25个最令人失望的游戏..... Number 24
所在版块:技术の宅 发贴时间:2003-10-05 18:30  评分:

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这游戏就是当年各大媒体吹得神乎其神的[Black and White](黑与白). 你在游戏里是一个Deity(神), 管辖一个有不少村民和生物的小岛. 在推出之前保证的"整个岛的运作,信仰和面貌都将由玩家一笔一笔地塑造出来", 事实上并没有在游戏推出后实现. 我们拿到手中的是一个

1. 操作复杂
2. 深度明显不足
3. 缺乏整体感
4. Bug满天飞

的游戏. 我个人的看法是, 虽然这个游戏的点子很好, 但实现(Implementation)的过程和初衷实在是离的太远了. 这也给我们想做游戏的朋友敲敲警钟..

"You can't just go out make the next Starcraft tomorrow" (Source unknown)
下面附上Gamespy 原文

Okay, we'll admit it. We were as caught up in the hype as everyone else. Our review called Black & White "one of the most unique -- and enjoyable -- strategy games we've seen this year." We were as enthralled by the creation of the game as anyone else. We posted nearly a dozen developer diaries over the course of the game's development. Charismatic designer Peter Molyneux (Populous, Dungeon Keeper) won gamers over with the promise of an amazing game experience where you could play God, interacting with your people and (most intriguing) training an enormous creature to represent you.

The screenshots were beautiful, the giant creatures were charismatic, the premise was golden, and the technology (which allowed you to look at the whole world and then zoom ALL the way in to see a single worm wriggling in an apple) never ceased to amaze. So you can't really blame the hype for getting out of hand. The gaming world fell in love with the idea, and embraced the game with open arms when it came out.

This could be one of the Ninja Turtle's ancestors.There was trouble in paradise, though. While it was a brilliant high concept, the core game was lacking. There was no way to really interact with your townspeople, short of giving them tons of resources (or hurling them about). Controls were unintuitive. Your creature was remarkably shallow, with only limited interaction. You might be the nicest deity in the world and end up with an evil animal, with no real clear understanding of how the critter got that way. Moreover, half of the game's five levels crippled or removed your creature in some way, removing the most interesting part of the game. And bugs were rampant: Some missions didn't work, and it was possible for your animal to get permanently cursed.

Yet, despite these problems, the idea was so strong that the hype continued. Here at GameSpy it still got a great review score, despite the problems. Fans embraced it. Black & White was an event that should have been a non-event. Sometimes, though, people want to love a game so badly that its reputation runs away with itself.


War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.
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25个最令人失望的游戏..... Number 24 SmellsLikeTeenSpirit   (2993 bytes , 865reads )
都没玩过?? 好象是2001年的游戏 SmellsLikeTeenSpirit   (0 bytes , 238reads )
没玩过,不过很早就知道了。 珊姗   (38 bytes , 267reads )