C++ Guru, please help me....
所在版块:技术の宅 发贴时间:2004-06-09 12:50

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I am doing a simulation using C++ (console application)
In the simulation, connection requests arrive following a poisson process.
I need generate connection requests and handle these requests.
Each time a request is generated, the request will be passed to a function for handling.

My problem is:
If a request was generated at time T1 , how to trigger a function at T1+T2 ? (T2 is a time instance and is poisson distributed).

"time" function can be used to get the current system time, then how to trigger a function at another time instance? What key C++ functions could be used?

I know how to handle this problem in WFC and Platform SDK since WM_TIMER messege is available.

Thank you very much!!!

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C++ Guru, please help me.... 11:05pm   (710 bytes , 575reads )
it's nothing with c++... hula   (219 bytes , 605reads )
Yeah!我也突然想起来了。谢谢哈。 11:05pm   (1 bytes , 350reads )