所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2019-05-02 15:27  更多评分:

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Divesting Chevron House to Golden Compass BVI for $1.025b
- The group has commenced alterations and additions, as well as the AEI works on the 24,273 sqm property to be completed before the final completion of the deal.
- The proposed sale is part of efforts to deleverage its gearing, which stood at a hefty 2.55x as at Dec '18.
- Trades at 0.88x P/B.

新加坡中国美国投资讨论群,诚意邀请你进群。150多个专业人士的 熟人股票群。请站内信给我你的微信号。谢谢。
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