报名pioneer mrt 取货,多谢了~~
所在版块:我爱团购 发贴时间:2011-08-10 14:43

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
已转余额:23.6s$, From:Xian,ref: 6956559317


Be a virus, see the world!
 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
小团drugstroe GNC woding   (232 bytes , 1260reads )
update 5 货已收到,分货开始 woding   (496 bytes , 193reads )
余额已转,报名NUS校内取货~~ rei331   (16 bytes , 177reads )
转63.2,报名clementi mrt 取货,谢谢美团 fish3509   (0 bytes , 180reads )
已转余额,报名Pioneer MRT取货 july003   (37 bytes , 240reads )
报名pioneer mrt 取货,多谢了~~   (61 bytes , 173reads )
update v4 drugstore 已经发货 woding   (74 bytes , 274reads )
貌似来晚了。。还可以下单么? rosemarry   (0 bytes , 164reads )
update V3 请大家转定金给我 woding   (195 bytes , 256reads )
已转定金100 lemon_tea   (0 bytes , 201reads )
定金已转 july003   (19 bytes , 183reads )
MM,能不能告诉下你DBS卡的branch name,谢谢 july003   (90 bytes , 301reads )
团长mm好像这个礼拜不在新加坡   (97 bytes , 204reads )
非常感谢! july003   (24 bytes , 231reads )
mm,已转,谢谢 fish3509   (0 bytes , 168reads )
定金已转 rei331   (12 bytes , 172reads )
定金已转~~~   (49 bytes , 170reads )
update v2 截单 woding   (46 bytes , 181reads )
更新 update 1 woding   (177 bytes , 185reads )
刚也试了一下,果然不能combine了两个折扣了,drugstore最近很龟毛啊!哼唧~ 星星雨   (0 bytes , 221reads )
请问mm,那么你说的buy one, 2nd 50%off的还可以买不?   (78 bytes , 195reads )
可以买,但是没有第二个50%的折扣了。 woding   (31 bytes , 152reads )
行的,麻烦mm帮我买一下吧~~多谢了~~~~   (0 bytes , 138reads )
忘了链接了   (127 bytes , 158reads )
我的单,谢谢团长 fish3509   (201 bytes , 196reads )
团长大好人啊,跟团! lemon_tea   (862 bytes , 282reads )
跟团 rei331   (329 bytes , 241reads )
谢谢mm啊:) rei331   (79 bytes , 223reads )
跟团 july003   (174 bytes , 245reads )
啊~ 果断跟,单子见内,大谢团长哦~~ louisa   (404 bytes , 216reads )
这个葡萄籽算下来多少钱1瓶阿? newlife   (40 bytes , 250reads )
居然沉的这么快 woding   (0 bytes , 164reads )