所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2012-10-21 21:46  更多评分:

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
Starhill月底出财报,我很看好新的wisma和lot 10的贡献,DPU增加的可能性极大。

I am a flirt, I am a player, I am a naughty boy. 2010 Wish List: Hermes Tie, C&J Hand-grade shoes, Hermes Belt
 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
股票投资实记 SeaViewer   (255 bytes , 7167reads )
小回顾 SeaViewer   (305 bytes , 153reads )
回顾 SeaViewer   (234 bytes , 213reads )
Cordlife 回顾 ( 号外 :-) ) SeaViewer   (707 bytes , 192reads )
回顾 SeaViewer   (532 bytes , 297reads )
还是你的研判最准确 smile67   (40 bytes , 152reads )
那支非我推荐,应该是其他人,呵呵。 回顾一下 SeaViewer   (241 bytes , 171reads )
回顾 SeaViewer   (666 bytes , 248reads )
佩服 smile67   (38 bytes , 204reads )
小回顾 SeaViewer   (671 bytes , 215reads )
Cordlife smile67   (136 bytes , 382reads )
你对cordlife的价格预测的神准,佩服! zhaijj   (63 bytes , 167reads )
自卖了它,运气也没这摩旺了。 smile67   (172 bytes , 145reads )
翟大一发话,它就蹭蹭往下掉。。。 shaokunlun   (36 bytes , 142reads )
少侠一卖,它就跌了 Sunnyan   (16 bytes , 125reads )
错了 shaokunlun   (71 bytes , 174reads )
季报不好 smile67   (56 bytes , 183reads )
季报看起来不错啊 shaokunlun   (56 bytes , 171reads )
0.785 卖了2/3 smile67   (0 bytes , 174reads )
卖错了,完全判断错误还不知为什么 smile67   (0 bytes , 158reads )
感同身受, shaokunlun   (129 bytes , 170reads )
大红是哪只 smile67   (0 bytes , 159reads )
见内. shaokunlun   (230 bytes , 184reads )
谢了,不知少侠可遇过上升途中放量下跌再巨量上扬一天反转的?想研究 smile67   (0 bytes , 138reads )
遇到过好几次了,看下面的典型 shaokunlun   (55 bytes , 177reads )
思路 smile67   (229 bytes , 217reads )
清仓在0.89 smile67   (0 bytes , 172reads )
晕倒 AGA   (186 bytes , 211reads )
有钱赚就好... shaokunlun   (108 bytes , 154reads )
有钱赚就好 +1 AGA   (274 bytes , 192reads )
cordlife为啥最近疯涨啊?? Sunnyan   (44 bytes , 161reads )
以5.5M澳元收购印度菲律宾印尼资产 shaokunlun   (403 bytes , 167reads )
cordlife太疯狂了呀!! Sunnyan   (18 bytes , 136reads )
cordlife太疯狂了呀!!一看都涨到1.19了! shaokunlun   (156 bytes , 119reads )
嗯,谢少侠指点! Sunnyan   (152 bytes , 123reads )
现在是资产重估 shaokunlun   (263 bytes , 162reads )
大家都疯狂的话,不就很容易被套住么。。。 Sunnyan   (137 bytes , 579reads )
股票没有疯狂 shaokunlun   (59 bytes , 151reads )
谢谢大侠!! Sunnyan   (0 bytes , 650reads )
我错过了。。。 不觉明厉   (0 bytes , 144reads )
今年第一支翻倍股 shaokunlun   (107 bytes , 279reads )
恭喜了 smile67   (104 bytes , 205reads )
笑兄谦虚了 shaokunlun   (63 bytes , 156reads )
哇~~少大侠可以happy的出国旅游来犒赏下自己 Sunnyan   (112 bytes , 148reads )
羡慕嫉妒恨。。。 不觉明厉   (0 bytes , 131reads )
是的,认真学习了 不觉明厉   (135 bytes , 184reads )
这告诉我们 shaokunlun   (241 bytes , 200reads )
比这些feeling更多的是佩服 不觉明厉   (0 bytes , 170reads )
判断 smile67   (163 bytes , 167reads )
有点时间小回顾一下 SeaViewer   (653 bytes , 267reads )
回顾 SeaViewer   (402 bytes , 226reads )
回顾 SeaViewer   (489 bytes , 277reads )
新年好 SeaViewer   (681 bytes , 194reads )
