刚在Singapore Mootherhood forum上看到一个团购召唤贴的规则,觉得我们可以借鉴
所在版块:我爱团购 发贴时间:2011-02-16 10:41

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
容我先扯点别的:要买kate spade的mm以后不用愁该网站不收新加坡信用卡了,singapore motherhood forum有很多local mm长期组织团购。这个还是我同事告诉我的,她都通过团购买了很多次了。这两天kate spade sample sale我去看有没有人组团,这才看到了他们的团购规则。觉得里面的条款很详细,我们可以借鉴。




spree site

exchange rate
1:1.36 (will adjust only if sharp fluctuations, otherwise fixed) - NO Concierge Charges

domestic shipping
FOC (will advise if otherwise)

international shipping
- DIRECT from US (using USPS); pls advise if you would like the stuffings (if any) to remain in your bags.
- actual weight will be used (unless your item is very bulky in which case, will take up more space and will incur more shipping charges)

international shipping charges on average based on previous sprees (shared)
1) for wallets/small items (e.g. jewellery)/small leather goods - less than S$10
2) small bags (e.g. small clutches) - S$10 - S$20
3) medium bags - S$20 - S$30
4) large bags (e.g. leather/baby bags) - above S$30

collection pts
- my place @ xx; daily before 8pm/timing to be pre-arranged
- my parent's place @ xx; also before 8pm daily/timing to be pre-arranged
- valley point starbucks on every tues morning, 9am
- town areas e.g. orchard, cityhall, etc (availability not guaranteed - but if available will only be weekdays afternoons, actual timing depends on my appts)
- postage for small items (registered mail is preferred to prevent disputes)
- courier service for bigger items (S$4 and above for first kg and S$1 per kg subsequently)

other t&cs - PLS READ!
- LIMITED slots available; orders will be placed according to first paid basis
- NO PAYMENT; NO ORDER! I hate chasing people for payments.
- multiple batches of orders will be placed to avoid GST as far as possible. however, for expensive items above USD200 (e.g. shoes, handbags) & bulky items (due to volumetric weight calculations), pls be prepared to pay GST.
- pls be prepared to wait 4 - 6 weeks for delivery.
- i will place PAID orders as they come in to prevent OOS situations.
- pls keep thread as neat as possible and use the format indicated below.
- any updates on the exchange rate & shipping charges will be posted on the thread.
- pls check thread for updates instead of emailing (you can bookmark the thread for easy retrieval). I WILL UPDATE THE THREAD ONLY!
- i am NOT responsible for items shipped wrongly by merchant or lost in transit as i always double check before placing order. i will provide order confirmation email for verification if necessary.
- orders once placed CANNOT be amended nor cancelled.
- items will be stored maximum for one month unless prior arrangements have been made; afterwhich, they will be disposed off according to my discretion.
- refunds due (if any) will be done via cash deposit at the bank branches and/or interbank FT within 3 working days upon collection.

e.g. of order format: - pls adhere to this!
nick: xx
email: (can be sent ptely via email)
contact #: (MUST be sent ptely via email to allow me to contact u in emergencies)

item #1
name: larabee dot coin purse
url: http://www.katespade.com/product/index.jsp?productId=10776293&cp=4335762.2065600
color: firengnrd
size: -
price: $50
if OOS, replace/drop : drop

total: 1 item
order total : $50 * 1.36 = S$68 (pls round UP to the nearest 2 decimals)

priority will be given to those who have my bank details or who are due a refund from previous sprees. pls proceed to do the FT as soon as you've posted your orders here - DO NOT WAIT FOR MY CONFIRMATION!

pls do FT as soon as you have my a/c details so that we don't hold up other people's order as items do go OOS VERY FAST.

Pls DO NOT post my a/c details on the thread.

If you are unable to post here, pls email me (xx@xx) instead of using PM (as it is not very stable).


