grade down/up details->
所在版块:技术の宅 发贴时间:2005-01-21 19:33  评分:

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CPU -> P4 2.4C
MEM -> DDR 400 512*2 (autocad need good memory)
MB - > change to any 865PE chipset
DVD -> 8x or 4x DVD Writer without DL
Graphic -> nvdia5700 (autocad need good graphic)

should save u a lot :D

Ping MM: Request Time Out
Ping Money: Destination Unreachable
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Ping Future: Reply From Hell: 0bytes time=0ms TTL=1
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need advice IU   (533 bytes , 831reads )
thanks for all the help. should be able to save some money for CNY. IU   (0 bytes , 315reads )
grade down/up details-> Kula   (209 bytes , 264reads )
choose i865 chipset rather than i915 chipset saves you around $100 逃课专家   (169 bytes , 269reads )
slower CPU and slower burner with no dual-layer write SmellsLikeTeenSpirit   (14 bytes , 308reads )