just now I wrote half, allow me to complete this post.
所在版块:狮城财经 发贴时间:2024-09-16 13:56

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
“每天争取盈利$1000, 或者20天盈利$20,000, 平均每天盈利$1000,或者一年盈利$25万,平均每天盈利$1000"


就让咱们抛开所有的选股,思辨,逻辑bla bla的环节。好,已经决定买了,直接单刀直入进入交易阶段。小土同学,你可以举两个例子,不需要你实际的买卖,just give me two examples in your mind, one is losing trade, one is winning trade. Let's say we long( assuming two stock have the same volatility or same beta as you have always mentioned)

holding period entry exit (loss for losing trade and profit for winning trade)
losing trade
winning trade

and assume you have 80% of winning rate right? so just throw me some numbers. Again i am not meaning to question you. you may just recall any two of your similar trades and fill in the banks above, assuming that you have proper excel records for all your trades?

for me i may fill in as:

10 seconds, 0.251 0.251 for losing trade (loss on trading fee).
10 seconds, 0.251 0.252 for winning trade.

or another time frame:
3 days, 25 24.5 for losing trade.
3 days, 25 27.2 for winning trade.

or another time frame:
15 days, 50 47 for losing trade
15 days, 50 63 for winning trade

i will not illustrate further for other longer time frame, and assuming there is no position sizing involved. This is just for discussion. So what is in your mind?

系统生成:由于楼层数受限,本帖实际回复的是 pymess 的帖子 “咋能呢。。100万的账户不可能用1%--1万的仓位每天再去搏1%-$100块钱的盈利。”

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
日元是不是可以换成美金新币或者人民币了 小土   (151 bytes , 2154reads )
关键是折腾这些作甚? yhtxc   (91 bytes , 31reads )
你看是不是这么回事? pymess   (1217 bytes , 28reads )
好玩啊 小土   (10 bytes , 32reads )
我滴个神啊 多此一举   (26 bytes , 33reads )
好像是美元跌了 小土   (12 bytes , 28reads )
我不玩杠杆 小土   (84 bytes , 20reads )
A股从一开始成立,其目的就不是给投资者带来回报 yhtxc   (211 bytes , 23reads )
有那么多优质美股 pillarcate   (23 bytes , 40reads )
无奈啊 小土   (379 bytes , 25reads )
我换了哈哈哈 小土   (33 bytes , 23reads )
每天500美元 多此一举   (55 bytes , 20reads )
500 可能有点小吧 小土   (72 bytes , 14reads )
你是大老板 多此一举   (92 bytes , 18reads )
离岸人民币 小土   (0 bytes , 22reads )
boc是中国银行? 多此一举   (11 bytes , 31reads )
b a c 小土   (96 bytes , 28reads )
我也以为你在说BOC, 所以才扯了高股息的蛋。。。 pymess   (0 bytes , 27reads )
我现在看好大A的唯一方向 多此一举   (135 bytes , 32reads )
水比较深 小土   (226 bytes , 18reads )
A股就不要想了 yhtxc   (76 bytes , 23reads )
没错 多此一举   (39 bytes , 32reads )
过去的三年因为疫情和贸易战, pymess   (716 bytes , 33reads )
A 是近几年开始看的 小土   (337 bytes , 30reads )
中国A股你账户也能日结吗?中国不能T+0啊。。 pymess   (1116 bytes , 30reads )
多谢分享 小土   (410 bytes , 32reads )
1% 是啥定义? pymess   (337 bytes , 19reads )
取决于风险边际 小土   (265 bytes , 12reads )
这个完全不明白了 多此一举   (69 bytes , 19reads )
你有兴趣可以参考 小土   (227 bytes , 23reads )
哈 我这么笨 小土   (147 bytes , 12reads )
比如 小土   (391 bytes , 15reads )
大宗价格走势,汇率走势,行业指数走势,全球市场表现,债市(利率)走势, pymess   (519 bytes , 15reads )
是的 小土   (37 bytes , 15reads )
什么也不投 小土   (328 bytes , 14reads )
还有一个很重要的一点啊。。 pymess   (403 bytes , 20reads )
你可以试试看 小土   (186 bytes , 15reads )
ya, exactly. 这完全没有对错的问题。 pymess   (765 bytes , 19reads )
卖早了是常有的事情 小土   (169 bytes , 17reads )
同一只个股 小土   (699 bytes , 16reads )
Now i get it 小土   (428 bytes , 23reads )
wow, you type a lot. thank you. although pymess   (1198 bytes , 33reads )
我刚才的回答 小土   (788 bytes , 39reads )
我到没有这样找 小土   (474 bytes , 34reads )
有一个我一定会看 小土   (234 bytes , 33reads )
但我也没问 小土   (260 bytes , 33reads )
但也不是等着吃饭的钱 小土   (302 bytes , 34reads )
所以价格不是很相关 小土   (199 bytes , 33reads )
比如双倍bitx 小土   (901 bytes , 33reads )
我听说 小土   (551 bytes , 35reads )
的确 小土   (765 bytes , 32reads )
just now I wrote half, allow me to complete this post. pymess   (1786 bytes , 19reads )
交易不是某一笔交易赚了多少钱或者赔了多少钱。 pymess   (432 bytes , 22reads )
咋能呢。。100万的账户不可能用1%--1万的仓位每天再去搏1%-$100块钱的盈利。 pymess   (588 bytes , 22reads )
嗯嗯 小土   (1537 bytes , 21reads )
你理解的可能是满仓100万的1%,人家说的可能是交易1万的1% 大好人   (172 bytes , 20reads )
我想可能是我读你写的东西遗漏了什么, pymess   (737 bytes , 24reads )
有啊 小土   (131 bytes , 19reads )
我偶尔做一下大宗 小土   (226 bytes , 18reads )
咱如果说股市的话。 pymess   (324 bytes , 10reads )
大大大的“不同”, sorry typo err pymess   (0 bytes , 21reads )
的确 小土   (85 bytes , 27reads )
谢谢 小土   (928 bytes , 27reads )
还早 多此一举   (44 bytes , 18reads )
时间再长 小土   (149 bytes , 18reads )
交易的胜率取决于掌握正确信息的数量 多此一举   (158 bytes , 28reads )
的确 小土   (382 bytes , 27reads )
短线交易像投票 多此一举   (159 bytes , 25reads )
英伟达以前就不cut 小土   (156 bytes , 27reads )