所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2020-07-22 00:10

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Retirement Sum Topping-Up Scheme, 55 and above

If your recipient is 55 or above, the amount that he/she can receive is the current Enhanced Retirement Sum (ERS) less Retirement Account (RA) savings. RA savings refer to the cash set aside in the RA (excluding amounts such as interest earned, any government grants received) plus amounts withdrawn such as monthly payouts and payout eligibility age lump sum withdrawal.

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
CPF 退休户头 / CPF LIFE 疑问 苔条麻花   (883 bytes , 7953reads )
如果配偶不工作 CPF 是空的。 苔条麻花   (58 bytes , 19reads )
55岁时,从SA转FRS去RA 油菜花开了   (86 bytes , 24reads )
可以现金 随便转转   (51 bytes , 27reads )
如果55岁时转FRS去RA,65岁时top up RA至ERS 油菜花开了   (51 bytes , 37reads )
自问自答 油菜花开了   (419 bytes , 30reads )
如果活到110岁。把cpf的钱用完了,是不是政府会一直发钱给我到我去世? 南冰   (0 bytes , 32reads )
是的,你活到200岁也照样每月给你钱 沃西山人   (10 bytes , 36reads )
假如55岁到65岁之间走了 油菜花开了   (41 bytes , 56reads )
最好别走 随便转转   (29 bytes , 37reads )
谢谢! 油菜花开了   (10 bytes , 39reads )
我发现 CPF 的算法其实不复杂, 苔条麻花   (274 bytes , 50reads )
所以可以早点充值 小土   (406 bytes , 76reads )
CPF Life其实大概也是4%的利率。 clover_zi   (283 bytes , 39reads )
妈呀 等于是老了之后CPF一个月最多就2000 拉 一点不懂   (22 bytes , 36reads )
那些出租房间 Newtimes   (20 bytes , 22reads )
2000还不够啊? Kitekite   (19 bytes , 19reads )
最高3000好像,我用了计算器计算 凡人   (46 bytes , 20reads )
请教各位的大侠 kusubudo   (79 bytes , 29reads )
那是指RA withdrawal 随便转转   (222 bytes , 32reads )
取钱 addie   (81 bytes , 55reads )
55岁可以取 随便转转   (220 bytes , 28reads )
RA是该存到FRS还是ERS呢? 油菜花开了   (4 bytes , 46reads )
这个很难讲的 随便转转   (537 bytes , 114reads )
算太细反而容易纠结。 苔条麻花   (222 bytes , 42reads )
如果 hattie   (51 bytes , 22reads )
不会 随便转转   (89 bytes , 25reads )
所以大家要规律,科学的运动,合理饮食,养成良好生活习惯,降低疾病风险 NewOriental   (34 bytes , 17reads )
RA withdrawal 苔条麻花   (38 bytes , 26reads )
随便转转   (0 bytes , 22reads )
多谢你的回复 kusubudo   (42 bytes , 24reads )
我快60岁了,可以回答你的大部分问题 沃西山人   (542 bytes , 71reads )
请教六十五岁之后还有sa账户吗 clover_zi   (0 bytes , 65reads )
祝大叔身体健康 永远年轻。 我爱读书   (17 bytes , 30reads )
请问,可不可以这样操作 JSMEDP   (64 bytes , 46reads )
选BRS需房屋抵押 油菜花开了   (39 bytes , 39reads )
同问 vitesse   (272 bytes , 39reads )
了解。看来我想得太美好。 苔条麻花   (0 bytes , 24reads )
55到65这10年,RA里面的钱有利息吗? date123   (0 bytes , 31reads )
有利息的 沃西山人   (26 bytes , 30reads )
随便回答一下 随便转转   (415 bytes , 47reads )
多谢解答。 苔条麻花   (189 bytes , 31reads )
意义嘛 随便转转   (168 bytes , 29reads )
所以多出来的钱还是得靠 OA 来赚钱。 苔条麻花   (75 bytes , 31reads )
55岁后 随便转转   (23 bytes , 31reads )
比如说 苔条麻花   (149 bytes , 28reads )
默认的是转up to FRS 随便转转   (78 bytes , 71reads )
请问退休户头 雷欧   (16 bytes , 31reads )
应该一样 随便转转   (28 bytes , 30reads )
多谢 雷欧   (6 bytes , 25reads )
也对。55 岁不代表退休了。 苔条麻花   (62 bytes , 22reads )
有了 RA 后还有 SA? 苔条麻花   (0 bytes , 25reads )
不排除股神 shaokunlun   (20 bytes , 49reads )
赚再多也没用啊, 苔条麻花   (166 bytes , 61reads )
楼主太天真 shaokunlun   (172 bytes , 32reads )
如果55岁有10万块 shaokunlun   (103 bytes , 46reads )
如果不想折腾的话, 苔条麻花   (186 bytes , 34reads )
CPF有部分利息来自国家预算 shaokunlun   (73 bytes , 49reads )
这不让那个 CPF LIFE 计算器误导了嘛。 苔条麻花   (21 bytes , 17reads )
这是BA讨论需求的问题啊 date123   (14 bytes , 18reads )
活久点就划算了 随便转转   (0 bytes , 30reads )
还有。 苔条麻花   (227 bytes , 51reads )
可以现金top up 随便转转   (274 bytes , 121reads )
帮顶 underwood   (4 bytes , 61reads )
附加问题。 苔条麻花   (32 bytes , 62reads )
CPF 退休户头问题基本搞清楚了, 苔条麻花   (44 bytes , 32reads )