suggest you not to buy..
所在版块:技术の宅 发贴时间:2005-04-20 20:43  评分:

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
I bought one in China half a year ago for 700 rmb.
I believe the price should be much lower now as 40G is not popular anymore.
Holiday is coming, you can buy in china or ask your friend to buy for you.

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外置usb硬盘 加州铝罐   (99 bytes , 333reads )
现在三星的40G笔记本硬盘,估计110左右, 我几个月前买是120   (28 bytes , 163reads )
suggest you not to buy.. KKT   (201 bytes , 247reads )
Thanks. :) 加州铝罐   (0 bytes , 139reads )