所在版块:我爱团购 发贴时间:2014-11-05 15:01

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Do you have repacking services?

Yes, we provide repacking services for vPOSTUSA, vPOSTEUROPE, vPOSTJAPAN and vPOSTCHINA at a charge of S$12 per package.

Packages will be repacked if the difference between the actual weight and volumetric weight is 2kg or more.

Repacking will not be done if the safety of the packages is compromised.

Here are some scenarios in which we will not repack:

1. when the package contains leather products, e.g. handbags, purses, coats, etc.
2. when the package contains products with flammable or alcoholic contents, e.g. perfume samples, perfumes, body mist samples, etc. (These products will be disposed off if discovered during the repacking process. Click here to view the list of prohibited items.)
3. when the package is marked 'FRAGILE'.
4. when the package is obviously a gift, i.e. packed in a gift box, secured with ribbon and gift card, etc.

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[东部 share VPOST 30off] nuslily   (389 bytes , 823reads )
请问现在还可以凑vpost吗? showtime1   (0 bytes , 70reads )
可以,请填第2团 nuslily   (25 bytes , 39reads )
@chinalisa @玉树琳锋你们各来了一个包裹,另外一个估计明后天到 nuslily   (37 bytes , 44reads )
团长,团费已转! 玉树琳锋   (132 bytes , 48reads )
运费收到,谢谢 nuslily   (86 bytes , 49reads )
已经从vpost寄出,估计下周尾到 nuslily   (0 bytes , 49reads )
团长大人 小兔子MM   (92 bytes , 122reads )
好的 nuslily   (0 bytes , 54reads )
已经有3个包裹到vpost了,等齐了就运回来 nuslily   (14 bytes , 91reads )
团长大人,我看我的包裹actual weight 3.5, chargable weight 7.7 玉树琳锋   (43 bytes , 63reads )
对不起,没有repack nuslily   (1350 bytes , 159reads )
哦, 团长费心了。谢谢 玉树琳锋   (0 bytes , 46reads )
应该会Repack,这个是vpost控制的 nuslily   (70 bytes , 89reads )
根据vpost网上的信息,应该会repacking,我会试着去要求 nuslily   (897 bytes , 174reads )
10个包裹了,截团吧 nuslily   (21 bytes , 70reads )
还可以继续跟单吗 牛斯塔   (4 bytes , 70reads )
可以 nuslily   (14 bytes , 71reads )
记得update快递公司和运单号 nuslily   (0 bytes , 66reads )
楼主,等10几个包裹会不会中GST呀? 玉树琳锋   (0 bytes , 101reads )
我觉得不会,麻烦资深团长答疑一下 nuslily   (133 bytes , 87reads )
恩恩,那就好,团长辛苦了。。 玉树琳锋   (0 bytes , 73reads )
还能跟吗 小兔子MM   (33 bytes , 59reads )
可以 nuslily   (0 bytes , 76reads )
好的 小兔子MM   (20 bytes , 77reads )
不能填单 玉树琳锋   (79 bytes , 64reads )
刚改了设置,再试下 nuslily   (0 bytes , 70reads )
已经填单了。谢谢! 玉树琳锋   (41 bytes , 62reads )
等凑够10几个包裹就截团 nuslily   (22 bytes , 61reads )
我刚又下了四双鞋。。。 玉树琳锋   (0 bytes , 63reads )
为什么我不能填单呢? chinalisa   (0 bytes , 104reads )
改了设置,可以填单了 nuslily   (36 bytes , 64reads )