跌 鼎盛水牛   (578 bytes , 477reads )
舌灿如花,恬不知耻的极品。 口水   (0 bytes , 248reads )
哈~我觉得我你嘴巴倒挺会说的 drm   (0 bytes , 209reads )
好了,大家还是讨论股票吧,反正他也退出了 鼎盛水牛   (22 bytes , 323reads )
我的remisier什么优惠都没给我,但我还是在他名下做交易... zhaijj   (296 bytes , 579reads )
你的经纪可能是专门吃佣金的那种,服务当然不一样。如果拿薪水的呢? 潜力股   (0 bytes , 168reads )
其实翟兄,他跟着你的交易已经赚了很多,所以他才对你好,怕你用别的remisier~ yenfong   (25 bytes , 272reads )
我也喜欢垫钱的经纪, 不过我不认识我的经纪 aspernet   (598 bytes , 396reads )
我的经纪不是打电话,而是SMS,通知了你,也不理踩吗? 潜力股   (0 bytes , 162reads )
不理。。。 aspernet   (30 bytes , 191reads )
Contra到期了被他们卖了股票,算不算在信用等级(不良记录)里面呀? 潜力股   (0 bytes , 208reads )
吾靠,a兄的狡猾那是大大滴 picaqiu   (51 bytes , 217reads )
A兄不是用dbsv? lioncity_sg   (58 bytes , 262reads )
对啊, vonline aspernet   (0 bytes , 188reads )
这么好?为什么我就没这么好的运气呢? drm   (105 bytes , 225reads )
还会帮你垫钱啊? vitas   (30 bytes , 247reads )
垫钱已经违法了 ek5000   (0 bytes , 173reads )
好人有好报阿 mkx   (14 bytes , 281reads )
我暂缓在5000处开户.... mkx   (0 bytes , 216reads )
为什么?说说想法。。。。。。。。 潜力股   (0 bytes , 153reads )
小五, 亢叔早教过你做人要厚到, 新家坡这么小 亢牛有悔   (73 bytes , 386reads )
说句心里话:5千还是教了我们不少东西的,对人还是不错,有问题有求教都是 潜力股   (356 bytes , 236reads )
完全同意,5000对于网友的贡献还是有的, sunmoon   (128 bytes , 261reads )
所有该劝的话我都说过了,没有用的,反被他骂了不知道多少回了。比唐霸所遭遇的还过分 芳林   (438 bytes , 398reads )
5000这段时间好像发帖子还算收敛,就是有炒作的嫌疑。毕竟他要拉客户来 sogie   (70 bytes , 355reads )
疯狂的牛市造就很多高手的... 奔向小康   (25 bytes , 283reads )
在狮城网你已经害了许多跟风新手输钱了,到华新你还在拉新手跟风开户。我早说过: 芳林   (1353 bytes , 667reads )
这个有必要出来澄清一下我和芳林的个人过节。 ek5000   (1697 bytes , 507reads )
真没见过你这样颠倒黑白的青年人啊!07年你上狮城网时我早就没有做版主啦! 芳林   (2641 bytes , 528reads )
我不关心你们的过节,我到关住你提到的这支股票... zhaijj   (95 bytes , 402reads )
想不关注都不行,吵了两个版啦,有完没完啦?人都是长着脑袋的。 潜力股   (273 bytes , 233reads )
网络上的东西,只是给我们一个参考,论坛本来就是一个分享交流的平台而已。 潜力股   (321 bytes , 235reads )
昨天的帖了,怎么老纠结这个问题呀-_-!!! drm   (0 bytes , 169reads )
我最初独立买卖这个Adroit股票的始末及基本面分析在此(2007/12): 芳林   (761 bytes , 402reads )
看完了,就是觉得你运气好。 奔向小康   (1 bytes , 235reads )
看了才想起来当时跟过你的贴... zhaijj   (235 bytes , 331reads )
注:我是在本坛跟的贴... zhaijj   (29 bytes , 255reads )
ZHAI大大,是不是真的能翻倍呀? drm   (32 bytes , 193reads )
不太好说呀... lioncity_sg   (54 bytes , 246reads )
07年11月的最高价为是$0.15... zhaijj   (90 bytes , 305reads )
那以现在的情况看,公司有没有倒掉的可能阿? drm   (0 bytes , 134reads )
这可要去请教牛王了... zhaijj   (15 bytes , 236reads )
谢谢ZHAIjj。。A哥觉得呢? drm   (0 bytes , 134reads )
我觉得它没动的时候就不要去碰它, 等它动了再炒也不迟 aspernet   (17 bytes , 206reads )
风险自负,我可不做评论。 ek5000   (0 bytes , 145reads )
要买就一起买呗。。 drm   (34 bytes , 179reads )
好像翟兄这样关注市场的人才可以挣钱 ek5000   (39 bytes , 262reads )
阁下不写春秋屈才了啊。。。 Spring   (0 bytes , 190reads )
作为大姐大应该给别人留点面子... zhaijj   (28 bytes , 337reads )
那下次我也该学学一下,看着新手们将被割韭菜心里却很淡定,甚至见怪不怪嗨嗨一下? 芳林   (356 bytes , 306reads )
芳姐是一片善心,我信你 vitas   (0 bytes , 179reads )
哇~~~原来还有这么一段哦~O_O walktree   (0 bytes , 171reads )
还好偶不是韭菜 :O aspernet   (0 bytes , 181reads )
