借问各位炒汇大侠:外汇自动交易每月保证5%以上的利润算good deal吗?
所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2009-09-24 00:09

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借问各位炒汇大侠:外汇自动交易每月保证5%以上的利润算good deal吗? WSMAJAWPS   (0 bytes , 1268reads )
有这么好的事情? 看来我得赶快把房子卖了, 再到银行贷款, 很快就成亿万富翁了! 学生   (0 bytes , 233reads )
理想的状态不代表现实也要考虑除交易以外的风险。。。 WSMAJAWPS   (206 bytes , 354reads )
过去一年Forward testing 的结果 WSMAJAWPS   (79 bytes , 344reads )
你test 4年看看 AXL   (36 bytes , 294reads )
基于十年数据的Backtesting 已经轻松过了07年 WSMAJAWPS   (68 bytes , 353reads )
每月的回报有起有落,但是平均回报好像是可以达到目标的,况且是自动交易哦 WSMAJAWPS   (0 bytes , 347reads )
发消息询问的TX都已一一回复,请查收,谢谢! WSMAJAWPS   (0 bytes , 264reads )
谢谢! 芳林   (4 bytes , 245reads )
W兄可否做一个PPT或者文档来和大家分享你建立自动交易系统的过程 halley   (214 bytes , 358reads )
谢谢,本人资历尚浅,而且只是业余爱好,自认还没到教人的水平,抛砖引玉罢了 :) WSMAJAWPS   (83 bytes , 431reads )
how about the winning rate and risk-return ratio per trade (in terms of pips)?   (0 bytes , 316reads )
你会相信天上会掉馅饼吗?若如此你很快就会使新加坡第一富豪,简直是做梦! yu2004   (50 bytes , 378reads )
天上掉馅饼指的是不劳而获哦,天上也不可能掉下来个自动交易系统哦, 仁兄请淡定 :) WSMAJAWPS   (0 bytes , 308reads )
algo永远都会有extrodinary incident. 所以可用,但是不可迷信 rino5000   (57 bytes , 351reads )
上一波非美调整的时候,市场的微观特点也有变化, rino5000   (64 bytes , 297reads )
过去不能指向未来;玩概率的话,可能风风光光几年,一朝回到解放前 门中木   (0 bytes , 247reads )
曼德福也只敢一年保证10%啊! tangba   (132 bytes , 448reads )
这就是机械化交易的好处! WSMAJAWPS   (317 bytes , 555reads )
so how do you do it..?   (46 bytes , 341reads )
I just use the basic theory of Automatic Control: Closed Loop. :) WSMAJAWPS   (470 bytes , 443reads )
Machine trading is not new thing, it popular in 80s halley   (394 bytes , 406reads )
You got the great point!:) WSMAJAWPS   (756 bytes , 445reads )
cool.... :)   (231 bytes , 330reads )
See inside... WSMAJAWPS   (59 bytes , 395reads )
可以请教一下:你是用什么外汇平台来跑自动交易软件的? 芳林   (192 bytes , 401reads )
我也是用MT4.... WSMAJAWPS   (225 bytes , 457reads )
呵呵!发短信给你了 芳林   (20 bytes , 283reads )
不是炫耀,这还是保守的收益. WSMAJAWPS   (0 bytes , 268reads )
炫耀贴 sogie   (0 bytes , 280reads )
can share a bit how you achieve that? :)   (0 bytes , 221reads )