所在版块:我爱团购 发贴时间:2012-06-14 13:35

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【Drugstore】drugstore.com 8折团 6.15截 NUS/Kent Ridge MRT分 gzhwyt   (299 bytes , 1748reads )
========报名7.11星期三 18:30 Kent Ridge MRT 扶手电梯那边的刷卡处=========== gzhwyt   (0 bytes , 160reads )
=============东西到了,取货区 ================ gzhwyt   (0 bytes , 110reads )
=====报名其余时间联系我自取======== gzhwyt   (78 bytes , 115reads )
不好意思,今天在外面不能转帐,晚上转吧 oliviafeng   (74 bytes , 115reads )
这周时间不合适,下周联系团长自取。 woshiyizhiyang   (1 bytes , 107reads )
====报名7.11星期三 18:30 Kent Ridge MRT 扶手电梯那边的刷卡处(上面自己越线了)== gzhwyt   (51 bytes , 114reads )
报名这个明天早上转账,谢谢美团,辛苦了:) yanzhi   (0 bytes , 119reads )
====报名今天7.11 星期三 13:00 NUS EA一楼 LT7A 取==== gzhwyt   (0 bytes , 116reads )
报名这个~~谢谢 kyoest   (0 bytes , 126reads )
不是今天。 gzhwyt   (0 bytes , 95reads )
====报名今天7.10 星期二 NUS EA一楼 LT7A 自取,请和我短信联系==== gzhwyt   (104 bytes , 103reads )
=============东西到了,账单区,转账后请跟帖,账号在链接内 ================ gzhwyt   (921 bytes , 155reads )
已转。谢谢团长~ QQmsn   (0 bytes , 169reads )
已转 oliviafeng   (45 bytes , 143reads )
已转36.21到posb, ref#9866777849 Wendy_TWT   (0 bytes , 125reads )
团长,我的东西不太对呢。我是woshiyizhiyang,不是woshiyizhiyanzi... woshiyizhiyang   (1 bytes , 119reads )
mm,不好意思,名字写错了。请见内。 gzhwyt   (350 bytes , 121reads )
没问题的,没有就没有,麻烦团长了。已转,请查收。 woshiyizhiyang   (72 bytes , 131reads )
已转,谢谢美团 yanzhi   (63 bytes , 105reads )
已转19.06 via ATM. Ref 4523. xinba   (0 bytes , 120reads )
Up 顺便问一下最新情况 Ficklefish   (22 bytes , 130reads )
下周应该会到了。 gzhwyt   (78 bytes , 145reads )
团长辛苦了! Ficklefish   (9 bytes , 121reads )
好的,了解了! Ficklefish   (52 bytes , 111reads )
团长给我加一个吧,又轻又小又便宜。。。 Ficklefish   (150 bytes , 101reads )
==================公告区=================== gzhwyt   (0 bytes , 109reads )
4. 包裹今天到vpost了。 gzhwyt   (285 bytes , 123reads )
团长辛苦了~~~ woshiyizhiyang   (50 bytes , 130reads )
3. ship出来了,昨天提到backordered的已经cancel了,tracking number 见内 gzhwyt   (386 bytes , 188reads )
赞~ 需要转定金么~ QQmsn   (0 bytes , 109reads )
不收定金啦。到时候等vpost付账或者到货后直接收全额:) gzhwyt   (31 bytes , 119reads )
yanzhi mm和kyoest mm请进 gzhwyt   (143 bytes , 205reads )
那就麻烦cancel ..谢谢 kyoest   (0 bytes , 116reads )
我的单也有几个,打算晚上打电话cancel那几个back order的,不然运费肯定不划算啊 明日天使   (0 bytes , 138reads )
不需要打电话 雾里看花   (83 bytes , 133reads )
哦,这样,多谢! 明日天使   (0 bytes , 97reads )
雾里看花mm正解,我刚刚已经打到drugstore问过了…… gzhwyt   (271 bytes , 122reads )
啊,求美团cancel,谢谢!!! yanzhi   (0 bytes , 92reads )
1.下单截图,大家尽快check一下对不对 gzhwyt   (317 bytes , 149reads )
No problem. Thank you. xinba   (0 bytes , 134reads )
我的没错,谢谢 oliviafeng   (0 bytes , 98reads )
我的都对!谢谢~ woshiyizhiyang   (1 bytes , 98reads )
截了吗? Ficklefish   (199 bytes , 120reads )
mm你这个我也想帮你加的,但是 gzhwyt   (60 bytes , 106reads )
还能跟吗? roadlesstranve   (611 bytes , 128reads )
刚才看,还没就截,等我post上我的单,发现截单了。 roadlesstranve   (37 bytes , 117reads )
