Sunvic 报告 (Phillip Securities Research) 20110117
所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2011-01-17 19:47

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
Closing Price
Target Price
S$1.07 (+50.7%)

• Trade price of core product holding firm
• Revising our estimates up to factor in tax rebate, higher ASP and cracking plant
• Maintain Buy, increased target price to $1.07
Tax incentive rebates
Sunvic announced that it has gotten approval to utilize the balance of the tax incentive which
was granted to its subsidiary in 2007 and 2008. The tax incentive amounts to RMB123.6
million out of which RMB11.5 million was already refunded in 2008. A further RMB19.3 million
would be refunded for 2010 while the balance of RMB92.8 million would be refunded by the
first half of 2011.
Benefits from mid-cycle expansion
In the tone of our strategist, the economy is in a mid-cycle which favours the basic materials
and capital goods segments. This arises from the general ‘feel-good’ sentiment of business
owners which then leads to investment and business growth. We classify Sunvic under the
basic materials segment which is appropriate as Sunvic provides the basic materials with
wide-ranging applications used in both the consumer and industrial sectors.
Persistently strong trade prices
Industry price for Acrylic Acid (AA) remains firm and checks on a trade website shows that prices for AA in China has steadily increased from July’10 till now.
We have not received permission to reproduce the price information so we can’t plot out a
graphical illustration, however the increases indicate that AA prices rose 11% in 4Q10 over
3Q10 and has remained firm. The prices of propylene, which is the main raw material for
synthesizing AA also increased during the same period, but at a lower rate of 7%.
Cracking plant contributes from 2Q11
The cracking plant will begin commercial production from 2Q11. The cracking plant has a 1
million tonnes refining capacity and will supply Sunvic with almost all of the propylene usage.
The cracking plant will also produce other refined products which will be sold to customers.
As the cracking plant is situated just beside Sunvic’s production facility, this upward
integration will provide cost savings in terms of lower transport and logistics expenses.
Raise our estimates and target price
We are adding in the tax rebates into our FY10E and FY11E estimates and also raising our
average ASP (average selling price) estimates in view of the persistently high trade prices.
Sunvic has a 71.2% effective interest in the cracking plant and we are consolidating the
revenue contribution. We are expecting 4Q10 revenue and net profit to come in at
RMB1,051.3m and RMB160.3m. This will bring full year revenue and net profit to
RMB3,504.5m and RMB 508.2m. We are raising our target price to $1.07, on 6x FY10E

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ai...手贱。cut loss 了。。 树冷   (0 bytes , 359reads )
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还好, 沃西山人   (25 bytes , 375reads )
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跟着学生兄入了些CHINA FIBRETECH, 各位大佬可否评点下这只的走势,谢谢 Elsa   (35 bytes , 374reads )
跟着学生兄买股很好,但恐怕你们的入场点位不同。。。 zhaijj   (84 bytes , 403reads )
收到~多谢翟兄指点! Elsa   (0 bytes , 249reads )
Sunvic 报告 (Phillip Securities Research) 20110117 学生   (2768 bytes , 445reads )
Sunvic 成为我的第二大股了! 学生   (0 bytes , 318reads )
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Sunpower 又走了! 学生   (0 bytes , 238reads )
sunpower触底开始回走了。会成为下一个sunvic么? 茶几   (0 bytes , 237reads )
买了些Yamada. 学生   (0 bytes , 237reads )
工人中午要做Cream of Mushroom Soup, 好像要用到很多蘑菇, 也就买了该股! 学生   (0 bytes , 353reads )
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不明白啊。 yulyu   (149 bytes , 285reads )
泰山从图表上看很弱。。。 zhaijj   (52 bytes , 427reads )
多谢兄台 yulyu   (46 bytes , 259reads )
以我之见短期指数会横排和向下调的可能性会高过向上。 峰峦   (144 bytes , 333reads )
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SinoGrandness 已成为我第二大股! 学生   (0 bytes , 308reads )
是很不错! 0.54! 学生   (0 bytes , 237reads )
Eratat 又加了些! 学生   (0 bytes , 290reads )
再加了些!船要开了! 学生   (0 bytes , 238reads )
经学生兄钦点的股, pearl   (26 bytes , 500reads )
Qingmei 又加了些! 学生   (0 bytes , 314reads )
我的大白象动了! 学生   (0 bytes , 298reads )
学兄乃神人也。 沃西山人   (10 bytes , 374reads )
SinoGrandness S$0.465 学生   (0 bytes , 258reads )
中国神油算不算是啊? 牛魔王   (0 bytes , 383reads )
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倒不是跟他记仇 巴菲特   (61 bytes , 492reads )
嗯,的确没错,如果能有巴老这么高的收益,小小的神油当然不用放在眼里了。 香陵居士   (0 bytes , 307reads )
神马内幕? lioncity_sg   (0 bytes , 379reads )
该出问题的早出了。 遍地是钱啊! 学生   (0 bytes , 313reads )
有问题现在也好藏啊! 学生   (0 bytes , 318reads )
解放军来了吗? sgCSM   (0 bytes , 328reads )
蓝筹股保险, 但上涨有限! 学生   (0 bytes , 342reads )