sorry 这团被迫取消
所在版块:我爱团购 发贴时间:2014-11-09 22:49

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
加好单子之后没法付款。。。email联系了lush,邮件见下面。改了item到10以下,还是不能proceed。只好放弃了。估计小额的比如up to2kg 35磅这样还是可以团,可是又不退税就不确定划算不划算了。。。团长只需要买个染发块,费了好多时间还是搞不定,真想冲进店里买一块就好了。要是还是团的划算的话,要不大家自行凑小团好了?金额控制在200以下,免7%这边的

Thank you for your email.

I can see that you are attempting to order 25 Godiva and 25 New shampoo bars, these quantities will be blocked from proceeding with an order as our bulk buying policy does not allow for more than ten of each item to be sold in one transaction.

I do apologise for any disappointment caused.

Kind Regards,

Customer Care Advisor


笑一笑 十年少
 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
【lush】西部团 分货在bukit gombak mrt/快递 ssstory   (821 bytes , 3025reads )
12号周五7:30pm bukit gombak mrt可以取的跟这贴 ssstory   (9 bytes , 50reads )
ffz   (8 bytes , 61reads )
@木棉树 @会笑的鱼 @ffz @shuang_r ssstory   (0 bytes , 60reads )
到了 不过少了两个big 330g ssstory   (16 bytes , 85reads )
货到了,可以跟MM取货了吗? shuang_r   (0 bytes , 72reads )
嗯嗯 有空来找我 ssstory   (0 bytes , 69reads )
没有提到的人,就是没下,对吗? cuier   (18 bytes , 65reads )
嗯 好的 ssstory   (0 bytes , 60reads )
收全额 @木棉树 @会笑的鱼 @ffz @shuang_r ssstory   (186 bytes , 66reads )
已转账,请查收 木棉树   (179 bytes , 79reads )
不好意思 肯定是我抄错了… ssstory   (5 bytes , 89reads )
没事 木棉树   (11 bytes , 64reads )
已转全额,TR13623985044,谢谢团长。 shuang_r   (0 bytes , 77reads )
157.88已转 ffz   (23 bytes , 90reads )
好的,谢谢团长! 木棉树   (59 bytes , 93reads )
闲聊。 云云12   (100 bytes , 52reads )
----小团跟这里---- ssstory   (103 bytes , 87reads )
只下两单了@云云12 @小诺 @任我飞 ssstory   (197 bytes , 68reads )
呜呜呜 短袖T恤999   (10 bytes , 60reads )
5555~求带~ 小诺   (18 bytes , 110reads )
亲爱的团长,还能跟小团吗 任我飞   (0 bytes , 86reads )
跟吧 别太多 ssstory   (53 bytes , 68reads )
跟团 短袖T恤999   (236 bytes , 74reads )
查单见内 @木棉树 @会笑的鱼 @ffz @shuang_r ssstory   (224 bytes , 124reads )
能蹭到几个就行。谢谢团长! shuang_r   (0 bytes , 60reads )
继续跟呀 coco158   (12 bytes , 75reads )
查单见内 @木棉树 @会笑的鱼 @ffz ssstory   (235 bytes , 88reads )
好的,谢谢团长! 木棉树   (82 bytes , 77reads )
好的 ffz   (10 bytes , 93reads )
好的团长 会笑的鱼   (4 bytes , 52reads )
跟小团 木棉树   (26 bytes , 78reads )
一定要跟,谢谢团长! shuang_r   (0 bytes , 89reads )
团长继续跟 会笑的鱼   (2 bytes , 75reads )
没有收到你的转账 你查一下尽快转好好吗 周五来拿 ssstory   (0 bytes , 59reads )
跟小团 小诺   (180 bytes , 85reads )
团长,我跟。 云云12   (18 bytes , 86reads )