 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
团长的心声 (我说话很难听,不喜欢的绕道走) crabtree   (2147 bytes , 4829reads )
看这个楼看得好感动啊 车辚辚   (0 bytes , 185reads )
来晚了,支持一下nana,真的太辛苦了 linda1113   (699 bytes , 238reads )
支持团长,我团购过几次,东西好多,团长整理的好辛苦啊。 滕家的媛媛   (0 bytes , 181reads )
姐妹们,对不起了。。 SiHong   (311 bytes , 415reads )
技术部的神兽们在行动~ 誓让团长开团以及团员跟团简便化 功夫熊猫   (142 bytes , 320reads )
精神上大力支持。真的爬楼 嘿嘿,你也真的需要 crabtree   (0 bytes , 197reads )
赞~我们家的一只小老鼠也闺名“神兽” akito   (0 bytes , 236reads )
我也觉得当团长很辛苦 sunn_cici   (74 bytes , 223reads )
支持NANA,支持团长们,全是实话,一点都不难听!! xiaozhu79   (1148 bytes , 313reads )
纯八卦+捣乱:此处省略266个字,266字是什么呀!XD 塑料玫瑰   (0 bytes , 204reads )
我也跟过小猪的淘宝团,当时买的坐垫到现在还用着呢,一转眼已经过去一年多了 EchoXu   (0 bytes , 187reads )
就是因为跟了小猪的淘宝团才认识了可爱的小猪, su_su   (84 bytes , 266reads )
哈哈哈,当然记得,MUAMUA,我也想你!! xiaozhu79   (0 bytes , 270reads )
小猪最近忙什么呀也不来看我们了。。 草莓果乐   (0 bytes , 230reads )
这个格式太闹眼了,我对不住大家!!呜呜呜! xiaozhu79   (0 bytes , 192reads )
没当过团长的人说几句吧,欢迎拍转。。。 gbs_lv   (1211 bytes , 637reads )
非常感激无私的华新团长们 头大   (997 bytes , 412reads )
多亏nana 不然我都拿不过去 本来也喊了yanzhi美女帮忙的 ssstory   (59 bytes , 259reads )
头大mm,是不是那个英国眼膜的团啊,那个简直是史上最艰难的一次啦~~ value512   (68 bytes , 301reads )
那团,头大MM真的被折磨的头都大了!! xiaozhu79   (0 bytes , 220reads )
抓住,啃! 武汉伢   (0 bytes , 195reads )
哈哈,所以我们还是做乖乖董事的团员就好了阿。。。阿。。。。 头大   (0 bytes , 239reads )
支持团长! 布瓜   (206 bytes , 231reads )
支持nana 叫我石榴   (388 bytes , 367reads )
哈哈 两个herbal collection就够沉吧 ssstory   (0 bytes , 284reads )
嗯支持Nana,ssstory mm也是大好人~还要谢谢沁馨抹茶mm~~ MinoMino   (439 bytes , 257reads )
hohoho,你以后叫我“石榴“就行啦 叫我石榴   (79 bytes , 243reads )
沉,你怎末把这些拿到分货点的,团长们都是强人 叫我石榴   (0 bytes , 251reads )
大箱子加书包加好几个袋子 nana牺牲了看电影计划送我过去的 ssstory   (0 bytes , 288reads )
支持nana团长,我也刚想上来说这个事情~ yanzhi   (1316 bytes , 367reads )
一点都不难听,支持NANA! 米小米   (890 bytes , 304reads )
一点都不难听~ 团长粉辛苦的,团子们都应该完全体谅 ada_ada   (0 bytes , 216reads )
做团长确实辛苦,费时费力。团长MM消消气,团员们都能理解的。 vv0s   (0 bytes , 188reads )
YOUYIGE 叫我石榴   (0 bytes , 281reads )
想到个联系大家的方法 叫我石榴   (119 bytes , 315reads )
刚在Singapore Mootherhood forum上看到一个团购召唤贴的规则,觉得我们可以借鉴 草莓果乐   (4172 bytes , 589reads )
太专业的规则了,必须顶 ruyunruyun   (0 bytes , 410reads )
