How rising prices in China are being felt around the world
所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2021-06-09 15:54  更多评分:

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这个是new yoke times :

As inflation worries circle the globe, Beijing is moving swiftly to protect its factories and workplaces from rising costs ( Some of its anti-inflation tools include subsidies for small businesses to pay for commodities and limits on commodities trading to rein in speculation.

The government is discouraging steel makers and coal producers from raising prices and allowing its currency to rise to a value unseen in years. For now, wholesale prices are increasing, and the measures may just slow the rise instead of stopping it. Those rising prices can already be felt throughout the world.

Prices are up in the U.S. and elsewhere for soybeans, napkins and other products, prompting warnings that a wave of inflation could threaten the global economy. For now, Chinese manufacturers, rather than consumers, are feeling the price increases.

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美国陷入严重通胀,滥印美元的报应来了 功夫熊猫   (35569 bytes , 5317reads )
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但是,我们有 医药法规   (38 bytes , 15reads )
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有一点, Blzrd   (28 bytes , 19reads )
这个真不是 医药法规   (410 bytes , 15reads )
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嗯,有道理, Blzrd   (28 bytes , 8reads )
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噗哈哈,作者中心思想是美国印钱,中国不印钱造成美国通货膨胀。 lioncity_sg   (70 bytes , 20reads )
没什么问题吧。。 笑傲2021   (416 bytes , 14reads )
呃,这就是篇爽文。认真说的话,中国印不印钱和汇率没啥关系 lioncity_sg   (426 bytes , 48reads )
中国印钱和汇率还真有很大关系 笑天   (123 bytes , 19reads )
外汇占款这块应该不能直接算作印钱 lioncity_sg   (325 bytes , 15reads )
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酒精是一级致癌物。。。 你懂得 鸡蛋不涨价才是风向标 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 13reads )
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How rising prices in China are being felt around the world 小花16   (1110 bytes , 11reads )
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你应该没有认真看一下我的观点 嘎哈嘎哈嘎哈   (827 bytes , 25reads )
我们看的是同一篇文章吗?里面有没有说中国赢了贸易战? ewealthness   (2618 bytes , 20reads )
看一篇文可以有我们各自的角度 嘎哈嘎哈嘎哈   (130 bytes , 16reads )
芯片制造业,就算美国,台湾原地踏步,中国也要追20年。 飞行的鱼   (0 bytes , 16reads )
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简单的芯片? taozi71   (40 bytes , 20reads )
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简单的芯片 LesterW   (14 bytes , 19reads )
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说的很有道理。 yyyccc   (98 bytes , 15reads )
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层主数据有问题 我爱我家2   (328 bytes , 15reads )
如果你拿国大南大的数据的话,那国内的数据就应该用清华北大的。 爱吃螃蟹的猫   (0 bytes , 22reads )
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不用北清的数据 医药法规   (52 bytes , 17reads )
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新币与美元挂钩吧? lilybaby2003   (89 bytes , 18reads )
新币据说是跟所有贸易伙伴挂钩 Calicocat   (22 bytes , 14reads )
那是因为以前人民币紧盯美元。 yyyccc   (101 bytes , 18reads )
新币是和一篮子货币挂钩 静静看你装   (36 bytes , 23reads )
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