@mrgary 看进来~
所在版块:我爱团购 发贴时间:2016-03-02 20:43

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
那个大豆异黄酮 一直没有收到 我就发邮件去问 结果GNC说是在路上丢了。。。 可以重新寄也可以退款
你看看是想重新寄还是退款呢? 我再给GNC回复 =)
不过就这一瓶寄的话 运费会蛮贵的
大豆异黄酮前段时间买多买了几瓶 有现货 如果需要的话 可以认领哒 =)
We appreciate your inquiry and would be happy to assist you. Please accept our apologies for your shipment being lost in transit on your order #4418776716. We are able to offer you two options and would be happy to do whichever is most convenient for you.

If you would still like to receive the order, we will reship it to you. The reship will process in 3-5 business days and will then ship out in 1-3 business days. When choosing this option, please verify the shipping address on the order in your reply.

If you no longer want the order, we will process a refund via the original method of payment. The refund will process in 3-5 business days, at which time you will be notified via email. If you purchased using PayPal, please note that the refund can take up to 30 days.

Please reply to this email letting us know which you would prefer, and we will see that it is taken care of. We appreciate your assistance and patience as we attempt to correct the error.

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
GNC 买一送一叠加金卡团 (Jan 13) 月底前可到 NUS/KR/dover/clementi/JE/快递 QQ^_^   (1063 bytes , 1793reads )
======Jan 27 买一送一叠加满100减20折扣, 另有特价鱼油triflex现货可以认领 ==== QQ^_^   (425 bytes , 76reads )
团长 依米   (58 bytes , 37reads )
这个现货只有120粒大瓶的 QQ^_^   (44 bytes , 49reads )
那个大的吃着太痛苦了 依米   (50 bytes , 40reads )
好滴 木问题 QQ^_^   (21 bytes , 39reads )
好的 依米   (2 bytes , 39reads )
=========GNC官网又有半价优惠了 需要跟单的可以跟哈================= QQ^_^   (102 bytes , 52reads )
======查单区==================== QQ^_^   (154 bytes , 41reads )
@mrgary QQ^_^   (115 bytes , 31reads )
@mrgary 看进来~ QQ^_^   (1213 bytes , 29reads )
恩,好的,那就直接认领你的吧 mrgary   (20 bytes , 47reads )
好哒 QQ^_^   (210 bytes , 35reads )
好的 mrgary   (22 bytes , 40reads )
@夏泽 @abcddcba @ddbb5 @小妖霖霖 QQ^_^   (245 bytes , 40reads )
现在报名明天中午12点JE mrt~~~(不知道还来不来得及) 小妖霖霖   (49 bytes , 42reads )
好哒 收到啦 可以哒 QQ^_^   (51 bytes , 39reads )
已经paylah了,谢谢团长 小妖霖霖   (6 bytes , 40reads )
===截团了哈 ==== QQ^_^   (12 bytes , 36reads )
跟单 小妖霖霖   (154 bytes , 51reads )
现货出光了。。。这个有12美元一盒的时候 QQ^_^   (198 bytes , 36reads )
ok吧 小妖霖霖   (14 bytes , 51reads )
团长,半价的订单大概几时会到坡呢? _丁卯卯   (5 bytes , 66reads )
今天下 估计是2月1号到吧 QQ^_^   (118 bytes , 30reads )
啊,我是想过年带回国的。。 _丁卯卯   (98 bytes , 59reads )
有 新版鱼油120粒的25, 60粒的13, triflex 120粒的25,卵磷脂有 QQ^_^   (175 bytes , 45reads )
谢团长,但是现在人在国内,打不开google doc.. _丁卯卯   (14 bytes , 60reads )
站短你了哦 QQ^_^   (45 bytes , 46reads )
BACKORDERED的还可以下么 mrgary   (18 bytes , 43reads )
backorder可以下 QQ^_^   (88 bytes , 36reads )
好的,多谢,那我跟单 mrgary   (1426 bytes , 38reads )
好滴 木问题 麻烦转订金 QQ^_^   (53 bytes , 33reads )
已转,多谢 mrgary   (10 bytes , 38reads )
跟单, ddbb5   (520 bytes , 60reads )
这个补单 QQ^_^   (325 bytes , 61reads )
所以triflex到底是要现货还是跟团呢? QQ^_^   (91 bytes , 39reads )
跟单 abcddcba   (22 bytes , 47reads )
好哦 没问题 QQ^_^   (42 bytes , 38reads )
已转 abcddcba   (5 bytes , 46reads )
好的 收到 QQ^_^   (14 bytes , 36reads )
跟单 夏泽   (386 bytes , 68reads )
好哒 收到 有半价 QQ^_^   (114 bytes , 40reads )
