所在版块:我爱团购 发贴时间:2013-08-26 22:30  更多评分:

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Ann Taylor 4折,Yishun/JE 分 雾里看花   (92 bytes , 4225reads )
====10月4号,6:40JE MRT A站台,电梯门口,时钟下面 雾里看花   (0 bytes , 83reads )
报名这个,晚上转账再来跟帖。谢谢团长 lucaswei   (0 bytes , 104reads )
=====10月2号,3号7点Yishun MRT======= 雾里看花   (0 bytes , 88reads )
报名2号yishun mrt,等下转帐 byheart   (0 bytes , 98reads )
报名2号YISHUN MRT,多谢团长 懒小宝   (0 bytes , 93reads )
报名这个~ maylee   (0 bytes , 88reads )
没注意还有个3号,我报名2号的~~谢谢! maylee   (0 bytes , 105reads )
===分赃了=JE 9月27号,platformA 6:30======[…] 雾里看花   (32 bytes , 80reads )
好像没跟团长说在哪取 nana0417   (49 bytes , 99reads )
现在报名还来得及么? 草香心轻   (0 bytes , 90reads )
=========账单========================[…] 雾里看花   (180 bytes , 111reads )
已转,谢谢团长 那那   (76 bytes , 112reads )
已转posb. ref:0322, $58.56.谢谢 lucaswei   (0 bytes , 102reads )
已转至POSB,Transaction Reference 11462240837,多谢哈 懒小宝   (0 bytes , 92reads )
谢谢团长!已转20.04 to DBS,Transaction Reference 11462066350 lucy   (0 bytes , 107reads )
已转账 nana0417   (39 bytes , 108reads )
已转45.48 from OCBC Ibanking to OCBC, initial: Vergiss Vergiss   (0 bytes , 101reads )
已转dbs 239.51,ref 11453934638,谢谢团长~ maylee   (0 bytes , 119reads )
已转 102.34 ref 11445563277 Tenacity   (47 bytes , 105reads )
已转$34.83 到DBS,谢谢! 臭小孩儿   (0 bytes , 82reads )
Transaction Reference 11452676328 lcmm   (0 bytes , 97reads )
已转帐SGD188.84到DBS,谢谢团长 草香心轻   (0 bytes , 119reads )
转账108.03sgd ref 11448234658 谢谢~~~ rainnel   (0 bytes , 111reads )
忘了说是DBS rainnel   (0 bytes , 111reads )
已转账 有靓宝的生活   (60 bytes , 67reads )
=======.再更新======== 雾里看花   (100 bytes , 87reads )
最新更新, 雾里看花   (123 bytes , 97reads )
辛苦团长!感谢~~~期待期待~~ maylee   (0 bytes , 100reads )
=====大家后来的跟单,除了没货都下单了,不过ATL客服发信了。团长需[…] 雾里看花   (34 bytes , 118reads )
===更新,订单处理中=== 雾里看花   (0 bytes , 73reads )
麻烦问一下 有靓宝的生活   (16 bytes , 101reads )
辛苦团长啦~~给我们这么多福利~ maylee   (0 bytes , 84reads )
团长真的辛苦了,一边下单还要一边短信不停的联系团员告知细节。谢谢你! byheart   (0 bytes , 99reads )
团长辛苦了,虎摸熊抱! 草香心轻   (0 bytes , 82reads )
跟单 nana0417   (92 bytes , 104reads )
====4折回来了,大家还保持订单吗???? 雾里看花   (0 bytes , 117reads )
总单 nana0417   (373 bytes , 154reads )
跟单 那那   (428 bytes , 119reads )
请问团长还能跟么? 天边的一朵云   (18 bytes , 98reads )
请问你女朋友还要买吗?我一个人的单不购免运的, zhenzhenbeibei   (0 bytes , 94reads )
item名字错了 nana0417   (74 bytes , 97reads )
跟单 lucy   (339 bytes , 114reads )
跟单 littlegold   (246 bytes , 84reads )
再跟 littlegold   (249 bytes , 107reads )
麻烦团长换成size regular 4 哈 littlegold   (36 bytes , 87reads )
