所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2015-04-14 16:12

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 

The MOP is computed from the date of purchase of the flat if the SC flat owners who sublet the flat are the original purchasers. If there was a resale of part-share or transfer of flat ownership, the MOP is computed from the effective date of the resale of part-share/transfer of flat ownership, or the date the owner was included as an authorised occupier of the flat. 



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这种情况有没有可能从银行多拿一些贷款呢? linux001   (228 bytes , 2862reads )
租房啊 纱姿   (102 bytes , 90reads )
我觉得还是不要急。其实现在房价又不涨,可能还会跌一些,租着攒钱吧。说 bigfacecat   (33 bytes , 147reads )
按照规定 银行绝对不可以借超过房子价值80%的贷款 -_-||   (411 bytes , 122reads )
我觉得租整套组屋也不错 CrossSG   (18 bytes , 105reads )
等公民下来就可以买祖屋了,不如签个长期租房的 小叶女贞   (107 bytes , 92reads )
土豪啊... 年收入15w 可以贷款15/12*130 = 160w+啊... 目测远大于楼主存款+15w的4倍 功夫熊猫   (126 bytes , 125reads )
按照坡人的说法 leciel   (48 bytes , 118reads )
90万在北部买个800尺的公寓很容易啊 leciel   (20 bytes , 97reads )
我们打算买80多万的 linux001   (64 bytes , 137reads )
租房吧 呱呱gua   (97 bytes , 121reads )
按这个叙述 leciel   (16 bytes , 101reads )
personal loan 。 DengWei   (362 bytes , 125reads )
多谢多谢 linux001   (76 bytes , 122reads )
在看房前,就应该找你的中介和银行一起谈谈,看你们负担的起的组屋/公寓。 DengWei   (187 bytes , 96reads )
刚刚查了一下 linux001   (87 bytes , 118reads )
购买住宅或者店铺,新加坡银行顶限是最多80%的贷款。 DengWei   (301 bytes , 103reads )
信用卡加起来倒是可以套现几万 linux001   (52 bytes , 123reads )
信用卡也会影响房贷的 凡人   (321 bytes , 133reads )
可以刷信用卡还一部分吗 CrossSG   (44 bytes , 131reads )
找朋友借,给高于3.05%的年利息,或者等公民下来 forever99   (84 bytes , 100reads )