【明日天使团】Amazon 直运71团, 免运费, 凑满就截
所在版块:我爱团购 发贴时间:2014-06-06 14:35

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
跟团条件是团长第一次通知集体分货后2周内必须取货(出国什么的提前和团长说好, 可以例外)。

分赃时间是 周末一次bt gombak mrt or clementi mrt
周六下午west coast plaza。(太大的东西pgp不分哈,小件可以。)

我家自取靠近bt batok, 2 bus stop, 或者science park 1 自取也可以。

只买可以直运的,即在amazon商品页面 (product detail) 有写

Ships from and sold by Amazon.com. (fulfilled by amazon的不买,运费有差别。)

Shipping: This item is also available for shipping to select countries outside the U.S.


"This item must be shipped separately from other items in your order. Additional shipping charges will not apply."

下单之后预计2-3周到新,安排分赃。跟团的可以点“关注” 帖子,省得以后找不到哈。


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 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
【明日天使团】Amazon 直运71团, 免运费, 凑满就截 明日天使   (913 bytes , 952reads )
==================分赃区,============= 明日天使   (78 bytes , 81reads )
辛苦啦! HappyLazyCat   (32 bytes , 96reads )
不好意思,主贴写了2周内必须取货 明日天使   (64 bytes , 76reads )
好的 HappyLazyCat   (0 bytes , 82reads )
@kailun @xiaofan @vanessa921 @HappyLazyCat 明日天使   (2 bytes , 113reads )
========================账单区======================== 明日天使   (125 bytes , 68reads )
@kailun @空气x泡泡 @xiaofan @vanessa921 @HappyLazyCat 明日天使   (1 bytes , 85reads )
款已转去你的DBs账户,请查收。不好意思,转晚了。 kailun   (0 bytes , 62reads )
收到 明日天使   (4 bytes , 73reads )
==以下收到,谢谢== == 明日天使   (1 bytes , 62reads )
已转 空气x泡泡   (0 bytes , 93reads )
已转45.09 vanessa921   (10 bytes , 62reads )
已转帐 HappyLazyCat   (29 bytes , 85reads )
已转账 xiaofan   (48 bytes , 62reads )
========================团长公告区=========================== 明日天使   (1 bytes , 65reads )
1。已经下单,查单连接见内 明日天使   (110 bytes , 67reads )
那算了,谢谢天使 august8   (44 bytes , 109reads )
==========跟单区(id, item, link, qty, price, contact), 越线直接忽略,不下单==== 明日天使   (88 bytes , 93reads )
===========截团了========== 明日天使   (2 bytes , 70reads )
跟单。谢谢! HappyLazyCat   (143 bytes , 104reads )
lotus   (301 bytes , 108reads )
不能买 明日天使   (2 bytes , 71reads )
OK lotus   (0 bytes , 82reads )
忘了说颜色了 lotus   (23 bytes , 94reads )
跟单 vanessa921   (153 bytes , 110reads )
跟单 xiaofan   (380 bytes , 100reads )
跟单 august8   (683 bytes , 121reads )
好像1和3都不可以 august8   (37 bytes , 107reads )
这个可能你回国以前到不了 明日天使   (8 bytes , 84reads )
ASICS Women's Gel-Excite 2 Running Shoe xiaoyatou   (181 bytes , 75reads )
不好意思,改一下ASICS Women's GEL-Lyte33 2 Running Shoe xiaoyatou   (143 bytes , 143reads )
8折不能用,没下 明日天使   (2 bytes , 76reads )
好的 xiaoyatou   (16 bytes , 92reads )
跟单 谢谢 vitaminxu   (827 bytes , 88reads )
寒死。发现把你这个漏了 明日天使   (30 bytes , 71reads )
我觉得这是老天让我败家的一个征兆啊 vitaminxu   (88 bytes , 68reads )
OK 明日天使   (4 bytes , 99reads )
下次开团也通知我啊 HappyLazyCat   (18 bytes , 84reads )
我的单子 空气x泡泡   (455 bytes , 145reads )
跟单,多谢。 kailun   (202 bytes , 116reads )
=============闲聊区================== 明日天使   (1 bytes , 77reads )
@xiaofan @solacui @面向大海 明日天使   (1 bytes , 82reads )