再跟单 nana0417   (62 bytes , 99reads )
再跟单 nana0417   (61 bytes , 119reads )
改size nana0417   (104 bytes , 120reads )
再跟单 nana0417   (206 bytes , 121reads )
4号就行了,6号太大了。 三宝妈妈   (0 bytes , 83reads )
好的 nana0417   (40 bytes , 132reads )
我48公斤,她家衣服一路XS 三宝妈妈   (0 bytes , 89reads )
裤子4号,衣服我觉得你2号也能穿。 三宝妈妈   (0 bytes , 99reads )
跟单 nana0417   (240 bytes , 132reads )
跟单,谢谢团长 nana0417   (87 bytes , 110reads )
最后一件了 faithsasa   (242 bytes , 139reads )
跟一裤子~~ faithsasa   (284 bytes , 135reads )
接着之前再跟一单~~ faithsasa   (1126 bytes , 148reads )
保持跟单 Tenacity   (0 bytes , 122reads )
跟单 荡秋千86   (115 bytes , 121reads )
如果来得及的话我想改颜色——PINK 换成 Lush Azure 。麻烦团长了。 荡秋千86   (0 bytes , 94reads )
想问下团长平时穿S码的,买reg: xxs ,会不会太小?求懂的人回复 荡秋千86   (0 bytes , 90reads )
坐不住了,来跟单了,剁手的节奏 54mm45   (665 bytes , 85reads )
跟单 懒小宝   (549 bytes , 114reads )
再跟一件,谢谢团长 lucaswei   (238 bytes , 89reads )
跟单 有靓宝的生活   (908 bytes , 108reads )
保持跟单,谢谢。 臭小孩儿   (0 bytes , 102reads )
跟单,谢谢 lucaswei   (262 bytes , 132reads )
不好意思团长,号码我改成 Regular M。谢谢 lucaswei   (0 bytes , 96reads )
再跟,这是要剁手的节奏呀~~谢谢团长 maylee   (1027 bytes , 127reads )
继续跟单 草香心轻   (577 bytes , 110reads )
团长,帮我删掉第3件,改为下面的这件, 谢谢 草香心轻   (202 bytes , 100reads )
还有 草香心轻   (642 bytes , 133reads )
团长,麻烦帮我把第4件删掉,谢谢 ! 草香心轻   (0 bytes , 107reads )
保持跟单 faithsasa   (71 bytes , 135reads )
最后一件号码不对?314920 雾里看花   (0 bytes , 86reads )
sorry,应该是size M faithsasa   (0 bytes , 142reads )
确认了。 雾里看花   (0 bytes , 74reads )
我的还保持,谢谢团长 Vergiss   (0 bytes , 105reads )
好的。 雾里看花   (0 bytes , 97reads )
团长尽量短信联系。保持跟单尽快回信。否则不下单。 雾里看花   (0 bytes , 89reads )
团长我那单如果还没下的话就不要了吧 熹微   (10 bytes , 98reads )
好的 雾里看花   (0 bytes , 119reads )
我的紫色和帖子上的这件都保持,等会继续下单 草香心轻   (0 bytes , 96reads )
我又跟来了 rainnel   (167 bytes , 101reads )
===如果跟额外6折,回帖这里吧== 雾里看花   (0 bytes , 93reads )
再跟一次吧如果能成团的话,也是辛苦找了很久的啊 rainnel   (524 bytes , 106reads )
已下单 雾里看花   (0 bytes , 110reads )
下单了啊,团长好速度,谢谢 rainnel   (34 bytes , 99reads )
当然还有几个团员。 雾里看花   (0 bytes , 98reads )
===团长上来道歉了==== 雾里看花   (224 bytes , 121reads )
还是谢谢团长,没事儿,就党省米了~~ faithsasa   (0 bytes , 98reads )
团长,这团是不是取消了? maylee   (0 bytes , 128reads )
现在只有额外6折。愿意跟的可以接着跟。 雾里看花   (0 bytes , 98reads )
省米啦~~哈哈~ maylee   (0 bytes , 113reads )
跟单 茄子的茄子   (106 bytes , 159reads )
我的单 Tenacity   (777 bytes , 109reads )
好像没有写颜色 Tenacity   (42 bytes , 106reads )
跟单 奋斗de饼饼   (245 bytes , 119reads )
跟单。 appleapple11   (515 bytes , 107reads )
跟单 rainnel   (501 bytes , 129reads )
