所在版块:我爱团购 发贴时间:2016-04-26 18:12

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
Item: Stress Relief Eye Mask 
Item link: http://www.ishopchangi.com/BrandsFrame/ESTEELAUDER/ProductDetails.aspx?groupId=1938&brandID=610&langType=en-US
Quantity: 1 
Price: 33.52
Contact: 团长有。。

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
ishopchangi 机场多款8折特价,挺给力的, NUS/KR/dover/clementi/JE/快递 QQ^_^   (611 bytes , 2867reads )
===东西都拿到啦 请大家报名取货哈=== QQ^_^   (16 bytes , 43reads )
这周日中午12点 jurong east mrt QQ^_^   (0 bytes , 30reads )
报名 Ivyg   (19 bytes , 38reads )
这周日中午11点40 clementi mrt QQ^_^   (0 bytes , 38reads )
报名这个~ Paopao   (0 bytes , 54reads )
报名这个 babyface宁   (0 bytes , 38reads )
报名 plam1234   (52 bytes , 48reads )
周六没有集体分货哦 QQ^_^   (16 bytes , 29reads )
报名这个 198x   (11 bytes , 32reads )
报名这个 刚刚paylah转了钱 半夏微凉   (21 bytes , 43reads )
报名这个 谢谢 85Apple   (0 bytes , 41reads )
周四中午 11点半 science canteen 分货 QQ^_^   (64 bytes , 39reads )
报名,Advanced Night Repair Face and Ey[…] 寞默   (40 bytes , 33reads )
报名,也帮寞默mm取 gzhwyt   (4 bytes , 44reads )
这周三 5月4号 晚上六点半kent ridge mrt 分货 QQ^_^   (34 bytes , 35reads )
Advanced Night Repair Face and Eye -[…] 于默然   (28 bytes , 33reads )
报名这个 Advanced Night Repair Face and[…] 于默然   (34 bytes , 31reads )
资生堂美白精华 QQ^_^   (0 bytes , 26reads )
报名这个。。。 lily1987   (37 bytes , 34reads )
已经转账啦,SGD 33.52. 请注意查收。谢团长 xingxingxing   (0 bytes , 36reads )
===mark下 ,下面的都下单了哈,SKII的美白精华又补货了=== QQ^_^   (85 bytes , 45reads )
已转sgd154.16 via OCBC lily1987   (113 bytes , 35reads )
复制一份 石头mm   (1340 bytes , 75reads )
在跟个ANR精华加眼霜囤着吧 lily1987   (230 bytes , 35reads )
团长,如果还方便的话,请帮忙买只口红。 daydayup18   (226 bytes , 46reads )
好哒 已经买了哈 QQ^_^   (29 bytes , 37reads )
多谢团长,已经转账了。 daydayup18   (0 bytes , 35reads )
还可以带吗?如果可以的话帮我带这个,谢谢~~~ x小猫   (192 bytes , 45reads )
可以帮带的 QQ^_^   (72 bytes , 37reads )
没有问题。。 x小猫   (14 bytes , 38reads )
还能带吗团长?我要跟雅诗兰黛眼膜,谢团长 xingxingxing   (195 bytes , 46reads )
可以哒 没问题 QQ^_^   (16 bytes , 38reads )
跟单 Fantasylx   (277 bytes , 39reads )
请问是现在网站价格再8折吗? 短袖T恤999   (177 bytes , 45reads )
不是 QQ^_^   (12 bytes , 39reads )
那先不要了 短袖T恤999   (4 bytes , 41reads )
现在还可以跟吗 plam1234   (270 bytes , 41reads )
不好意思 电话留错了 plam1234   (15 bytes , 37reads )
嗯 可以哒 QQ^_^   (31 bytes , 45reads )
弱问单子下了吗 plam1234   (30 bytes , 52reads )
