所在版块:我爱团购 发贴时间:2015-01-07 07:36

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
Ralph Lauren 西部团 enearlyn   (554 bytes , 1599reads )
======账单,分赃===== enearlyn   (454 bytes , 112reads )
余额已转 wjie0809   (38 bytes , 95reads )
已转15.99 Transaction Reference 13845[…] Ctctcl   (24 bytes , 94reads )
报名1月4日 clementi mrt 分货 指尖上舞蹈   (0 bytes , 88reads )
@依依笑甜 @wjie0809 @Ctctcl @指尖上舞蹈 enearlyn   (2 bytes , 106reads )
报名周天金文泰 依依笑甜   (5 bytes , 75reads )
报名 1月4日 Clementi MRT 分货。S$18.46 transferred NewOriental   (10 bytes , 79reads )
报名 芒果妈   (20 bytes , 92reads )
update: 东西从vpost ship出来了,大概下周末到 enearlyn   (5 bytes , 110reads )
东西还没到啊?。。。。 Ctctcl   (0 bytes , 65reads )
还没呢 enearlyn   (107 bytes , 115reads )
update: 剩下的RL 已经ship 了。 @指尖上舞蹈  和 @依依笑甜 各有一件被砍单 enearlyn   (55 bytes , 104reads )
了解了 依依笑甜   (8 bytes , 80reads )
请问团长,东西什么时候到啊? Ctctcl   (0 bytes , 76reads )
还没那么快能到新加坡。有一件到vpost了,一些on the way to vpost, enearlyn   (112 bytes , 132reads )
好的,谢谢你的回复 Ctctcl   (0 bytes , 80reads )
STYLE NUMBER: 42245756 Regal Navy 藏青色 M号 杠杠她云姐   (74 bytes , 116reads )
这件下了吗? 杠杠她云姐   (12 bytes , 96reads )
======第二单下了,截团了===== enearlyn   (111 bytes , 76reads )
@依依笑甜 @wjie0809 @Ctctcl enearlyn   (5 bytes , 152reads )
还能跟吗? Ctctcl   (0 bytes , 84reads )
可以 enearlyn   (38 bytes , 112reads )
问下,他家码子正常吗? 奔三的小妇人   (30 bytes , 83reads )
算正常吧, enearlyn   (31 bytes , 118reads )
======下了一单了===== enearlyn   (111 bytes , 91reads )
@NewOriental @芒果妈 enearlyn   (5 bytes , 65reads )
已转定金29.99 westlily   (0 bytes , 74reads )
已经转订金$29.9 芒果妈   (32 bytes , 110reads )
======跟单区====== enearlyn   (146 bytes , 81reads )
跟一件,clementi取货 短袖T恤999   (229 bytes , 75reads )
跟单 我爱丫丫   (593 bytes , 179reads )
定金已转 wjie0809   (52 bytes , 59reads )
这件 依依笑甜   (219 bytes , 78reads )
mm 依依笑甜   (112 bytes , 78reads )
跟单 Ctctcl   (224 bytes , 94reads )
已转29.9923 Nov 201413627638981 enea[…] Ctctcl   (69 bytes , 62reads )
抱歉,那件TRUE ORANGE HEATHER不要了,只要白色那件吧 Ctctcl   (0 bytes , 81reads )
楼主mm 依依笑甜   (214 bytes , 109reads )
跟单 指尖上舞蹈   (215 bytes , 103reads )
再加一件啊, 谢谢啊 指尖上舞蹈   (260 bytes , 63reads )
麻烦mm转这件的定金 enearlyn   (10 bytes , 102reads )
定金30 转到你的ocbc 账号 指尖上舞蹈   (121 bytes , 62reads )
跟一单 wjie0809   (163 bytes , 89reads )
无法跟帖 wjie0809   (12 bytes , 79reads )
跟两单 lavandular   (372 bytes , 76reads )
定金 58.19已转去楼主的DBS ACCOUNT lavandular   (44 bytes , 101reads )
再加一件这个T 依依笑甜   (216 bytes , 76reads )
楼主,不好意思,取消这件 依依笑甜   (227 bytes , 96reads )
已转定金16.79 依依笑甜   (21 bytes , 75reads )
那楼主我换这个吧 依依笑甜   (307 bytes , 84reads )
跟单,谢谢团长。 NewOriental   (412 bytes , 103reads )
跟单 lavandular   (230 bytes , 94reads )
请取消这单。 lavandular   (10 bytes , 91reads )
item name 写错了,纠正为: lavandular   (20 bytes , 91reads )
楼主跟单 依依笑甜   (296 bytes , 81reads )
定金29.9已转 依依笑甜   (24 bytes , 87reads )
跟一件 westlily   (395 bytes , 91reads )
发现你选的颜色是没有diacount的得原价 enearlyn   (105 bytes , 87reads )
如果不跟* enearlyn   (0 bytes , 68reads )
团长换成这个颜色好啦 westlily   (40 bytes , 80reads )
跟单 芒果妈   (234 bytes , 89reads )