top up 的钱55岁能取出来么? - 不能
Top-up monies will form part of your retirement sum. However, top-up monies in the RA will not be taken into account in computing how much RA savings2 can be withdrawn in cash (for property owners), as well as how much RA savings2 can be used for housing purpose and CPF transfers to spouses.
55岁取不出来,那我从65岁开始领,总能领出来吧 - 不能,除非你活过90
For example, to receive a monthly payout of $1,390 - $1,490, you will need $272,900 in your RA at 65. A much lesser sum of $181,000 is required if you set aside the amount in your RA at 55. This is because CPF interest rates of up to 6% will help you grow your savings through compound interest.
1. 你们使劲往RA里面top up的,是为了传给孩子么?
2. 55岁存181000,从65岁领取每月1490。这样的支出收入比例算高么,保险公司做不到?
55岁存入A, 65到75岁每月领1490,A=73688
55岁存入B, 75到85岁每月领1490,B=53299
55岁存入C, 85到95岁每月领1490,C=20400
就是说55岁存入 (A+B+C)=147387 (
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