跟 centrum 萧龙   (183 bytes , 172reads )
-----------截啦-------------------- gzhwyt   (0 bytes , 121reads )
给团长和随风飘散mm的reference. Annette   (268 bytes , 135reads )
Tracking number Annette   (260 bytes , 156reads )
你们的箱子到vpost了:)1.4kg重,体积1.3 gzhwyt   (0 bytes , 122reads )
太好了。之前tracking里面说4lbs都有点怕怕的:) Annette   (8 bytes , 103reads )
ok.收到~ gzhwyt   (0 bytes , 101reads )
谢谢2位mm^^ 随风飘散   (0 bytes , 107reads )
跟单,谢谢美团。 随风飘散   (554 bytes , 134reads )
跟单,谢谢美美 mamiya   (1101 bytes , 133reads )
mm看进来,加上你的全部单子以后超过270USD了。所以 gzhwyt   (108 bytes , 133reads )
mm, 那请你帮我去掉gnc的那两瓶,我等月初再买,多谢你了阿! mamiya   (0 bytes , 112reads )
重新询问一下 Tenacity   (284 bytes , 125reads )
如果是1-2周发货的话应该来不及了 gzhwyt   (83 bytes , 127reads )
目前是折后约203,230左右截。 gzhwyt   (22 bytes , 117reads )
my order. will take together with VS gbs_lv   (169 bytes , 172reads )
mm,你这个只能跟上一个了。因为前面其他mm已经买了3个。 gzhwyt   (27 bytes , 119reads )
mm,你的这两个在后面drugstore GNC 25 off里面也买上[…] gzhwyt   (4 bytes , 95reads )
我要买的东西实在item有点多,都不好意思让团长帮我一个一个加 小小马甲   (207 bytes , 136reads )
ok,我pm你吧。 gzhwyt   (35 bytes , 145reads )
收到!多谢了!到时候来NUS跟MM拿货 小小马甲   (14 bytes , 125reads )
还可以跟单吗 Tenacity   (276 bytes , 116reads )
还可以跟,但是mm,你的没有额外的8折哦。 gzhwyt   (174 bytes , 103reads )
如果从amazon里选,团长可以帮我定吗? Tenacity   (45 bytes , 148reads )
你看中的是哪款啊?有链接吗? gzhwyt   (85 bytes , 104reads )
Braun Se7681 Silk-Epil 7681 Wet and Dry Epilator, Silver Tenacity   (132 bytes , 174reads )
请问单独一单的运费到新加坡是多少钱呀?weight和volume 是多少呀 Tenacity   (81 bytes , 146reads )
mm,你用这个网站去trace你的东东的价格啊……可以看到历史价格 gzhwyt   (287 bytes , 121reads )
不好意思,刚看到站短,amazon 恢复原价了,只好下次了 Tenacity   (13 bytes , 104reads )
跟单 谢谢~ Ficklefish   (254 bytes , 131reads )
有8折的:) gzhwyt   (14 bytes , 127reads )
完美了! Ficklefish   (65 bytes , 119reads )
跟单 Wendy_TWT   (768 bytes , 150reads )
跟单,谢谢美团~ yanzhi   (1266 bytes , 158reads )
ok. 价钱对的:) gzhwyt   (17 bytes , 115reads )
TT我刚原价买了你推荐的那些东东,就八折了,伤心啊 南瓜同学   (0 bytes , 107reads )
拍拍~~~要么。。。再下一单平仓。。。。 yanzhi   (0 bytes , 103reads )
我买了双份啊之前,我真是想撞墙了,周六才去拿东西,还没到呢 南瓜同学   (0 bytes , 115reads )
再加一个 yanzhi   (286 bytes , 129reads )
跟~ woshiyizhiyang   (518 bytes , 176reads )
ok。最后那个还是有8折的。 gzhwyt   (10 bytes , 101reads )
谢恩!!! woshiyizhiyang   (1 bytes , 110reads )
跟一个~谢谢团长 红秋千   (198 bytes , 134reads )
我的单~ kyoest   (487 bytes , 128reads )
mm, 你第二个是panasonic的,没有8折,而且backordered了 gzhwyt   (27 bytes , 107reads )
好,那就不要了 。麻烦了 kyoest   (0 bytes , 110reads )
再加一单 oliviafeng   (583 bytes , 118reads )
跟一个alpha hydrox面霜~ 谢谢~ QQmsn   (353 bytes , 138reads )
这个还有8折吗?有的话要5瓶 oliviafeng   (467 bytes , 172reads )
好的,都有8折。 gzhwyt   (84 bytes , 105reads )
跟一个centrum xinba   (219 bytes , 120reads )
加一个suncare xinba   (206 bytes , 116reads )
ok, 也有8折的:) gzhwyt   (14 bytes , 119reads )