回顾 SeaViewer   (648 bytes , 346reads )
加注cordlife smile67   (63 bytes , 244reads )
cordlife 也已经走上了革命的康庄大道了。 ColdWar   (8 bytes , 209reads )
cordlife 0.665 +0.04 ColdWar   (19 bytes , 214reads )
在公布业绩后 smile67   (74 bytes , 189reads )
关注此股 Sunnyan   (0 bytes , 187reads )
在公布业绩后 smile67   (74 bytes , 184reads )
回顾 SeaViewer   (298 bytes , 272reads )
一点看法 SeaViewer   (105 bytes , 264reads )
回顾 SeaViewer   (430 bytes , 234reads )
投资金币如何? 有比股票好吗? ulienation   (0 bytes , 170reads )
浅谈一下黄金和股票 SeaViewer   (879 bytes , 227reads )
回顾 SeaViewer   (763 bytes , 220reads )
Buy cordlife at 0.56,支持一下 smile67   (0 bytes , 207reads )
add to 50lot at 0.565 smile67   (0 bytes , 199reads )
最后一笔加了10张0.555 smile67   (0 bytes , 190reads )
先安心拿住 SeaViewer   (98 bytes , 247reads )
我还没看过它的报表 smile67   (196 bytes , 225reads )
都是技术流的。。。 naughtyboy   (0 bytes , 208reads )
cordlife 图标是不错 smile67   (100 bytes , 278reads )
减仓一些cwt, united envrion smile67   (0 bytes , 279reads )
回顾 及 个股MacqIntInfra SeaViewer   (700 bytes , 278reads )
回顾 SeaViewer   (294 bytes , 266reads )
[提示] 该主题违反版规或内容不当已被屏蔽, 如有疑问请去《意见公告版》投诉. jinshan_   (196 bytes , 10reads )
回顾 SeaViewer   (427 bytes , 389reads )
大家要报料就报股票的料,对江湖恩怨不敢兴趣。。。 shaokunlun   (117 bytes , 316reads )
握个手。这个股票至少从报表上看是一只很不错的股票。 SeaViewer   (239 bytes , 230reads )
悄悄启动了 shaokunlun   (21 bytes , 208reads )
是的,技术上还有来来回回的多空交织在目前这个点位。 SeaViewer   (79 bytes , 206reads )
已经破了0.55.... shaokunlun   (22 bytes , 451reads )
是,在试探稍高位及其压力中 SeaViewer   (464 bytes , 189reads )
回顾 SeaViewer   (621 bytes , 291reads )
buy noble & keppel, wait for wilmar & Sem Ind smile67   (20 bytes , 333reads )
keppel是怎么回事?怎么高开这么多啊? 牛魔王   (0 bytes , 200reads )
不知道消息面,在价位( 9.7-10)左右,单从技术面上就有较为明显的中短线吃入点 SeaViewer   (171 bytes , 210reads )
buy wilmar at 3.15 and Sem Ind at 4.76 smile67   (0 bytes , 261reads )
做得很不错啊,在大环境下有自己的判断,趁调整入场。 SeaViewer   (140 bytes , 243reads )
回顾 SeaViewer   (255 bytes , 270reads )
semb Ind 要进军Myanmar了。。。 liveinsg   (0 bytes , 215reads )
简单回顾 SeaViewer   (563 bytes , 295reads )
又开始关注此股中。。。 SeaViewer   (570 bytes , 271reads )
Just saw an annoucement on SGX that a fund had trimmed holdings on ASCENDAS INDI naughtyboy   (0 bytes , 298reads )
如果你是指的是“...Substantial Shareholder's... Cessation of Interest...” SeaViewer   (756 bytes , 274reads )
晕,我虽然刚开始炒股3个月,但不是什么都不知道就进来的。。。 naughtyboy   (104 bytes , 245reads )
不错啊,刚三个月炒股,就直接看公司的报表和公告了,支持一下。。。 SeaViewer   (0 bytes , 244reads )
hmm, ive been working in the finance field for 3 years naughtyboy   (59 bytes , 254reads )
跟对走势,下个几百手,快进快出,一次也能转不少啊 naughtyboy   (0 bytes , 259reads )
Yamada , 买入。风险:龙筹股, SeaViewer   (0 bytes , 275reads )
恭喜你,这个翻倍了! 新手报到   (0 bytes , 188reads )
Yamada green 到今天才翻倍。 SeaViewer   (70 bytes , 222reads )
