所在版块:我爱团购 发贴时间:2014-08-30 09:59

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
contact no: 93897153,
URL: http://www.ralphlauren.com/product/index.jsp?productId=11094816&cp=1760782.1898624.2636529&ab=ln_women_cs_sale&view=99&parentPage=family,
item name: LAUREN Braided Kidskin Alexa Sandal,
price: $59.00 | Sale Price: $29.99,
size: 7,
color: Black,
qty: 1

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
Ralph Lauren Labor Day Sale, up to 75% off, Clementi enearlyn   (295 bytes , 1302reads )
何时再开团? cajicaji   (12 bytes , 46reads )
==========账单========== enearlyn   (416 bytes , 61reads )
还没到吗? miss-ji   (20 bytes , 58reads )
货送到家里没人,周一去拿之后联系大家 enearlyn   (5 bytes , 58reads )
团长, 请问拿到货了吗? 黄河水   (13 bytes , 36reads )
已转到POSB, ref 13259330494 黄河水   (12 bytes , 53reads )
已转48.95 POSB,ref no忘记看了。。2014-09-16 大约21:00转的 411271082   (0 bytes , 70reads )
嗯嗯,没事,收到 enearlyn   (6 bytes , 51reads )
SGD 40.34 transferred to POSB. Transaction Reference 13251335157 NewOriental   (10 bytes , 49reads )
@miss-ji @411271082 @黄河水 @NewOriental enearlyn   (5 bytes , 85reads )
已转 miss-ji   (23 bytes , 63reads )
疑问 miss-ji   (50 bytes , 67reads )
调整了一下 enearlyn   (175 bytes , 86reads )
恩。 miss-ji   (18 bytes , 55reads )
之前团过RL的来说一下 随白色飞翔   (56 bytes , 54reads )
这个我明白 miss-ji   (65 bytes , 60reads )
請問樓主, 本月25號以前大概能到嗎 FHZ   (0 bytes , 41reads )
已截团 enearlyn   (5 bytes , 56reads )
团长, 我刚刚试了下, promo code貌似过期了 黄河水   (9 bytes , 60reads )
问团长 lavandular   (68 bytes , 75reads )
是的,在跟团那一楼按“回复本楼”,然后 enearlyn   (66 bytes , 69reads )
求问 natalieeee   (50 bytes , 55reads )
上面有写,周末也是在clementi~ enearlyn   (5 bytes , 66reads )
汗…我这眼神儿 natalieeee   (12 bytes , 71reads )
哈哈 enearlyn   (10 bytes , 51reads )
===========提问区=========== enearlyn   (5 bytes , 60reads )
最晚什么时候截团啊? BabeCircle   (19 bytes , 45reads )
sorry已经截了 enearlyn   (5 bytes , 58reads )
真可惜… 还是谢谢哈 BabeCircle   (5 bytes , 47reads )
extra 50%是在sale price 基础上么? echoooo   (39 bytes , 65reads )
应该是我截图的那个网站写错了 enearlyn   (173 bytes , 62reads )
忘了问一下,运费大概要多少钱呢? 411271082   (0 bytes , 102reads )
根据以前跟别的团长的,一件衣服大概5块多 enearlyn   (64 bytes , 67reads )
好的,可以接受,谢谢 411271082   (0 bytes , 90reads )
===========跟团=========== enearlyn   (142 bytes , 79reads )
---------已下单--------- @411271082 @黄河水 @miss-ji @NewOriental enearlyn   (111 bytes , 60reads )
谢谢。请告知怎么给你转钱。谢谢。 NewOriental   (0 bytes , 53reads )
跟单 NewOriental   (277 bytes , 62reads )
跟单 Ivyg   (198 bytes , 78reads )
mm不好意思 enearlyn   (75 bytes , 66reads )
团长 miss-ji   (24 bytes , 57reads )
跟单 miss-ji   (581 bytes , 83reads )
黄河水   (186 bytes , 79reads )
跟单 411271082   (299 bytes , 71reads )