所在版块:我爱团购 发贴时间:2014-10-07 13:13

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item: Richard Scarry's Best Ever Colors, Shapes, and Numbers: Includes Giant Poster and 80+ Stickers! (Richard Scarry's Sticker and Poster Books) Paperback – June 1, 2014
qty: 1
unit price: 3.61 (不超过$4就要)
link: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1438004133/ref=ord_cart_shr?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER

不知道这个可不可以free shipping


 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
【小妖团-Amazon】10月Amazon 直邮一团(JP/ 快递) 小妖   (923 bytes , 2191reads )
=============================order 3 转帐==================== 小妖   (212 bytes , 58reads )
@chennychan @kenny0001 @medison @weareone @ll1985 @angel_tear @JUJUJU 小妖   (0 bytes , 71reads )
已转 请查收 chennychan   (32 bytes , 51reads )
你的到了,具体看账单 小妖   (0 bytes , 51reads )
已转 JUJUJU   (38 bytes , 82reads )
钱已转,ocbc,$13.11 ll1985   (0 bytes , 72reads )
==========================order 2 部分已到================ 小妖   (12 bytes , 54reads )
钱已转 angel_tear   (51 bytes , 68reads )
order 2 到齐了 @charolyn @Congcongbb 小妖   (10 bytes , 58reads )
@iamhualin @ll1985 到齐了 小妖   (0 bytes , 60reads )
============================order 2转账==================== 小妖   (95 bytes , 69reads )
昨晚转到你的dbs了,请查收!谢谢! charolyn   (0 bytes , 56reads )
已转。ocbc.19.44. ll1985   (0 bytes , 56reads )
已转dbs lymz   (11 bytes , 62reads )
@lymz @iamhualin @ll1985 @charolyn @thm8454 小妖   (0 bytes , 95reads )
转账了 iamhualin   (136 bytes , 72reads )
团主,我只有一个音乐狗没给钱,我到时直接给你现金吧 thm8454   (0 bytes , 63reads )
OK 小妖   (0 bytes , 97reads )
=================================order 1 转账===================== 小妖   (95 bytes , 65reads )
#######################order 1到了###################### 小妖   (40 bytes , 46reads )
@thm8454 @小钉 @angel_tear @卷卷_卷卷 小妖   (38 bytes , 58reads )
团长 angel_tear   (44 bytes , 80reads )
下了,11月初到 小妖   (0 bytes , 48reads )
order2估计还得多久到 thm8454   (0 bytes , 59reads )
amazon给的预期时间是29号。 小妖   (0 bytes , 56reads )
钱已转 angel_tear   (63 bytes , 109reads )
@thm8454 @小钉 @angel_tear @卷卷_卷卷 @黄河水 小妖   (95 bytes , 59reads )
神马时候能到啊 好捉急 卷卷_卷卷   (10 bytes , 74reads )
转到POSB 118.64, ref 13398489245 黄河水   (10 bytes , 56reads )
我后来又加了个音乐狗,你之后算出来,我一并给总数你,行吗,连上次iherb的 thm8454   (0 bytes , 48reads )
ok. 小妖   (0 bytes , 71reads )
已转82.75到DBS, ref: 13380948007 谢谢团长 小钉   (0 bytes , 83reads )
==================================查单============================== 小妖   (100 bytes , 86reads )
跟团 scentcc   (238 bytes , 41reads )
下错地方了 scentcc   (47 bytes , 51reads )
团长,已经截单了是吗? 不识趣的小鱼   (14 bytes , 53reads )
可继续跟 小妖   (0 bytes , 61reads )
还没 lymz   (18 bytes , 148reads )
==================================跟单================================= 小妖   (115 bytes , 96reads )
跟团,下团什么时候开? @@@###   (281 bytes , 55reads )
取消定单,跟另外一团了。谢谢 @@@###   (0 bytes , 72reads )
########################截团了, 查单请到查单区########################## 小妖   (0 bytes , 67reads )
第三单还差点,还有跟单的不? 小妖   (0 bytes , 58reads )
那我再加一个吧 weareone   (178 bytes , 59reads )
嗯,好的。 小妖   (18 bytes , 55reads )
继续跟单 ll1985   (199 bytes , 74reads )
跟单 medison   (368 bytes , 94reads )
第一个买不了,不给寄坡 小妖   (0 bytes , 61reads )
好的,就不要了 medison   (0 bytes , 65reads )
item2什么颜色 小妖   (0 bytes , 87reads )
sorry, item 2 pink. 谢谢! medison   (0 bytes , 57reads )
还可以继续跟,再凑一单。 小妖   (0 bytes , 108reads )
还可以跟的话麻烦团长加上我 JUJUJU   (452 bytes , 60reads )
可以嗒 小妖   (0 bytes , 61reads )
还可以跟吗? angel_tear   (249 bytes , 59reads )
可以 小妖   (0 bytes , 78reads )
可以再加一本吗? angel_tear   (273 bytes , 69reads )
好。谢了,转钱通知我啊 angel_tear   (0 bytes , 56reads )
团长,如果这个也是free shipping的就帮忙下单,谢谢!! kenny0001   (315 bytes , 142reads )
跟单 Amazon chennychan   (245 bytes , 63reads )
跟,谢谢团长 :) circlemia   (232 bytes , 89reads )
涨价了,39.3还要不 小妖   (0 bytes , 48reads )
那先不要啦 谢谢:) circlemia   (0 bytes , 97reads )
weareone   (183 bytes , 55reads )
这个买不成。显示不能寄 小妖   (0 bytes , 55reads )
团长我再加一本书 weareone   (243 bytes , 98reads )
加一个 weareone   (276 bytes , 54reads )
跟单 Congcongbb   (103 bytes , 163reads )
再跟团 thm8454   (176 bytes , 89reads )
跟一本书! charolyn   (347 bytes , 74reads )
可以直邮 小妖   (0 bytes , 49reads )
跟单 ll1985   (1361 bytes , 81reads )
remark: 蓝色小狗 ll1985   (0 bytes , 48reads )
跟单 iamhualin   (225 bytes , 98reads )
跟单 lymz   (234 bytes , 69reads )
跟单-crocs 小壮壮妈   (266 bytes , 95reads )
这个涨价了,要不要换个别的。 小妖   (0 bytes , 49reads )
那就算了吧,谢谢啦 小壮壮妈   (0 bytes , 78reads )
跟单 黄河水   (279 bytes , 77reads )
跟团 卷卷_卷卷   (232 bytes , 99reads )
这个请转个定金 小妖   (38 bytes , 81reads )
定金已转 卷卷_卷卷   (19 bytes , 56reads )
下单了 小妖   (0 bytes , 180reads )
谢啦 卷卷_卷卷   (10 bytes , 48reads )
请问这个可以free shipping吗?可以的话就要一个! charolyn   (172 bytes , 60reads )
这个不可以 小妖   (0 bytes , 56reads )
angel_tear   (155 bytes , 58reads )
小钉的跟单 小钉   (542 bytes , 104reads )
跟单 Gogina   (306 bytes , 132reads )
跟团 thm8454   (1506 bytes , 136reads )
==================================提问================================== 小妖   (0 bytes , 77reads )
现在想跟一个单 Vase   (61 bytes , 75reads )
这团截了 小妖   (0 bytes , 55reads )
团长,请问我订的那个剃须刀下单了吗? 黄河水   (46 bytes , 47reads )
下单了,已经发货。估计差不多 小妖   (0 bytes , 58reads )