所在版块:技术の宅 发贴时间:2003-11-19 22:17

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where to fuck girls? geylang? -_-|||


3。最后结尾竟然是johnny D 在德国打英国的那场经典之战的手枪局。。我大汗。


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在一个新加坡的csmtv看到dirtyfish了 爱你痛到不知痛   (8 bytes , 998reads )
果然是我...再汗颜一个...... dirtYfish   (728 bytes , 484reads )
以前常在sgwargamers 和 starhub 玩 天下   (247 bytes , 300reads )
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呵呵,认错人了...... dirtYfish   (27 bytes , 207reads )
dun compare to alex,,u r one of the few top ppl banban   (68 bytes , 353reads )
http://www.sgcstrike.com/news.php 爱你痛到不知痛   (16 bytes , 310reads )
汗颜...... dirtYfish   (373 bytes , 341reads )
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多谢抬举多谢抬举..... dirtYfish   (46 bytes , 211reads )
哪里有下,我想下来看看。 FKL   (0 bytes , 180reads )
这个mtv的几个看点。。。 猪子酱*猫   (376 bytes , 281reads )
hahah,,,then i think, only BonD, Ultra can do well banban   (0 bytes , 212reads )
me also can:p 爱你痛到不知痛   (0 bytes , 242reads )
in fact, i reply wrongly, i mean these two players banban   (79 bytes , 248reads )
确定吗? FKL   (0 bytes , 207reads )
好鬼确定 爱你痛到不知痛   (0 bytes , 227reads )
who r u? i saw u play stream 1.6 in local server? banban   (15 bytes , 288reads )
我是dirtyfish一伙的。 FKL   (137 bytes , 238reads )
i got many nick: ban, headshot, lol... banban   (0 bytes , 218reads )