我昨天就下了哈 QQ^_^   (40 bytes , 37reads )
已转 plam1234   (41 bytes , 55reads )
已转419.84到posb aaalei   (4 bytes , 40reads )
dover road跟! miachung   (215 bytes , 38reads )
再跟一个雅诗兰黛套 198x   (238 bytes , 41reads )
跟单 于默然   (200 bytes , 50reads )
跟神仙水 198x   (220 bytes , 38reads )
跟单 85Apple   (286 bytes , 50reads )
跟单 aaalei   (436 bytes , 46reads )
===神仙水那个太重了 下面已经下了三套了 后面的不再带了哈 其他还可以跟团的=== QQ^_^   (21 bytes , 44reads )
===算了 我坐出租车回来吧。。 大家想跟神仙水的话还是可以跟哈。。。=== QQ^_^   (39 bytes , 46reads )
跟单,谢谢团长 gzhwyt   (168 bytes , 55reads )
跟单 qiqi714   (315 bytes , 61reads )
跟单 Ivyg   (423 bytes , 44reads )
请问这比美罗8折还便宜么? 还是查不多? uiduid   (0 bytes , 53reads )
我没去美罗买过 QQ^_^   (19 bytes , 43reads )
谢谢楼主 Paopao   (206 bytes , 54reads )
danzulu   (180 bytes , 45reads )
这次只是特定款式打折哈 折后价已经在页面上显示了 QQ^_^   (47 bytes , 42reads )
要吧 danzulu   (28 bytes , 31reads )
麻烦转全额哈 QQ^_^   (16 bytes , 32reads )
已转 danzulu   (23 bytes , 36reads )
danzulu   (10 bytes , 33reads )
跟单 babyface宁   (106 bytes , 44reads )
跟单! vincent09   (176 bytes , 44reads )
跟个 vincent09   (165 bytes , 79reads )
跟一个 寞默   (256 bytes , 44reads )
哇 教科书式的模板 宝萝剥   (26 bytes , 44reads )
哈哈哈 QQ^_^   (31 bytes , 36reads )
跟一个 半夏微凉   (187 bytes , 52reads )
求带雅思兰黛眼膜 lily1987   (200 bytes , 40reads )
====团长公告区==== QQ^_^   (109 bytes , 51reads )
楼主还可以跟单吗? Melodyleft   (60 bytes , 51reads )
我多下一套神奇水。 已站短。 小华华   (0 bytes , 56reads )
不好意思 神仙水不带了 QQ^_^   (26 bytes , 36reads )
好的 Melodyleft   (4 bytes , 39reads )
===查单区=== QQ^_^   (184 bytes , 64reads )
已转200.16 企鹅仔仔   (17 bytes , 28reads )
已转 198x   (6 bytes , 44reads )
亲 请问啥时候给我转的? QQ^_^   (34 bytes , 36reads )
update一下 198x   (32 bytes , 36reads )
恩恩 收到那 QQ^_^   (28 bytes , 39reads )
好吧 我转错了~~~ 198x   (37 bytes , 35reads )
啊啊啊 198x   (64 bytes , 45reads )
已转 谢谢 85Apple   (0 bytes , 33reads )
已转 miachung   (16 bytes , 33reads )
转好啦 265.68,谢谢团长! vincent09   (0 bytes , 35reads )
@Ivyg @qiqi714 @gzhwyt @aaalei @企鹅仔仔 QQ^_^   (91 bytes , 39reads )
已转paylah gzhwyt   (8 bytes , 39reads )
已转419.94 Ivyg   (24 bytes , 37reads )
下单更新区 @lily1987 @半夏微凉 @寞默 @babyface宁 @Paopao QQ^_^   (100 bytes , 41reads )
已转154.16 到POSB 多谢多谢 寞默   (0 bytes , 38reads )
已转33.52sgd via OCBC lily1987   (35 bytes , 40reads )
哭哭,哈哈,还是谢谢亲爱的 vincent09   (0 bytes , 38reads )
由于有可能缺货。。 所以请大家在我确认下单后再转订金哈 QQ^_^   (44 bytes , 40reads )