所在版块:我爱团购 发贴时间:2012-11-12 09:57

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[DRUGSTORE] International Beauty/Baby Skincare/GNC全场8折团(JP分) 小妖   (451 bytes , 2660reads )
ok, thank you very much! flybeck   (24 bytes , 141reads )
跟单,还来得及的话,谢谢团长 Photonics0620   (581 bytes , 178reads )
正在下,刚刚好赶上,哈哈 小妖   (0 bytes , 109reads )
哎呀,才看到,请问今晚下单来的及吗? schweinshen   (37 bytes , 123reads )
international beauty的deal快结束了,最晚今晚下。baby & GNC的,还不着急。 小妖   (0 bytes , 98reads )
时间 violetche   (40 bytes , 144reads )
international beauty的deal快要结束了,最晚今晚下。baby & GNC的,还不着急。 小妖   (0 bytes , 102reads )
=======公告区============= 小妖   (0 bytes , 140reads )
=====公告 6, 到了,分赃通知======= 小妖   (144 bytes , 98reads )
=======自取报名========= 小妖   (0 bytes , 99reads )
这周去马来,下次团长给别的团分赃时候我参一脚呗?一个唇膏,(*^__^*) 嘻嘻…… vanessa921   (0 bytes , 140reads )
报名自取 P莹莹   (88 bytes , 120reads )
恭喜呀,好好做月子吧。 小妖   (28 bytes , 92reads )
自取 violetche   (44 bytes , 142reads )
====24号,JP 分赃报名===== 小妖   (0 bytes , 104reads )
报名这个,跟carters衣服一起拿,非常感谢小妖团长! coffee   (0 bytes , 133reads )
报名,跟Katespade一起 兔纸   (0 bytes , 142reads )
报名周六JP取货 lacey   (0 bytes , 140reads )
报名 婧婧   (77 bytes , 137reads )
报名~两团一起拿~ Stella小苏   (0 bytes , 112reads )
报名周六JP分赃 rosemarry   (0 bytes , 148reads )
======公告 5,运出来了,出账单,大家转帐吧======= 小妖   (413 bytes , 144reads )
已转 to dbs saving ac REF:10301918611 vanessa921   (0 bytes , 115reads )
以下收到, @Vanessa921 @走在边缘 货到了哈 小妖   (0 bytes , 90reads )
谢谢楼主 走在边缘   (34 bytes , 155reads )
报名自取,团长给下地址,还有什么时间方便呢? 落羽绝恋   (0 bytes , 121reads )
地址短了,每天晚上6:30-8:30可以自取 小妖   (0 bytes , 99reads )
不好意思团长,晚上打给你哈 vanessa921   (0 bytes , 132reads )
已转帐至OCBC savings account,请小妖团长查收,谢谢啦! coffee   (20 bytes , 223reads )
已转$6.37, Ref: 10296434860,多谢团长 iamamy   (0 bytes , 135reads )
以下收到 小妖   (0 bytes , 102reads )
转账 婧婧   (82 bytes , 134reads )
转帐 violetche   (186 bytes , 139reads )
已转9.11,ref 10290567414 ,谢谢团长 兔纸   (0 bytes , 129reads )
已转DBS,44.04。谢谢 落羽绝恋   (0 bytes , 147reads )
转了。谢谢团长~ lacey   (0 bytes , 144reads )
是DBS lacey   (0 bytes , 139reads )
已转18.35到DBS,ref: 10287991584 P莹莹   (0 bytes , 116reads )
已转,请查收,谢谢 rosemarry   (77 bytes , 109reads )
@焕 @flybeck share vpost的运费也在这里看 小妖   (125 bytes , 104reads )
已转24.89到DBS flybeck   (43 bytes , 105reads )
=====公告4 都到vpost了,不过还要几天运出来。等运出来再通知转帐======= 小妖   (300 bytes , 134reads )
=====公告 3,共下四单,截团了,查单见内========= 小妖   (101 bytes , 126reads )
google docs 打不开,不知道要转多少钱给团长 lacey   (0 bytes , 153reads )
链接恢复了,可以看公告5. 小妖   (0 bytes , 96reads )
谢谢团长~已转账~ Stella小苏   (62 bytes , 101reads )
已转29.65到ocbc, 请查收,谢谢! daydayup18   (0 bytes , 120reads )
转账 婧婧   (51 bytes , 99reads )
东西都到vpost了,这一两天就出帐单了 小妖   (32 bytes , 106reads )
已经转帐 Photonics0620   (60 bytes , 141reads )
