Thank you so much for your recent order. We’re sad to say though that we have some bad news. Reincarnate, despite only recently being reintroduced to Retro, has had to be discontinued. We are no longer able to source white Henna, which is a key ingredient in the manufacture of this product.
We’re not sure how long it will take us to find this ingredient – our buying team are working on finding a new, reliable supplier for this ingredient. Until then, we’ve had to remove it from our website and suspend it from sale.
We’ve cancelled this item from your order and given you a full refund for it for now. If you’ve used Reincarnate before and need a suitable alternative, then might we suggest any of our other solid shampoo bars to cleanse and condition your hair – and something like Jasmine and Henna Fluff-Ease treatment to give your hair bounce and shine. Please let us know if there’s anything else we can do to help and please accept our apologies for any disappointment.