已转 夏泽   (99 bytes , 74reads )
楼主,刚看到。还可以买么?钙片和DHA ccxfxf   (0 bytes , 59reads )
可以买 但买一送一的优惠已经木有了哦 QQ^_^   (50 bytes , 34reads )
有没有便宜的现货。我需要孕妇吃的钙片和DHA ccxfxf   (0 bytes , 42reads )
有的哈 QQ^_^   (19 bytes , 34reads )
=============查单区============= QQ^_^   (145 bytes , 44reads )
@HT @flyatlast @柳_29 @ratealababa @自由落体 @qingyi @Lily1987 QQ^_^   (540 bytes , 35reads )
Latest Available Balance S$25,069.56 Transaction Reference Number 16391930991 柳_29   (38 bytes , 48reads )
哇 好多钱 QQ^_^   (23 bytes , 29reads )
哎呀呀 柳_29   (28 bytes , 53reads )
已转sgd26.1 lily1987   (94 bytes , 38reads )
哦。。原来要分大小写 哈哈 QQ^_^   (11 bytes , 33reads )
余额已转,33.17,请查收。 qingyi   (54 bytes , 51reads )
好滴 QQ^_^   (94 bytes , 32reads )
明天吧,周五 qingyi   (34 bytes , 53reads )
好哒 没问题 QQ^_^   (70 bytes , 31reads )
感谢团长 flyatlast   (77 bytes , 58reads )
收到~ 表客气 QQ^_^   (15 bytes , 37reads )
团长这个单子没开权限。。。 lily1987   (16 bytes , 37reads )
囧 谢谢提醒 哈哈 QQ^_^   (27 bytes , 35reads )
follow wanweilove   (232 bytes , 45reads )
啊 120粒三倍鱼油我有 不用下哈 25新一瓶 QQ^_^   (42 bytes , 34reads )
====优惠结束啦 有小鱼油13新 triflex 120粒 25新可以认领==== QQ^_^   (52 bytes , 50reads )
跟单,请问30号以前能到新吗? salomechen   (279 bytes , 44reads )
啊 已经截团了 优惠没有了 不过你要的这些都有现货 QQ^_^   (104 bytes , 32reads )
需要现货 zhou0234   (121 bytes , 47reads )
我发你短信了哦 QQ^_^   (27 bytes , 45reads )
trfilex 120粒的 26新 i want this 瓶子爱朱雀   (139 bytes , 57reads )
triflex coq都还有 QQ^_^   (18 bytes , 33reads )
how many you have ?Q10 (message me, can meet when you free) 瓶子爱朱雀   (0 bytes , 44reads )
好哒!求认领! salomechen   (60 bytes , 36reads )
好滴哦 下周吧? QQ^_^   (118 bytes , 41reads )
电话酒吧旧物六零无异 salomechen   (16 bytes , 50reads )
贴单 QQ^_^   (201 bytes , 41reads )
@Lily1987 跟单 QQ^_^   (248 bytes , 43reads )
nus 跟 苏堤一声春晓   (64 bytes , 55reads )
改为认领现货 QQ^_^   (10 bytes , 48reads )
贴单 QQ^_^   (566 bytes , 39reads )
跟单 qingyi   (244 bytes , 51reads )
忘记写price了 qingyi   (53 bytes , 53reads )
订金已转 qingyi   (60 bytes , 57reads )
好哒 收到40 QQ^_^   (19 bytes , 33reads )
不好意思 我的请取消 暂时不买了 优雅人生   (30 bytes , 54reads )
再跟一单 优雅人生   (161 bytes , 65reads )
果断跟 优雅人生   (0 bytes , 54reads )
@ratealababa 跟单 QQ^_^   (419 bytes , 44reads )
已转 alababa   (22 bytes , 49reads )
你好 那个Saw Palmetto 没货了 QQ^_^   (94 bytes , 40reads )
@自由落体 跟 QQ^_^   (311 bytes , 40reads )
跟单 柳_29   (101 bytes , 46reads )
订金20已转 柳_29   (24 bytes , 56reads )
订金收到了哦 QQ^_^   (13 bytes , 48reads )
留电话…… 柳_29   (13 bytes , 49reads )
跟一单,谢谢。 flyatlast   (210 bytes , 57reads )
好哒 收到 QQ^_^   (75 bytes , 39reads )
团长,我的跟上了不? flyatlast   (10 bytes , 51reads )
都跟上啦 已经运出来啦 QQ^_^   (27 bytes , 32reads )
多谢多谢! flyatlast   (0 bytes , 47reads )
已转 flyatlast   (32 bytes , 57reads )
@HanyuInSG QQ^_^   (43 bytes , 54reads )
谢谢楼主提醒^_^ HanyuInSG   (28 bytes , 34reads )
HT   (252 bytes , 42reads )
是哒 QQ^_^   (34 bytes , 48reads )
=======团长公告区============ QQ^_^   (11 bytes , 35reads )
团长么么哒 柳_29   (59 bytes , 45reads )
差不多 应该是今明两天到吧 QQ^_^   (17 bytes , 44reads )
谢谢! 柳_29   (40 bytes , 55reads )
triflex sports 240粒的有超低价,到手估计35新不到一瓶 QQ^_^   (69 bytes , 56reads )
楼主卧可以换这个240粒的么,不要120粒的了,换成这个2瓶。另外还要鱼油 ddbb5   (129 bytes , 63reads )
这个240粒的没买到啊 QQ^_^   (51 bytes , 32reads )
不好意思,好像跟错贴了 ddbb5   (32 bytes , 54reads )