所在版块:我爱团购 发贴时间:2013-04-28 14:48

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洗脸刷 第四批 转账取货分贴 (2013. 四月) linda_hong   (0 bytes , 3039reads )
麻烦老板确认下 Celine0423   (94 bytes , 113reads )
定金重新弄好了,你付余额即可。 linda_hong   (0 bytes , 104reads )
求助@linda_hong 之前跟团的洗脸刷坏掉了,有什么办法可以换么? 小面包   (25 bytes , 134reads )
一年内包换的,但是你得自己寄回去给卖家。你联系我吧 linda_hong   (0 bytes , 122reads )
救星啊,站短mm了 小面包   (0 bytes , 107reads )
美滋滋   (44 bytes , 185reads )
还有吗 Titisee_0611   (22 bytes , 106reads )
有的,有个长期团的帖子,去里面填单吧 linda_hong   (0 bytes , 114reads )
订单里有我把 cuihanyan   (66 bytes , 123reads )
美滋滋   (70 bytes , 180reads )
========取货报名区======== linda_hong   (0 bytes , 135reads )
请问还有其他时间取货吗 我晚上实在去不了 我在pioneer取货 sound   (0 bytes , 96reads )
你联系我手机吧,我家在pioneer边上。晚上时间都可以 linda_hong   (0 bytes , 112reads )
apingping 报名NUS取货 nus一小生   (62 bytes , 135reads )
4。我家pioneer地铁边或者biopolis自取的请短信约。 linda_hong   (0 bytes , 126reads )
我星期二30号回新后才能转账。可以报名那天晚上去你家取吗? 苹果puggy   (0 bytes , 99reads )
可以。再电话联系。 linda_hong   (0 bytes , 112reads )
3。 NUS统一取货:University hall中庭鱼池 下周四 5月2日 中午12:30 linda_hong   (18 bytes , 133reads )
报名这个时间取货 dan2003   (40 bytes , 104reads )
已转账 Cici9141   (93 bytes , 117reads )
NUS 取貨 Cici9141   (40 bytes , 115reads )
报名这个 peanut29   (41 bytes , 107reads )
报名这个 ladybirdbeetle   (0 bytes , 99reads )
+1 美滋滋 linda_hong   (0 bytes , 117reads )
报名这个,我老公帮我拿,谢谢 huian   (0 bytes , 93reads )
团长,偶报名5月2号NUS 取货,到时我老公帮我取,谢谢哈:) 蓝月山谷   (0 bytes , 95reads )
报名这个!一会儿去转账 lemoncon   (0 bytes , 99reads )
周四取货 estellewang   (29 bytes , 107reads )
报名这个 jasmineye   (31 bytes , 158reads )
报名这个~周一去转账~多谢Linda姐~ asssasssinp   (0 bytes , 153reads )
已转14.44, 我的是acne刷头一个~多谢~ asssasssinp   (0 bytes , 101reads )
2。pioneer取货:周五 5月3号 晚上7:30 pioneer地铁站左转食阁边的士站 linda_hong   (42 bytes , 120reads )
报名取货! 乐xixi立誓90斤   (0 bytes , 110reads )
周五pioneer取 whisper   (32 bytes , 112reads )
周五取货 qwertpoi   (20 bytes , 102reads )
报名 谢谢! minnano   (0 bytes , 103reads )
报名取货 猪头的小雨   (13 bytes , 91reads )
+1 冻膜 cathyal linda_hong   (0 bytes , 120reads )
嗷,本来想来报个名 Cathykl   (38 bytes , 113reads )
报名拿货 wuxiyue   (5 bytes , 132reads )
报名!! […] ladylily   (53 bytes , 105reads )
团长求取DRUGSTORE的货。。。 暗霓   (0 bytes , 107reads )
好的,周五晚上见 linda_hong   (0 bytes , 107reads )
报名周五取~ duoduoqiao   (20 bytes , 104reads )
1。需要邮寄的请站短我地址,邮资大概 linda_hong   (280 bytes , 201reads )