选择JE去货,谢谢 kailun   (0 bytes , 94reads )
团长,怎么看打折后价格啊?怎么我看到的和大家写得都不养呢? uiduid   (0 bytes , 109reads )
你选择发货美国了吗? 雾里看花   (0 bytes , 102reads )
原来如此。哈哈。谢谢妹妹了。 uiduid   (0 bytes , 102reads )
跟个dress lcmm   (105 bytes , 126reads )
忘记发了 lcmm   (178 bytes , 105reads )
====跟单区====== 雾里看花   (0 bytes , 109reads )
跟一个, zhenzhenbeibei   (1728 bytes , 93reads )
团长那个实在等不到4折,六折我也要,不过那个海星项链就不要了,谢谢! zhenzhenbeibei   (0 bytes , 89reads )
妹子,你一个人的订单不够免运啊 雾里看花   (0 bytes , 76reads )
啊,原来没跟上啊,还有人凑单吗?我再瞅瞅还有没有想买的 zhenzhenbeibei   (0 bytes , 89reads )
还来的及跟吗?60% off的折扣还有吗?有的话我一会就跟,谢谢团长了! zhenzhenbeibei   (0 bytes , 84reads )
跟单 草香心轻   (196 bytes , 109reads )
跟单 faithsasa   (1153 bytes , 141reads )
还能跟吗? 能就跟, 关了就算了. zh1125798   (284 bytes , 101reads )
跟单 byheart   (781 bytes , 136reads )
哎呀,我的第3件颜色应该是 Guava Juice 的。如果团长没下麻烦帮我改下谢谢。 byheart   (0 bytes , 145reads )
跟单 lucy   (273 bytes , 127reads )
JE取,谢谢! lucy   (0 bytes , 119reads )
继续跟 tinayang   (269 bytes , 110reads )
再跟 tinayang   (207 bytes , 102reads )
跟单 maylee   (890 bytes , 127reads )
义顺取货,电话 maylee   (22 bytes , 109reads )
刚刚发现跟错地方了。重新跟一下。给花姐姐填麻烦了 lcmm   (285 bytes , 111reads )
跟单 tinayang   (229 bytes , 97reads )
重新填 tinayang   (263 bytes , 106reads )
跟单 Vergiss   (596 bytes , 113reads )
跟单 谢谢团长 熹微   (1814 bytes , 116reads )
跟团 kailun   (398 bytes , 112reads )
你要给我货号。 雾里看花   (0 bytes , 115reads )
货号 kailun   (179 bytes , 135reads )
对的 雾里看花   (0 bytes , 117reads )
跟单,谢谢! 臭小孩儿   (442 bytes , 135reads )
跟单,手机发不了link,麻烦团长按照style number找一下,谢谢! 家有二宝   (307 bytes , 116reads )
只有第二件有 雾里看花   (0 bytes , 95reads )
如果只是这一件有货,就不要了 家有二宝   (30 bytes , 130reads )
占位,回家填 tinayang   (0 bytes , 118reads )
====闲聊区==== 雾里看花   (0 bytes , 96reads )
问一下尺码准吗? lucaswei   (65 bytes , 104reads )
你要看remarks 雾里看花   (0 bytes , 107reads )
尺码问题 lucaswei   (117 bytes , 113reads )
你平时坡上买什么size? 三宝妈妈   (59 bytes , 82reads )
谢谢宝妈 lucaswei   (130 bytes , 102reads )
请问sales的东东有额外的折扣吗?看到楼下团的团长说是6折 Vergiss   (0 bytes , 110reads )
额外60% off,4折 雾里看花   (0 bytes , 103reads )
谢谢团长和楼下姐姐,去跟单了 Vergiss   (0 bytes , 121reads )
如果没理解错的话应该还有60%折扣,那就是折后四折 tinayang   (22 bytes , 109reads )
MM, 不可以在one north 了? gbs_lv   (0 bytes , 99reads )
我换工作了 雾里看花   (0 bytes , 110reads )
JE,一般几时取货。受不料诱惑了。。。 gbs_lv   (0 bytes , 112reads )
周五6:40左右 雾里看花   (0 bytes , 99reads )
伤心ing... gbs_lv   (0 bytes , 104reads )
这个号码怎么选呀?我170,平时都穿L号的~ maylee   (0 bytes , 115reads )
针织的M就可以。T就看你自己,喜欢紧身M,喜欢宽松L 雾里看花   (0 bytes , 108reads )