想起一件很重要的事情提醒各位团长,尤其是海运团长 chmlion   (583 bytes , 384reads )
团长辛苦了 阿宽   (0 bytes , 242reads )
大家继续讨论,然后咱们来商量一下把版规给改了 武汉伢   (173 bytes , 375reads )
crabtree   (0 bytes , 255reads )
我也终于按耐不住了 雪莉bb   (62 bytes , 498reads )
晕啊 这个点我分赃都结束半小时了。。。早知道找你去了 ssstory   (0 bytes , 184reads )
我昨天就想说 可怜呀。可是就是 上不了。 crabtree   (0 bytes , 223reads )
一个钟头?太过分了 babepinky   (0 bytes , 179reads )
一个钟头?太过分了 babepinky   (0 bytes , 183reads )
美团别生气,同拍拍~ thinkapple   (0 bytes , 252reads )
拍拍,别生气 叫我石榴   (0 bytes , 219reads )
团长辛苦了 Annette   (301 bytes , 304reads )
觉得可以参照北美华人换班的规则,对于团长和团员都应有规则可寻。 kellieyanlei   (801 bytes , 529reads )
团长辛苦了。对所有的团长表示感谢和支持。期待模板和版规。 3c   (0 bytes , 187reads )
支持团长,我冷眼旁观也觉得有的行为真的很不好 宫崎骏   (958 bytes , 473reads )
其实质疑倒也可以理解,每个人想法不同, 武汉伢   (349 bytes , 533reads )
牙宝,这个太经典了,不服不行!! xiaozhu79   (0 bytes , 284reads )
这种人都有?太无语了。 flydolphin   (0 bytes , 222reads )
之前也碰到过类似的case,是有点小上火 noise86cn   (1039 bytes , 338reads )
某人该不是那个"NB“de 叫我石榴   (0 bytes , 208reads )
你太可爱了,还记的这个故事呢~~~ crabtree   (0 bytes , 205reads )
这个未免有点恐怖额。。。 cissie   (0 bytes , 180reads )
真NB, 不吃亏还爱占小便宜,以后谁还敢打交道呀 叫我石榴   (0 bytes , 222reads )
真的有这种人莫。。。?V口V MinoMino   (0 bytes , 231reads )
似的似的 crabtree   (0 bytes , 205reads )
讨论模板 789456   (1089 bytes , 275reads )
辛苦了~ 强力支持! 留名   (0 bytes , 178reads )
支持团长,严重理解团长心声 红线   (0 bytes , 218reads )
希望保障团长的利益~ 小妖霖霖   (322 bytes , 225reads )
强力支持团长 fish3509   (0 bytes , 191reads )
团长的确是非常非常辛苦的事情 babepinky   (32 bytes , 221reads )
撑团长~撑改版规~ fatcat7   (46 bytes , 259reads )
支持crabtree 及各位团长大大辛苦了。 coolapple   (455 bytes , 394reads )
支持团长 真的很辛苦 大家都谅解一下呀 跟团长过不去的人真是不道德 有本事你自己买呀 空城   (0 bytes , 205reads )
支持团长 crabtree辛苦了~~ Pasiel   (200 bytes , 239reads )
强顶! 武汉伢   (90 bytes , 342reads )
锅巴真的不是浮云,孩子快来找我吧 crabtree   (0 bytes , 267reads )
另外,楼下mm提议改善模板,我有这个心也很久了。。。 武汉伢   (134 bytes , 281reads )
团长确实很费神 就算是再小的团 都是放责任在团的 nakoru   (183 bytes , 262reads )
支持团长,更要珍惜团版这种难得的氛围 紫羊   (1408 bytes , 633reads )
力挺团长!本来团购就是你好我好大家好的事情,理解和尊重是最基本的! 红麯纳豆   (0 bytes , 240reads )
摸摸版主美团,安拉,公道自在人心,别搞坏了自己的心情 kenny0001   (0 bytes , 250reads )
今天收到11个包裹的小团长 ssstory   (594 bytes , 643reads )
