所在版块:我爱团购 发贴时间:2014-03-29 23:45

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
Item: blouse
Link: http://www.cherrykoko.com/m/product.html?branduid=12577&xcode=165&mcode=001&scode=001&type=Y&sort=order&cur_code=165
Qty: 1
Color: green

item: blouse
Link: http://www.cherrykoko.com/m/product.html?branduid=20471&xcode=035&mcode=001&scode=002&type=Y&sort=order&cur_code=035
Color: pink

Item: tee

Item: tee
Color: black

Contact: 91372140
ID: celia320


 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
【召唤】Cherrykoko 团 huayi   (86 bytes , 1707reads )
我顶~ huayi   (0 bytes , 100reads )
@Celia320,@helloalice, @xiaohuituzi,[…] huayi   (33 bytes , 87reads )
===============分赃时间地点============ huayi   (0 bytes , 77reads )
=========4月18日,周五,下午2:30,clementi ma[…] huayi   (18 bytes , 76reads )
报名这个~ :) magnolia   (0 bytes , 81reads )
===============4月17号周四,中午十二点,NUS central library 前面的校车站===== huayi   (47 bytes , 81reads )
====================转账请跟帖============================= huayi   (111 bytes , 104reads )
转好了~谢谢团长 cucumber   (34 bytes , 76reads )
收到,Utown也可以,晚上八点之后都可以取 huayi   (0 bytes , 70reads )
已转 SGD 168.70 magnolia   (77 bytes , 76reads )
有clementi啦 huayi   (0 bytes , 94reads )
请问楼主 价格怎么样算?都是free size? 你们一般哪里交易?我住hougang 谢谢 coan1121   (0 bytes , 116reads )
我在NUS,可以快递 huayi   (0 bytes , 80reads )
还能买么 WXL   (26 bytes , 105reads )
开团了mm huayi   (0 bytes , 97reads )
新的团 WXL   (10 bytes , 105reads )
再另外一个帖子,不过当时团圆比较少没开成,想过两天再召唤一下 huayi   (0 bytes , 76reads )
恩恩好 WXL   (32 bytes , 108reads )
又开团啦? Celia320   (16 bytes , 97reads )
等这批到货后如果团员够了还可以再开一团 huayi   (0 bytes , 90reads )
团长收到货了吗? Celia320   (25 bytes , 103reads )
还没收到,昨天刚刚收到发货的邮件 huayi   (0 bytes , 91reads )
@Celia320,@helloalice, @xiaohuituzi[…] huayi   (71 bytes , 97reads )
好的 又又   (10 bytes , 104reads )
@Celia320,@helloalice, @xiaohuituzi,[…] huayi   (378 bytes , 123reads )
确定没有九折了,因为手机版付款时的选项都是韩国本土的银行的信用卡。@ma[…] huayi   (84 bytes , 100reads )
好吧 delay 的意思是out of stock吗? magnolia   (0 bytes , 115reads )
今天补货了,已经下单成功了亲 huayi   (0 bytes , 91reads )
好的! 谢啦! magnolia   (0 bytes , 85reads )
是啊 楼主 还能买?是free size ?谢谢 coan1121   (0 bytes , 89reads )
没有折扣也要吧~辛苦啦 magnolia   (0 bytes , 76reads )
大家稍安勿躁,且待我再试着下一单一样的,这回用chrome浏览器可以翻译[…] huayi   (57 bytes , 103reads )
有没有都要 Celia320   (12 bytes , 113reads )
团长辛苦了,有没有折扣我都要,谢谢! helloalice   (0 bytes , 101reads )
截单,去下单了亲们~ huayi   (0 bytes , 94reads )
我的单,谢谢团长。 helloalice   (359 bytes , 111reads )
gen cucumber   (151 bytes , 92reads )
价钱是27000 cucumber   (0 bytes , 89reads )
跟单 xiaohuituzhi   (342 bytes , 126reads )
mm你的白色半裙oos了 huayi   (0 bytes , 87reads )
加一件 xiaohuituzhi   (214 bytes , 99reads )
再加一件 xiaohuituzhi   (195 bytes , 105reads )
再次召唤,到明天晚上之前下单应该有九折,请想参团的mm赶紧跟单啊~ huayi   (0 bytes , 92reads )
关于运费:参照之前团长的方法,按照件数平分 huayi   (0 bytes , 98reads )
Eva_Q   (109 bytes , 160reads )
裤子码偏小 xiaohuituzhi   (37 bytes , 128reads )
跟单 Celia320   (649 bytes , 133reads )
亲,再注明一下size吧 huayi   (0 bytes , 101reads )
只有第一件需要尺寸 Celia320   (24 bytes , 96reads )
55的out of stock了亲 huayi   (0 bytes , 85reads )
那就算了吧 Celia320   (8 bytes , 113reads )
歪楼提醒 cheryl_J   (21 bytes , 115reads )
谢谢mm提醒,我会记得看有没有折扣的 huayi   (0 bytes , 98reads )
跟1件 又又   (200 bytes , 109reads )
再加一件 又又   (185 bytes , 99reads )
什么颜色的亲? huayi   (0 bytes , 84reads )
sorry团长 又又   (22 bytes , 114reads )
继续召唤~ huayi   (0 bytes , 96reads )
占位先 Celia320   (8 bytes , 108reads )
站位~ magnolia   (24 bytes , 125reads )
跟单~ magnolia   (595 bytes , 117reads )
收到,mm稍等,咱们再等等看有没有更多的团圆~ huayi   (0 bytes , 94reads )
好滴 magnolia   (0 bytes , 97reads )