Info from Nextinsight
所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2015-06-09 11:51

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X

TRADING FOR A prolonged period of nearly a year at trailing PE ratios 3-4X, Sino Grandness surprisingly hasn't attracted hordes of investors.

Investors are perhaps waiting on the sidelines for the company to report significant positive progress on two matters -- redemption of its convertible bonds due at the end of this month (June) and the IPO of its beverage subsidiary, Garden Fresh.

Sino Grandness' substantial shareholder from Thailand, however, recently resumed buying Sino Grandness shares, which may signal its understanding that those matters are progressing well.

Last Thursday (June 4), Soleado Holdings bought 447,700 shares at 37.5 cents on average, raising its stake to 9.303%.

In March this year, Soleado had bought 1.59 million shares at 29 cents on average.

These transacted prices are way below the 40.35 cents that Soleado paid for its 9.0% stake in Sino Grandness at the end of 2014 when it took up a placement of new shares.

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刚卖出810000股中华食品, 沃西山人   (74 bytes , 3279reads )
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如何知道? bigmice   (16 bytes , 65reads )
看SGX公告即可, 沃西山人   (16 bytes , 118reads )
谢谢。 bigmice   (46 bytes , 50reads )
Info from Nextinsight hanluno   (1091 bytes , 159reads )
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0.38了 沃西山人   (24 bytes , 99reads )
0.365了 沃西山人   (10 bytes , 106reads )
0.355了。看起来这不是人干的, 沃西山人   (129 bytes , 114reads )
又0.34了, 沃西山人   (10 bytes , 68reads )
持币等待无压力:) kk_sg   (82 bytes , 58reads )
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赶兄说的是。。。 kk_sg   (81 bytes , 69reads )
机器还在卖,只是改了每次的间隔与股数: 沃西山人   (58 bytes , 72reads )
谢谢山人。。。反正。。。 kk_sg   (91 bytes , 71reads )
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山人厉害!今天缺口已填补。。。 kk_sg   (22 bytes , 53reads )
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抱歉, 沃西山人   (12 bytes , 76reads )
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说的好! jovan   (14 bytes , 125reads )