啊?刚看到上面lz的消息,求凑小团 xxmcinderella   (0 bytes , 72reads )
我的 cuier   (364 bytes , 104reads )
sorry cuier   (34 bytes , 91reads )
跟单 熊维妮   (220 bytes , 91reads )
截团了吗? 熊维妮   (70 bytes , 62reads )
你先跟上好了 ssstory   (89 bytes , 101reads )
重要通知!!!! ssstory   (592 bytes , 111reads )
sorry 这团被迫取消 ssstory   (708 bytes , 101reads )
@云云12 @dan2003 @Wendy_TWT ssstory   (0 bytes , 67reads )
@gshang @ffz @520caolu @会笑的鱼 @naiko @小霜儿 @shuang_r @核小桃 ssstory   (0 bytes , 87reads )
好吧~辛苦团长了~ 520caolu   (0 bytes , 86reads )
没关系 gshang   (25 bytes , 87reads )
好。买不到就算了。 小霜儿   (0 bytes , 78reads )
可以凑小团吗 核小桃   (17 bytes , 88reads )
凑小团吧 dan2003   (0 bytes , 70reads )
请问你们凑小团吧,我想加入啊 xxmcinderella   (0 bytes , 59reads )
我觉得大概可以,我准备买两瓶护发素,比较重,大概都0.5kg了 xxmcinderella   (154 bytes , 76reads )
我想买。但 确定能不能凑到2kg.... dan2003   (0 bytes , 65reads )
@eyes @coco158 @郭襄 @weareone @wolfhjg @dlxlnll @圣托里尼的猫 @小诺 ssstory   (0 bytes , 91reads )
@ziyixiaoxian @木棉树 @flyingsnowjxc @迷你猫猫 @vincent09 @红茶蛋 ssstory   (0 bytes , 71reads )
好的,谢谢… 迷你猫猫   (10 bytes , 61reads )
辛苦团长了~继续跟~ 520caolu   (8 bytes , 93reads )
订单不变。谢谢团长 dlxlnll   (0 bytes , 78reads )
可以接受,谢谢 wolfhjg   (0 bytes , 89reads )
看到了,不改了 是桃子呀   (0 bytes , 279reads )
可以接受 小诺   (4 bytes , 82reads )
@dan2003 @Wendy_TWT ssstory   (0 bytes , 68reads )
昨天没看到。继续跟。谢谢团长 dan2003   (0 bytes , 65reads )
@云云12 ssstory   (0 bytes , 68reads )
继续跟。 云云12   (12 bytes , 100reads )
@eyes @coco158 @郭襄 @weareone @wolfhjg @dlxlnll @圣托里尼的猫 @小诺 ssstory   (0 bytes , 94reads )
谢谢团长,继续跟 郭襄   (0 bytes , 84reads )
55555但是还是比坡便宜吧 圣托里尼的猫   (44 bytes , 79reads )
每100g大约0.5磅-0.7磅 还需要按金额分担新加坡的税 ssstory   (53 bytes , 83reads )
谢谢,我还是按照之前的那个list跟团的 圣托里尼的猫   (14 bytes , 67reads )
按照上一团经验,顺利的话是一周。有缺货什么的意外就不好估计了 更久点 ssstory   (0 bytes , 72reads )
@gshang @ffz @520caolu @会笑的鱼 @naiko @小霜儿 @shuang_r @核小桃 ssstory   (0 bytes , 96reads )
继续跟,不改 shuang_r   (0 bytes , 78reads )
你要和我凑小团吗 ssstory   (115 bytes , 63reads )
露珠大人还可以跟么? literaryBeetle   (50 bytes , 94reads )
团长如果开小团 ffz   (16 bytes , 68reads )
好 我想买一单小的 ssstory   (0 bytes , 68reads )
谢谢团长 ffz   (0 bytes , 79reads )
哭了 圣托里尼的猫   (12 bytes , 56reads )
继续跟,谢谢团长。 ffz   (0 bytes , 101reads )
可以接受 核小桃   (47 bytes , 62reads )
follow~~~~ 小霜儿   (0 bytes , 82reads )
继续跟 gshang   (25 bytes , 80reads )