这个是翻倍再翻倍,必须请客吃饭了,呵呵 新手报到   (0 bytes , 219reads )
No problem :-) 呵呵 SeaViewer   (102 bytes , 168reads )
悲哀, 直到今天远离龙筹依然是市场生存的法则 by 花豹 (Z) shaokunlun   (820 bytes , 335reads )
本坛的几位大佬 shaokunlun   (185 bytes , 373reads )
谢谢。知道你们的切身体会,我也经历过。并声明一下 SeaViewer   (811 bytes , 342reads )
别停呀,请继续分享 naughtyboy   (66 bytes , 296reads )
谢谢你支持,但要对事不对人喔,再谢谢 :-) SeaViewer   (950 bytes , 282reads )
交流学东西最重要,管它什么股,能赚钱就行。 naughtyboy   (156 bytes , 259reads )
彼得林奇的书? GoldBar   (0 bytes , 255reads )
好像是本ETF方面的书。 NicoleNice   (217 bytes , 343reads )
传说中的自报马甲?Peter Lynch是百年出一个的奇才,个人觉得他比巴菲特牛多了。 naughtyboy   (0 bytes , 218reads )
分析一个上次讲的一个股票,有点思想压力 SeaViewer   (1752 bytes , 273reads )
你分析得太复杂了,我就看一点,DPU在减,又没有AEI什么的,不是好事。 naughtyboy   (74 bytes , 272reads )
Starhilll是不错的S-REIT,如果有一些回调,长线就是更好机会了。 SeaViewer   (0 bytes , 288reads )
这股今年才终于开始腾飞,回调的可能性小,除非下个礼拜財报不好 naughtyboy   (0 bytes , 251reads )
忍不住再说两句 shaokunlun   (627 bytes , 295reads )
休息一下先。。。呵呵 SeaViewer   (0 bytes , 193reads )
卖掉HPH @ S$0.985, 先获利了结一下 SeaViewer   (55 bytes , 320reads )
HPH @US$0.845, S$1.025 shaokunlun   (59 bytes , 339reads )
果然盛世产业信托IPO 一结束就冲不动了 shaokunlun   (47 bytes , 263reads )
有实在的交流,大家就更有经验了来完善自己的交易系统了。。。 SeaViewer   (0 bytes , 215reads )
HPH 基本面还是不错,所以一个月多前0.865吃入,而急速上涨,短线利润出来了就走。 SeaViewer   (389 bytes , 251reads )
发现你跟以前的我很像 shaokunlun   (281 bytes , 284reads )
lz could be a master in trading penny stocks, you never know naughtyboy   (0 bytes , 242reads )
Not Likely, She said her holdings were mainly Reits and Business Trust shaokunlun   (63 bytes , 250reads )
谢谢交流,提醒并解释一下 SeaViewer   (663 bytes , 307reads )
这真是个女投资者?讲的比昆仑长老转载的那些破文字有用多了 naughtyboy   (0 bytes , 241reads )
a female penny stock investor? naughtyboy   (143 bytes , 290reads )
赌博心态呗..到金沙赌大小可能胜算要高些.. delay   (0 bytes , 316reads )
持续吃入 First FSL @ 0.121-0.122 SeaViewer   (26 bytes , 248reads )
一些payoff SeaViewer   (89 bytes , 227reads )
小心啊!本人在这支股上吃了不少亏 shaokunlun   (306 bytes , 271reads )
不错,这支股票是有很大风险,但这个价位先小试一下 SeaViewer   (246 bytes , 257reads )
不知道LZ卖完了没有 shaokunlun   (88 bytes , 99reads )
还没有 SeaViewer   (1177 bytes , 156reads )
FSL ( first Ship Lease Trust) SeaViewer   (0 bytes , 270reads )
谢谢提醒,股市是有这么一个 so called "higher got higher, lower got lower&qu SeaViewer   (425 bytes , 294reads )
same price level, p40u is a better pick naughtyboy   (0 bytes , 293reads )
Still own this chip "StarHill" since 2-3 years ago, but not heavily lo SeaViewer   (225 bytes , 272reads )
下个礼拜冲80分 naughtyboy   (0 bytes , 235reads )
谢谢吉言。不过股价不涨也不错,有更多机会买入。 SeaViewer   (127 bytes , 215reads )
high can go higher, low can go lower naughtyboy   (46 bytes , 297reads )
这股股价近年来主要受三哥卢比的影响。他的营业收入一直增加,但卢比跌的不行啊。 牛魔王   (251 bytes , 264reads )
厉害,you hit the point. SeaViewer   (137 bytes , 266reads )