[小妖团-Drugstore] 12月 beauty & personal care部门八折团(JP/快递)
所在版块:我爱团购 发贴时间:2014-12-09 10:41

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
收到邮件drugstore beauty & personal care部门八折,凑一单。



*Offer expires 12/13/2014 at 11:59 PM CT. This offer is available only at drugstore.com. Not valid on Arcona, Axe Philips Norelco, Biopelle, Braun Series 7, Crest Whitestrips, Philips Norelco, Philips Sonicare. Cannot be redeemed for cash. While supplies last. Minimum purchase doesn't include, and offer doesn't apply to gift cards, gift certificates, bulk orders, international orders, backordered items, out of stock items, applicable shipping charges or sales tax. Discount will be added to your shopping bag when you select a qualifying product for purchase. Offer cannot be combined with some offers, transferred or redeemed for cash, and is limited to once per household. Void where prohibited by law. U.S., APO/FPO/DPO and U.S. Territory shipping destinations only. We may make changes to or terminate this offer at any time. Your use of this site shall be deemed as your acceptance of our Terms of Use.

取货: 主要还是团长家自取(Jurong point 附近步行5分钟),自取时间: 每天的6:30-8:30pm. weekday午餐时间,周末白天时间可以另约。可以选择本地快递,邮费7块起。如果要快递的话事先跟我说一声,我好留合适的箱子。



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[小妖团-Drugstore] 12月 beauty & personal care部门八折团(JP/快递) 小妖   (1467 bytes , 1866reads )
请问团长 yajiecui   (144 bytes , 126reads )
有促销 就开了。 小妖   (54 bytes , 63reads )
==========================本团到了,今起可取喽================= 小妖   (94 bytes , 73reads )
@zhuzhu2012 @bbcat @yizhou @xiaxinxin @maybeu2 @leongfei @瓜瓜 小妖   (94 bytes , 69reads )
@couchtudou @vivien_min @babyrat @菜鸟来了 @婧婧 @lucaswei @Vase @liugaga 小妖   (92 bytes , 114reads )
约这周五晚上您家里取可以吗 Vase   (43 bytes , 105reads )
没问题 。 小妖   (0 bytes , 89reads )
晚些取 Vase   (61 bytes , 79reads )
=================================出账单=============================== 小妖   (121 bytes , 97reads )
@couchtudou @vivien_min @babyrat @菜鸟来了 @婧婧 @lucaswei @Vase @liugaga 小妖   (121 bytes , 112reads )
和另一个团一起转的账,请查收! babyrat   (12 bytes , 80reads )
atm 转去dbs。谢谢 lucaswei   (0 bytes , 53reads )
请查收 菜鸟来了   (72 bytes , 109reads )
下面几位收到了 小妖   (0 bytes , 63reads )
已转$8.68到OCBC Ref. no. 2014122202374214 liugaga   (0 bytes , 69reads )
今晚回家转 菜鸟来了   (36 bytes , 102reads )
已转143.58 DBS, 谢谢! vivien_min   (0 bytes , 95reads )
转账 婧婧   (43 bytes , 102reads )
已转 Vase   (66 bytes , 94reads )
已转$9.22到团长dbs,谢谢团长 couchtudou   (26 bytes , 88reads )
@zhuzhu2012 @bbcat @yizhou @xiaxinxin @maybeu2 @leongfei @瓜瓜 小妖   (121 bytes , 92reads )
下面收到 小妖   (0 bytes , 102reads )
已转18.12到OCBC, ref: 2014122401333567,谢谢团长~~ yizhou   (0 bytes , 64reads )
已转20.47, ocbc,谢谢 瓜瓜   (0 bytes , 79reads )
已转帐 zhuzhu2012   (41 bytes , 89reads )
已转48.75 到dbs ref:13800181557 谢谢啦 xiaxinxin   (6 bytes , 68reads )
已转账 maybeu2   (27 bytes , 123reads )
===================================查单区=================================== 小妖   (100 bytes , 115reads )
===================================跟单======================================= 小妖   (82 bytes , 94reads )
################################截团了,查单在查单区############################ 小妖   (0 bytes , 82reads )
跟单 九唯   (177 bytes , 70reads )
这个不划算,我有折扣时候买的卵磷脂,一周后到,我通知你认领吧。 小妖   (0 bytes , 100reads )
太谢谢了,最近一直上不来huasing,才知道可以用net上。。。 九唯   (46 bytes , 81reads )
跟单,谢谢 liugaga   (216 bytes , 108reads )
跟单 Vase   (868 bytes , 103reads )
跟单,谢谢 lucaswei   (492 bytes , 67reads )
再跟一单 菜鸟来了   (334 bytes , 77reads )
团长,我是第一次在huasing跟团 yydy   (309 bytes , 79reads )
团长麻烦取消这单 yydy   (17 bytes , 59reads )
跟单 婧婧   (247 bytes , 104reads )
跟单 菜鸟来了   (329 bytes , 82reads )
跟单,谢谢团长! babyrat   (238 bytes , 93reads )
跟单 vivien_min   (1121 bytes , 93reads )
再加 vivien_min   (231 bytes , 85reads )
加个单,谢谢团长 couchtudou   (656 bytes , 87reads )
这个不能寄shop runner 小妖   (0 bytes , 92reads )
跟,谢谢团长 kiki925   (257 bytes , 70reads )
这个是beauty.com不是drugstore 小妖   (0 bytes , 79reads )
跟几个lip balm,麻烦团长了。 couchtudou   (614 bytes , 87reads )
跟单 瓜瓜   (600 bytes , 99reads )
第二个不能shop runner 小妖   (0 bytes , 104reads )
跟单 leongfei   (621 bytes , 120reads )
有可能近期会有baby 8折,好久没出现了 小妖   (0 bytes , 78reads )
跟单 maybeu2   (554 bytes , 103reads )
请说明没有八折的话是否要 小妖   (45 bytes , 95reads )
抱歉,可以改一下单吗? maybeu2   (271 bytes , 82reads )
可以的。那转50定金就可以 小妖   (0 bytes , 83reads )
定金已转 maybeu2   (66 bytes , 107reads )
谢谢团长 maybeu2   (40 bytes , 97reads )
再加一点 bbcat   (2060 bytes , 84reads )
跟单~~谢谢啦~ xiaxinxin   (244 bytes , 73reads )
团长再加一个 yizhou   (256 bytes , 72reads )
跟单,谢谢团长~~ yizhou   (407 bytes , 90reads )
跟单 bbcat   (9591 bytes , 123reads )
item 5 不能寄shop runner,没买 小妖   (0 bytes , 129reads )
OK bbcat   (4 bytes , 117reads )
item 1,2,3,4没有折扣,要否 小妖   (0 bytes , 76reads )
okay bbcat   (20 bytes , 111reads )
按照重量和体积综合考虑分配运费。 小妖   (0 bytes , 80reads )
跟单,团长家自取 zhuzhu2012   (708 bytes , 71reads )
item 2, 3没有折扣 小妖   (0 bytes , 75reads )
没折扣也要 zhuzhu2012   (8 bytes , 84reads )
===================================提问================================ 小妖   (0 bytes , 75reads )
跟单里的选项 Vase   (313 bytes , 105reads )
团长,请问beauty.com的东西有八折吗? 艾嘎嘎   (66 bytes , 136reads )
beauty.com不参加。 小妖   (139 bytes , 98reads )
凑了一下要么不够要么超挺多 艾嘎嘎   (56 bytes , 92reads )
也可以跟drugstore的其他部门的东西,不过没有额外八折 小妖   (0 bytes , 84reads )