====需要邮寄的都已寄出,邮资已经更新在账单里的余额那栏==== linda_hong   (0 bytes , 112reads )
邮费已转 heyrain   (82 bytes , 99reads )
申请邮寄mia2 tks maplec_f   (88 bytes , 120reads )
团长,我只有2个刷头,邮寄好了。 aikhoo88   (98 bytes , 148reads )
Mia2 邮寄 谢团长 明天连邮费一起转 KittyHawk   (82 bytes , 121reads )
团长我地址发你手机了! eyes   (18 bytes , 89reads )
求邮寄我的mia套装和刷头 Rebecca是秤子   (76 bytes , 107reads )
已转~ phoebee   (84 bytes , 110reads )
mm我要邮寄哈 phoebee   (41 bytes , 89reads )
linda_hong heyrain   (100 bytes , 142reads )
==========账单及余额区============ linda_hong   (603 bytes , 187reads )
团长,回国两周刚回来,28.9已转dbs 呆猫长不大   (140 bytes , 88reads )
已转 家有二宝   (101 bytes , 98reads )
邮资 家有二宝   (44 bytes , 115reads )
已取+转余额 猪头的小雨   (107 bytes , 99reads )
已转到DBS了,ref#10867609381 Wendy_TWT   (14 bytes , 97reads )
余额已转 queenwang   (71 bytes , 168reads )
The balance was already transferred to your DBS account. Thank you huian   (0 bytes , 192reads )
已转 S$29 to OCBC qwertpoi   (54 bytes , 96reads )
Ocbc ATM 已转48(含邮费) KittyHawk   (0 bytes , 134reads )
已转 whisper   (51 bytes , 119reads )
已转余额 dbs 57.41 谢谢! minnano   (0 bytes , 97reads )
apingping 已转帐 nus一小生   (42 bytes , 105reads )
已转30.27 to DBS Ref: 10859802625 ladybirdbeetle   (6 bytes , 107reads )
已转:29.68 去OCBC。 eyes   (21 bytes , 91reads )
已转账 猪头的小雨   (68 bytes , 107reads )
已转帐到ocbc ,谢谢团长! 夜未央   (0 bytes , 135reads )
刚转14.99到团长OCBC账户,Ref. no. 2013043001595305,麻烦查收下。 helloalice   (0 bytes , 108reads )
已转DBS!! lemoncon   (72 bytes , 125reads )
已转128.81到DBS 请查收 Rebecca是秤子   (77 bytes , 108reads )
已转邮费6元到DBS Rebecca是秤子   (0 bytes , 86reads )
已转至ocbc谢谢团长 风扇转转   (46 bytes , 121reads )
余额已转,请查收 蓝月山谷   (79 bytes , 110reads )
转账到OCBC estellewang   (47 bytes , 111reads )
已经转账了,ocbc请团长查收~ duoduoqiao   (0 bytes , 94reads )
团长,已转30,from OCBC to your OCBC, 请查收,谢谢。 daydayup18   (22 bytes , 91reads )
已转账 […] ladylily   (81 bytes , 109reads )
美滋滋   (136 bytes , 191reads )
已转 YolaBaby   (138 bytes , 181reads )
已转余额 乐xixi立誓90斤   (31 bytes , 123reads )
已转帐余款 heyrain   (134 bytes , 158reads )
不是18号分货吗?团长还没回坡吗? Rebecca是秤子   (0 bytes , 143reads )
会不会是5月18号呀?我也想知道我的到了没。 苹果puggy   (0 bytes , 113reads )
好的 estellewang   (82 bytes , 152reads )
=======公告区======== linda_hong   (479 bytes , 243reads )
终于到了 whisper   (17 bytes , 140reads )
====旧帖里的单子===== linda_hong   (210 bytes , 236reads )
艾玛、可算到了 美滋滋   (163 bytes , 183reads )