=====公告 2, 已下三单,查单见内,还要跟单的也看进来======== 小妖   (313 bytes , 102reads )
取消订单 小吃货   (67 bytes , 128reads )
====公告1,第一单 beauty 类已下,买baby产品的看过来======== 小妖   (279 bytes , 126reads )
都要的,谢谢团长。 rosemarry   (0 bytes , 143reads )
跟单的mm注意下 小妖   (261 bytes , 127reads )
=====跟单(id/item/quantity/price/link/contact)====== 小妖   (51 bytes , 157reads )
跟单 P莹莹   (438 bytes , 122reads )
我跟的是原价6.4折对吗? P莹莹   (0 bytes , 121reads )
小蜜蜂现在只有金卡的8折了,还要吗? 小妖   (0 bytes , 103reads )
要的,谢谢~ P莹莹   (0 bytes , 125reads )
跟单,还来得及不? 落羽绝恋   (316 bytes , 117reads )
还可以跟,不过没有八折了 小妖   (51 bytes , 106reads )
要的,帮我下单吧,谢谢 落羽绝恋   (0 bytes , 123reads )
跟单 violetche   (1470 bytes , 155reads )
数量 violetche   (63 bytes , 175reads )
好的,提醒下international beauty 的产品网站价格已经是8折后的哈 小妖   (35 bytes , 100reads )
GNC 小吃货   (754 bytes , 156reads )
改单;只要六瓶鱼油 小妖   (0 bytes , 117reads )
跟一个 dover   (166 bytes , 130reads )
@兔纸 @水墨 @婧婧 @rosemarry @lacey @kenny0001 @adg 看过来 小妖   (105 bytes , 162reads )
婧婧   (31 bytes , 123reads )
Yes still want. adg   (0 bytes , 113reads )
要的,谢谢团长 兔纸   (0 bytes , 106reads )
取消单子吧,谢谢 水墨   (0 bytes , 113reads )
已取消 小妖   (0 bytes , 84reads )
多谢提醒,那我后来加上的雅漾卸妆水就不要了吧 rosemarry   (0 bytes , 98reads )
已取消最后一个 小妖   (0 bytes , 95reads )
帮忙取消我的单子了,如果可以,谢谢啦 kenny0001   (0 bytes , 104reads )
已经取消 小妖   (0 bytes , 85reads )
跟单!! kenny0001   (252 bytes , 107reads )
小妖MM,我的单没有折扣,如果没有下的话就帮忙取消了,如果下了,就算了,麻烦你了 kenny0001   (0 bytes , 127reads )
跟单,谢谢团长 呆猫长不大   (216 bytes , 119reads )
你选的这个目前没货,要等1-2周单独运出来,运费恐怕不合算,还要吗? 小妖   (0 bytes , 122reads )
算了,下次再团吧^^麻烦团长了 呆猫长不大   (0 bytes , 129reads )
好像out of stock了呢。。没法团的话就cancel了吧,麻烦团长了 呆猫长不大   (0 bytes , 120reads )
跟单 lacey   (575 bytes , 137reads )
跟单 vanessa921   (208 bytes , 130reads )
跟单在此 ,谢谢团长 rosemarry   (1302 bytes , 138reads )
改一处单,麻烦团长了。 rosemarry   (119 bytes , 129reads )
加一个单 rosemarry   (266 bytes , 160reads )
跟单 婧婧   (386 bytes , 142reads )
跟个单,求携带~ Stella小苏   (561 bytes , 138reads )
跟个单,谢谢 水墨   (433 bytes , 145reads )
跟单,谢谢 iamamy   (216 bytes , 132reads )
跟单,谢谢~ 兔纸   (170 bytes , 149reads )
跟单 谢谢 minnano   (239 bytes , 128reads )
好的,应该是有的,要从我邮件的链接过去才行 小妖   (0 bytes , 120reads )
哦 好的 谢啦! minnano   (0 bytes , 115reads )
跟单 adg   (224 bytes , 123reads )
跟单,谢谢小妖MM! coffee   (403 bytes , 188reads )
跟单 走在边缘   (272 bytes , 177reads )
跟单。 daydayup18   (573 bytes , 118reads )
====提问闲聊======= 小妖   (0 bytes , 108reads )
加州宝宝金盏花 Tianjia   (30 bytes , 141reads )
蚊子咬可以用小蜜蜂紫草油 小妖   (119 bytes , 125reads )
痱子粉 我爱丫丫   (37 bytes , 138reads )
我家买的是burts bee 的baby powder, Talc free 小妖   (190 bytes , 136reads )
谢谢!没跟上八折,下次吧! 我爱丫丫   (0 bytes , 148reads )
团长,waterpik 能带吗? adg   (124 bytes , 114reads )
恐怕电压不行 小妖   (181 bytes , 137reads )