@ziyixiaoxian @木棉树 @flyingsnowjxc @迷你猫猫 @vincent09 @红茶蛋 ssstory   (0 bytes , 82reads )
继续跟 ziyixiaoxian   (12 bytes , 68reads )
继续跟,团长辛苦了 flyingsnowjxc   (0 bytes , 90reads )
继续跟,谢谢团长~ vincent09   (0 bytes , 94reads )
刚看到通知,还是确定要,不改单 迷你猫猫   (5 bytes , 89reads )
继续跟。 木棉树   (132 bytes , 83reads )
跟单 云云12   (461 bytes , 91reads )
跟单 小诺   (178 bytes , 104reads )
跟单 coco158   (476 bytes , 102reads )
知道了,还是跟吧 coco158   (6 bytes , 89reads )
---下单区--- ssstory   (0 bytes , 136reads )
跟单, 周末JE取 xxmcinderella   (200 bytes , 66reads )
跟单,希望能跟上。 Lydia25   (298 bytes , 90reads )
跟单两个big, 如果还来得及的话 藍花花   (106 bytes , 100reads )
重来。抱歉。刚才可能没回复此楼变成回复楼主了。 熊维妮   (227 bytes , 63reads )
跟单 心海2011   (462 bytes , 97reads )
还可以跟单吗 心海2011   (0 bytes , 71reads )
跟单 是桃子呀   (297 bytes , 101reads )
---停止跟单了---- ssstory   (0 bytes , 65reads )
跟单 Wendy_TWT   (193 bytes , 90reads )
跟单 dan2003   (188 bytes , 75reads )
跟单几个 圣托里尼的猫   (495 bytes , 64reads )
跟单 dlxlnll   (748 bytes , 102reads )
跟单1)Big Shampoo Link:https://www.l[…] wolfhjg   (182 bytes , 70reads )
继续跟,多谢团长! wolfhjg   (0 bytes , 78reads )
加多一样。 eyes   (114 bytes , 91reads )
跟一块 weareone   (78 bytes , 74reads )
跟单 郭襄   (145 bytes , 90reads )
额,,再跟一单,朋友要买~ 520caolu   (156 bytes , 68reads )
补电话 520caolu   (11 bytes , 58reads )
跟单。。。 eyes   (574 bytes , 69reads )
我也忘记电话了。。。。 eyes   (12 bytes , 62reads )
跟单 谢谢~ 核小桃   (376 bytes , 69reads )
跟单 shuang_r   (347 bytes , 93reads )
再加几个 shuang_r   (302 bytes , 73reads )
跟单 小霜儿   (85 bytes , 81reads )
跟单 naiko   (328 bytes , 86reads )
不好意思后面数量忘写,每个都是一个,谢谢 naiko   (0 bytes , 79reads )
跟单 会笑的鱼   (398 bytes , 86reads )
跟单~ 520caolu   (200 bytes , 77reads )
跟单 ffz   (544 bytes , 107reads )
小跟一单先 gshang   (111 bytes , 235reads )
跟单 红茶蛋   (349 bytes , 175reads )
HP 97566119 红茶蛋   (16 bytes , 350reads )
跟单,谢谢团长~ vincent09   (368 bytes , 117reads )
多跟两个,谢谢 vincent09   (179 bytes , 92reads )
跟单 迷你猫猫   (176 bytes , 99reads )
跟单 flyingsnowjxc   (371 bytes , 136reads )
sorry,New,我要Qty:2 copy错了,嘿嘿 flyingsnowjxc   (0 bytes , 107reads )
跟单 木棉树   (484 bytes , 104reads )
不要意思, 之前信息有点错误。 重新跟! 木棉树   (502 bytes , 70reads )
跟单 ziyixiaoxian   (1047 bytes , 153reads )
---提问区--- ssstory   (0 bytes , 110reads )
还开着吗 _Liu94   (2 bytes , 54reads )
为什么回复不了,哭 清山淡水   (0 bytes , 63reads )
核小桃   (29 bytes , 61reads )
昨天试了一下还差一些 ssstory   (67 bytes , 76reads )