CS4213 - Game Development
所在版块:技术の宅 发贴时间:2004-07-12 20:42  评分:

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This module introduces techniques & workflows for modern electronic game design and programming. The course provides a good mix of theory & practice. The aim is not to spew out algorithms that are mugged and forgotten after exams... but to develop an appreciation for the underlying theory through practical gaming examples and student-implemented game projects.

The student should gain the following from this module:

Have a broad understanding of gaming technology & design
Have development experience in some of the latest gaming API & engines (e.g. DirectX, OpenGL, Flash, Fly3D)
Have a valuable springboard in content creation technologies (e.g. Maya, Photoshop)
Experience independent learning while implementing the game project


War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.
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CS4213 - Game Development SmellsLikeTeenSpirit   (857 bytes , 911reads )
但是好像soc一般不offer。 born_in_china   (24 bytes , 328reads )
这个学期开课了 SmellsLikeTeenSpirit   (0 bytes , 310reads )
亏呀! born_in_china   (29 bytes , 311reads )