还好我不是割韭菜的:) 旅程   (0 bytes , 168reads )
无辜的韭菜。。。我爱吃。。。 多买了三五股   (0 bytes , 172reads )
我靠,这么多江湖恩怨 多买了三五股   (190 bytes , 294reads )
我看得目瞪口呆o_o drm   (0 bytes , 174reads )
第一句说的好,玩别人的钱如割韭菜... lioncity_sg   (105 bytes , 299reads )
看过你提款机的贴后,一直想问几个尖锐的问题 lard   (871 bytes , 613reads )
ID被禁止10年?! 回答了你这个问题我就不来了 ek5000   (1211 bytes , 456reads )
没必要赌气不回来,发贴分享经验,大家都受益 lard   (328 bytes , 389reads )
顶这位同学的以上两贴,就事论事,理性平和 nkchen   (86 bytes , 247reads )
正如A某一直提到的, 跟风归根结底不是一种好作风 aspernet   (83 bytes , 286reads )
顺便过问一下A兄的 CPST. Bye. ek5000   (0 bytes , 207reads )
翻倍是迟早的事。。。 aspernet   (4 bytes , 261reads )
文章。Institutional Trading Benchmark ek5000   (4065 bytes , 328reads )
所以咯,我觉得5000兄的帖子都纯属广告贴~ :P walktree   (0 bytes , 170reads )
无利不起早咯 nerraw   (0 bytes , 211reads )
有一个可能性,此人纯属虚构。。。 delay   (0 bytes , 218reads )
支持! vitas   (0 bytes , 173reads )
交易这个东西最大的痛苦莫过于很多时候要自己去体会和琢磨。。。 aspernet   (159 bytes , 452reads )
劝是没用的。心地不纯总有杂念者,别说两三年,两三辈子也没用。 tangba   (64 bytes , 340reads )
受教了, 马云说过一个潜泳论: aspernet   (157 bytes , 384reads )
其实也不然... lioncity_sg   (338 bytes , 245reads )
人生的目的不是成什么大事吧 mkx   (103 bytes , 317reads )
也是有道理。。。反正我只想发财 aspernet   (88 bytes , 308reads )
A兄今年20没有? lioncity_sg   (16 bytes , 211reads )
我觉得A哥大概是.. 阿笨猫   (36 bytes , 207reads )
哈~~把他说的太年轻了吧,,我猜。。。 drm   (11 bytes , 242reads )
不要说的这么直接嘛 aspernet   (26 bytes , 248reads )
装可爱可以~ drm   (0 bytes , 150reads )
算命说的话你也要信。。。 drm   (35 bytes , 274reads )
带的...算命要给钱的... lioncity_sg   (0 bytes , 200reads )
佛曰, 信则灵, 不信则不灵。。。 aspernet   (15 bytes , 230reads )
吾曰,好则信,不好则不信.... lioncity_sg   (23 bytes , 205reads )
经典!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *O* 阿笨猫   (0 bytes , 185reads )
你要是有几个象MKX和我这样的短线玩者... zhaijj   (79 bytes , 433reads )
我的佣金优惠和条件如下 cpst5000   (1146 bytes , 546reads )
唐大版主,本人的本意只是回答翟兄的问题。 多有冒犯请原谅 ek5000   (0 bytes , 181reads )
下次这种情况pm. ek5000   (0 bytes , 179reads )
不要发贴了,给你10年时间,好好做你份内的事情。 tangba   (0 bytes , 273reads )
更正一下。 香港:公司是0.25% cpst5000   (0 bytes , 259reads )
最近考虑作长线了。。。。 mkx   (32 bytes , 374reads )
难道猛兄已拿下了REPUBLIC 的林消化? 亢牛有悔   (0 bytes , 189reads )
85后女生比我预想的费时费力多了 mkx   (20 bytes , 290reads )
话别乱讲,是你老了好不好 drm   (0 bytes , 165reads )
非也非也 mkx   (16 bytes , 229reads )
据说90后更糟糕。。。。据说而已 mkx   (0 bytes , 154reads )
我的经验是女朋友最好不要炒股 至少要分开市场 cpst5000   (52 bytes , 381reads )
我的经验是女朋友最好不要炒股,不管哪里的,:-) 班禅额尔德尼   (0 bytes , 195reads )
请自爆文中说指的"有人“是谁, 谢谢! aspernet   (20 bytes , 281reads )
理论上,欧还是单身 mkx   (0 bytes , 193reads )
实际上呢? aspernet   (8 bytes , 259reads )
attached but available mkx   (0 bytes , 194reads )
按照你一贯的一夫一妻弊端论 aspernet   (15 bytes , 487reads )
我自己一个妻子就好了。。。 mkx   (79 bytes , 275reads )
你们跑题了。 潜力股   (0 bytes , 146reads )
忘了一个最重要的 颈椎不好 cpst5000   (146 bytes , 421reads )
減肥就好了... Jackson   (0 bytes , 148reads )