fundstatement 很聪明
所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2023-11-28 12:37

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Is the Fullerton SGD Cash Fund safe?
While the primary objective of the cash management fund is to achieve a return that is comparable to the SGD savings deposit rate, there is effectively still a chance that there could be a negative return in a single day in some extreme cases.
Investments into the Fullerton Cash Fund are not insured under Singapore Deposit Insurance Corporation Limited (SDIC).
Lastly, the returns of the Fullerton SGD Cash Fund may decline should interest rates start falling, as the bulk of the funds do not lock up the interest rates for more than a month. For example, we have seen that the 10-year return of the fund was just 1.10% per annum as of 31 July 2023.
As such, you may face re-investment risks should interest rates decline and you are not able to find investment opportunities that offer a return that meet your objectives.

Is the Fullerton SGD Cash Fund better than fixed deposit?
Based on the 7-day annualised return of 3.7698% as of 14 September 2023, the Fullerton SGD Cash Fund offers a better return compared to the best 12-month fixed deposit rate of 3.58% per annum in September 2023.
这个是不是用短期和长期比较? 7天比和1年比,除了短暂的窗口以外,1个月,3个月或更长期都不高啊

关于Moomoo的5.8%,underlying是fullerton, 它是把钱都交给fullerton去投资了吗? 多的部分自己不足
还是回报=fullerton 回报+一个固定的比例,应该问题一下
比如 5.8=3.7+2.1, 当 3.7变成 1的时候 回报就是3.1,应该问清楚或者看小字。。。。

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
坡版余额宝Fullerton SGD Cash Fund 大好人   (145 bytes , 1961reads )
MOMO给的利率高,是因为融资客户要付的利率更高 yhtxc   (16 bytes , 11reads )
钱进的Fullerton的托管账户,券商的融资动不到吧 口水   (0 bytes , 8reads )
跟风险相比,回报不够高, 最爱小笼包   (28 bytes , 10reads )
有啥风险呢? 大好人   (10 bytes , 10reads )
从木姐的arkk吃亏后,看到active manage就觉得不靠谱 yhtxc   (36 bytes , 14reads )
用你的话说就是我怀疑有些人的智商是不配保留它的财富的。 大好人   (34 bytes , 12reads )
无脑喷子都喜欢乱说话 大好人   (82 bytes , 12reads )
看了一下这个不是MMF dera   (788 bytes , 15reads )
dera老师喜欢没研究就乱发言 大好人   (1689 bytes , 11reads )
这是money market fund吧? 萧武达   (52 bytes , 9reads )
你认为本币是人民币吧,潜意识还受汇率的影响 大好人   (87 bytes , 8reads )
Portfolio里面的德国,卡塔尔,日本等外国银行的存款是外币 口水   (14 bytes , 11reads )
你看清楚,那些是外国银行新加坡分行 大好人   (101 bytes , 9reads )
唉! 果然钢筋本色,不明白也要拗! 萧武达   (636 bytes , 6reads )
你有病吧!都是新币定期存款会不会看? 大好人   (116 bytes , 8reads )
fundstatement 很聪明 萧武达   (1455 bytes , 7reads )
别跳 -money market fund 你去玩玩就知道 萧武达   (137 bytes , 7reads )
层主会说就多说点 随白色飞翔   (140 bytes , 8reads )
moomoo不知道啊,也许是panzi?- 我猜的 萧武达   (311 bytes , 7reads )
是新币的 随白色飞翔   (69 bytes , 9reads )
新币5.8%可以无脑入啊,呵呵 萧武达   (56 bytes , 10reads )
你没读你自己给的链接吧? 萧武达   (801 bytes , 7reads )
近墨者黑 大好人   (20 bytes , 10reads )
现实中有个普遍现象 萧武达   (281 bytes , 12reads )
它自己的图表,就暴露了问题 萧武达   (319 bytes , 7reads )
新加坡十年利率一直少过1%, 大好人   (76 bytes , 9reads )
你才误解吧,它的benchmarking就是误导啊 萧武达   (136 bytes , 9reads )
长期产品和短期产品都不会看 大好人   (46 bytes , 10reads )
哈哈,你说什么就是什么吧 萧武达   (6 bytes , 13reads )
更安全的-7天通知存款 萧武达   (26 bytes , 8reads )
实在演示 萧武达   (58 bytes , 10reads )
求教 董二千   (22 bytes , 11reads )
就知道有人上钩 大好人   (154 bytes , 10reads )
Dual currency investment吧 大好人   (30 bytes , 9reads )
呵呵。比money market 回报好多了, 玩法基本一样 萧武达   (64 bytes , 10reads )
非黑即白吗 大好人   (44 bytes , 10reads )
问题是money market fund manager 和我一个玩法 萧武达   (275 bytes , 9reads )