挺团长!~ holidays   (0 bytes , 225reads )
娜娜是好样的,跟了你无数团,感激涕零。。。 akito   (933 bytes , 325reads )
支持团长,团一次太费心费力了 紫澜轩   (238 bytes , 372reads )
做为过来人力挺团长,团长都不容易,团员应该自律 noise86cn   (1404 bytes , 511reads )
团长真的很辛苦! 小妖霖霖   (201 bytes , 254reads )
支持美女!团长们这么辛苦都没有怨言,我们做团员的更应该心存感激啊! qmay   (0 bytes , 186reads )
支持把运货费,gst,团长运费全分摊。 cissie   (60 bytes , 324reads )
支持团长!不容易啊!!! 平凡就是幸福   (0 bytes , 200reads )
确实做的有点过分,大家是因为有共同爱好的才走到一起,有些人却不珍惜,我建议: 小狗崽   (263 bytes , 564reads )
支持美女 kiro   (386 bytes , 289reads )
啊。。发错地方了。。 是跟主贴来着。 kiro   (0 bytes , 196reads )
其实前段时间iss就已经发了一个贴,讨论团长和团员的责任和义务了。 sunnysunnyrain   (730 bytes , 289reads )
支持!建议做个组团的模板。 ivyxw   (1374 bytes , 399reads )
支持模板化,大家讨论完定个些模板方便发帖时用 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 230reads )
顶娜娜。这周末我们一起draft一个新的版规,让大家提提意见改改? SiHong   (0 bytes , 262reads )
或者说跟团建议啥的 SiHong   (0 bytes , 225reads )
力挺crabtree!是时候制定团购规则了!不想看到团购中出现斤斤计较自私自利的团员! 草莓果乐   (434 bytes , 373reads )
天啊,怎么还有人加团不给钱的?这种ID要公布,要不其他团长也会受害的! kellieyanlei   (0 bytes , 208reads )
真有这种人!还好那件事已经解决了,不然crabtree亏大了。 草莓果乐   (0 bytes , 213reads )
可怜的团长,我支持你! Bosch   (108 bytes , 263reads )
晕,谁会为了挣信用卡点数当团长??说这话特忒不地道了.. wangpp425   (0 bytes , 236reads )
话说那点数有啥用啊。。真是!! 塑料玫瑰   (64 bytes , 228reads )
真的有人这么想哦。。连团BGO我都遇上过 喜宝   (0 bytes , 276reads )
我当过一次团长,确实辛苦. 最重要就是心累: 生怕买错了, 运错了,或者弄丢了. 哎! xian0047   (0 bytes , 234reads )
团长辛苦了,顶~~~ 空气x泡泡   (0 bytes , 241reads )
作为一个初级团长说几句 value512   (836 bytes , 442reads )
支持各位劳苦功高的团长!支持制定跟团规则或者模板啥的! 龙之友   (113 bytes , 218reads )
晕,貌似回错帖了,哈哈,我本来是要回主帖的…… 龙之友   (0 bytes , 187reads )
团长辛苦了,没有当过团长我都不知道包裹要自己去取货,给团版提点建议。 chmlion   (689 bytes , 564reads )
说到取货 叫我石榴   (273 bytes , 594reads )
支持分区,说不上来一大段的话,觉得这个建议不错, zim   (80 bytes , 282reads )
支持分区和小团长~ 我住的地方不方便屯大量的东西,小件不很重的话 MinoMino   (447 bytes , 477reads )
要是分区,我可以寄放住南边的。 叫我石榴   (38 bytes , 379reads )
团长管营长、营长管连长、连长管排长、排长管班长、班长管组长 功夫熊猫   (0 bytes , 319reads )
shuodao 叫我石榴   (0 bytes , 335reads )
支持各位辛苦的团长。。。我不是托。。。 叫我石榴   (440 bytes , 444reads )
团长真是太不容易~感谢支持团长~ thinkapple   (0 bytes , 224reads )
支持团长,还想多多跟你的团呢,点进来跟你讲个笑话 明日天使   (70 bytes , 322reads )
团长,我支持你。赞,赞,赞。 789456   (0 bytes , 206reads )