所在版块:我爱团购 发贴时间:2015-10-27 13:33

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 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
【团购】LUSH大西部团 bbcat   (628 bytes , 2648reads )
这团为什么沉下去了 easy123   (41 bytes , 55reads )
嗯 亲 应该到了 bbcat   (71 bytes , 79reads )
=============分赃区======================== bbcat   (286 bytes , 68reads )
久等啦, 东西都到了 bbcat   (246 bytes , 51reads )
报名星期天晚上JP取货 easy123   (42 bytes , 65reads )
@sophya0919 @BabeCircle @limia @redspider2 @田苗苗 @xiaxinxin @lhh @心海2011 bbcat   (8 bytes , 67reads )
团长 我今天回国了 一月二号才回来 到时候我们再约时间可以吗 xiaxinxin   (5 bytes , 53reads )
可以 bbcat   (15 bytes , 55reads )
@鸿小雁 @寞默 @turquoise @Ivy0529 @easy123 @HWW @Joss bbcat   (31 bytes , 45reads )
谢谢团长 easy123   (22 bytes , 57reads )
团长 easy123   (22 bytes , 61reads )
团长,第一单啥时候到啊?等了好久了额 鸿小雁   (23 bytes , 76reads )
嗯 应该到了 bbcat   (54 bytes , 66reads )
到时记得通知大家喔,团长:) 辛苦啦 鸿小雁   (0 bytes , 71reads )
报名星期六JP easy123   (40 bytes , 55reads )
团长mm辛苦了! 一颗蘑菇   (36 bytes , 84reads )
ok bbcat   (3 bytes , 59reads )
@Joss @彬彬 @marsee @xiaobai8803 @一颗蘑菇 bbcat   (5 bytes , 85reads )
截团了 bbcat   (8 bytes , 64reads )
啥时候再下单? momoleah   (0 bytes , 66reads )
过一阵子吧 bbcat   (8 bytes , 53reads )
跟单啊 lhh   (277 bytes , 60reads )
================转账区===================== bbcat   (16 bytes , 93reads )
已转帐 easy123   (31 bytes , 60reads )
账单出来了, 请大家转账 bbcat   (427 bytes , 68reads )
已转帐,谢谢团长 彬彬   (0 bytes , 87reads )
posb saving 已转44.3 lhh   (9 bytes , 67reads )
已转~ 谢谢团长~ marsee   (0 bytes , 85reads )
已转44.3 到posb ref是15854262003 谢谢啦 xiaxinxin   (5 bytes , 64reads )
已转ocbc Joss   (42 bytes , 51reads )
@redspider2 @田苗苗 @ xiaxinxin @lhh @心海2011 bbcat   (5 bytes , 69reads )
已转77.65, Ref 15903843693 田苗苗   (55 bytes , 56reads )
已转$44.3 到DBS 心海2011   (12 bytes , 48reads )
已转,paylah redspider2   (0 bytes , 44reads )
@marsee @xiaobai8803 @一颗蘑菇 @sophya0919 @BabeCircle @limia bbcat   (5 bytes , 47reads )
已转账14.77元,from OCBC到OCBC账户 sophya0919   (30 bytes , 82reads )
paylah已付款 BabeCircle   (12 bytes , 75reads )
已转33.54至POSB 谢谢mm xiaobai8803   (0 bytes , 69reads )
已转 limia   (22 bytes , 89reads )
@鸿小雁 @寞默 @turquoise @Ivy0529 @easy123 @HWW bbcat   (5 bytes , 79reads )
11月18就转啦,是不是回错楼啦 easy123   (39 bytes , 53reads )
已转入OCBC账户,Ref:2015111905439116 鸿小雁   (0 bytes , 68reads )
已转29.69 Ivy0529   (6 bytes , 66reads )
已轉paylah turquoise   (24 bytes , 75reads )
已转 HWW   (11 bytes , 53reads )
已转OCBC 80.44 寞默   (30 bytes , 69reads )
=================查单区=================== bbcat   (23 bytes , 78reads )
这里查单 bbcat   (225 bytes , 101reads )
order 2 and 3 are done bbcat   (12 bytes , 58reads )
第一单的已经在路上了 bbcat   (10 bytes , 64reads )
=================闲聊区======================= bbcat   (8 bytes , 65reads )
怎么这莫慢啊? bbcat   (99 bytes , 64reads )
跟单 sophya0919   (426 bytes , 87reads )
====================跟单区================= bbcat   (8 bytes , 75reads )
跟单 fancyfancy   (297 bytes , 52reads )
sorry meimei bbcat   (27 bytes , 73reads )
跟单 心海2011   (192 bytes , 66reads )
i can only squeeze in 1 karma komba bbcat   (63 bytes , 71reads )
好的 心海2011   (8 bytes , 53reads )
跟单 xiaxinxin   (211 bytes , 61reads )
跟单 田苗苗   (493 bytes , 49reads )
跟一个 redspider2   (105 bytes , 51reads )
跟单 limia   (279 bytes , 93reads )
跟单 sophya0919   (144 bytes , 70reads )
ok got it bbcat   (2 bytes , 56reads )
跟单啊跟单 BabeCircle   (433 bytes , 63reads )
跟单 一颗蘑菇   (551 bytes , 80reads )
ok, got it bbcat   (28 bytes , 57reads )
跟单 xiaobai8803   (365 bytes , 56reads )
one of it is out of stock bbcat   (37 bytes , 58reads )
好的,那可以帮我换成下面这个嘛, 谢谢啦~ xiaobai8803   (93 bytes , 53reads )
跟单 彬彬   (316 bytes , 72reads )
最后一个是NEW SHAMPOO BAR? bbcat   (8 bytes , 55reads )
是new.谢谢 彬彬   (0 bytes , 66reads )
your price is not right bbcat   (57 bytes , 67reads )
我照发上次的,按新价格,我要。谢谢 彬彬   (0 bytes , 52reads )
占位 晚上回去跟 marsee   (0 bytes , 106reads )
跟单 marsee   (1249 bytes , 111reads )
squeak greenshi没找到 bbcat   (43 bytes , 93reads )
嗯、换一个soak and float marsee   (13 bytes , 102reads )
your contact number? bbcat   (5 bytes , 74reads )
如果还没截团麻烦团长加上我哈~ Joss   (364 bytes , 78reads )
the last item will be in order 2 bbcat   (70 bytes , 76reads )
好的没问题哈 Joss   (0 bytes , 75reads )
跟单 HWW   (40 bytes , 81reads )
跟单 easy123   (33 bytes , 74reads )
跟单 Ivy0529   (203 bytes , 83reads )
跟單 終於有團長可以下hair cream了 謝謝 turquoise   (221 bytes , 85reads )
这是我的单楼 寞默   (170 bytes , 90reads )
跟小红帽2块,多谢团长 鸿小雁   (91 bytes , 94reads )
跟单 寞默   (94 bytes , 110reads )
这个我就忽略咯 bbcat   (10 bytes , 74reads )